I'm A Fantastic Beasts Master At Hogwarts

Chapter Nineteen The First Fantastic Beast (23)

In the small world, Li Xuan also built a house for himself, which is similar to No. 8 Privet Drive outside, but it is just an enlarged version.

By the way, since we talked about the construction of the small world earlier, let's talk about the structure of the small world. From north to south, it is roughly icebergs, lakes, forests, grasslands, and volcanoes.

And Li Xuan's villa is built near the dividing line between the lake and the forest, so it can be called a real lake-view house.

When Li Xuan was about to enter his villa, several creatures that looked like snakes and birds flew over in the air. Seeing them, Li Xuan stopped with a smile.

These big blue and green guys are the first magical animal in Li Xuan's small world, the bird and snake!

The five birds and snakes in front of him were harvested by Li Xuan from the bag of the black wizard Rawen Keluo.

The eggs of bird snakes are made of the purest, soft-mouthed silver, so their eggs will be coveted by greedy wizards, so it is very normal to harvest eggs of bird snakes here.

These five little guys can be said to dominate the small world, and no one cares about them if there are any natural enemies. They are all ordinary creatures here.

What kind of cows, sheep, pigs, birds, etc., if the birds and snakes don't eat these things, there may not be enough for them to eat.

Looking at the thing that landed towards me, it has wings, two legs, and a bird's head, but it has a slim and slender body like a snake, and the whole body is covered with feathers, which is why it is called a bird snake. reason.

Anyway, Li Xuan also discovered that in the world of Hogwarts, especially the magical animals in the western world, many of them are a mixture of several kinds of animals.

It should be said that they were all created by the hybridization of those wizards in the past. This bird and snake is the most classic, and isn't it the same with the basilisk that ravaged Hogwarts two years later?

The black wizard, called Helbo the Despicable, hatched the eggs under the body of the toad and got the basilisk.

Look, typical example.


From afar, I saw Li Xuan's birds and snakes screaming happily. The body, which was originally more than ten meters long, was the size of a bucket. When it got close to Li Xuan, its body gradually became smaller, and finally became a body only 20 to 30 centimeters long. little snake.

There is no way, with that body type just now, Li Xuan can't stop it even if it comes over with one, and it is said to be five, it is best to keep this miniature shape, that is, the appearance of a newborn.

That is to say, here in Li Xuan, he was able to grow so strong just one year after he was born. First, the environment here is good, not to say that the mountains and rivers are beautiful, but the aura is abundant, otherwise these little guys would not be so smart.

The second is that there is enough food. Generally speaking, birds and snakes feed on mice and birds, but Li Xuan thinks that mice have too many bacteria and are dirty. Even Li Xuan, the bamboo rat and mountain rat I like it, so I didn't make it into the small world.

The main reason is that there are no corresponding predators here. For this kind of creature that is easy to flood, Li Xuan still has considerations.

But there were no mice, so Li Xuan introduced rabbits. Rabbits, like mice, are very capable of giving birth. However, Li Xuan introduced rabbit predators. Although there are not many predators, they are enough to control the number of rabbits.

For example, wolves, foxes, and even tigers have been adjusted.

And these birds and snakes are also taught by Li Xuan to prey on rabbits, if wolves and foxes can only catch rabbits on the ground.

The bird and snake can be said to have directly taken over the house, don't forget what the bird and snake's ability is, it can stretch and shrink at will.

It can become bigger or smaller, and it can shrink or expand according to the space it is in. Tigers and wolves can't get into rabbit holes, but it's not a problem for birds and snakes at all!

If it weren't for the larger size of the rabbits living in the small world, and the plants they eat have absorbed some aura, they are not bad, they contain a lot of energy, and the birds and snakes can last for several days after eating , maybe it is really easy to be eaten.

But it doesn't matter, besides rabbits, Li Xuan also raises pheasants and other animals. Under Li Xuan's teaching, these birds and snakes are not taboo and not picky eaters. worry.

Li Xuan also had a plan in mind, if the magical creature he obtained later was a big eater, it would not be difficult for Li Xuan to stock more other fast-growing animals.

If it weren't for the slow speed of the birds and snakes after entering the water, the countless fish and shrimps in the lake would be enough for them to eat.

"Hahaha, you little guys are still so clingy."

Five birds and snakes flapped their wings and landed on the body, two on the left and right shoulders, and one hanging around the neck. It was noisy to shout together there, but seeing how clingy they were, one knew they were expressing their joy and joy. miss.

With a few birds and snakes, Li Xuan walked into the villa. There are many rooms in the villa, and Li Xuan even left one for them.

Li Xuan has their nests and containers of various sizes. Anyway, these little babies like to hide here and there.

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