I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 153 Inspection (Part 1)

"Good morning, Akino, Akiko!"

It was already early the next morning. After Chiba Kaede finished washing, she came to the lobby on the first floor. At this time, Ogata Akino was eating breakfast with Iida Akiko.

"Good morning, boss!"

Ogata Akino saw Qianye Kaede greeting her, and quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and responded.

"Guo Guo, good morning!"

Iida Akiko chewed the food in her mouth and then said vaguely.

"Where are Yuri, Yui and the others?"

Chiba Kaede asked Ogata Akino.

"Yuri said she wanted to go to the terraced garden to take care of it first, while Yui took the Kingship to the town to purchase some ingredients. They asked me to wait for you here, boss."

Ogata Akino replied.

"Oh, that's it. Let's have breakfast first. After dinner, I will take you to familiarize yourself with Chiba Farm!"

Qianye Feng picked up a sandwich and said while eating.

"Guo Guo, I want to go too!"

Iida Akiko, who was chewing something in her small mouth, raised her hand and said.

"Okay, I'll count you in, but don't complain about being tired!"

Qianye Feng patted her little head and said.

Qianye Feng has been away from the farm for a while, and he really needs to visit various parts of the farm so that he can have a deeper understanding of the current situation of the farm.

Since they had something to do later, Qianye Feng and the others quickly finished their breakfast and prepared to set off.

Strong Chicken and Little Diamond also chose to follow Qianye Feng today. They two street runners like to run around, so they naturally joined Qianye Feng's team.

Qianye Feng first came to the backyard. It can be said that he invested a lot of energy in the resurrection grass and vitality roots here, which will also be one of the important sources of income for the farm in the future.

The tentacle lily was staying quietly next to a resurrection grass. Its tentacles swayed rhythmically, and then released the grass field skill, and the nearby shuttlecock flowers and shuttlecock grass also released together, and suddenly the backyard The concentration of life energy in it rose sharply.

"So comfortable!"

Ogata Akino, who had never been treated by a green grass field before, felt extremely comfortable, and a vital energy washed her body and mind.

The little diamond also took this opportunity to absorb life energy into its body and gather it into the diamond above its head. This has almost become its instinct.

After Qianye Feng walked over and said hello to the Tentacle Lily and Shuttlecock Flower groups, he began to check the development of these resurrection grass and vitality roots. He found that their growth status was surprisingly good now, which should be related to the current rich life energy. relation.

Later, Qianye Feng and his party came to the dormitory of the Meili sheep group. At this time, the Meili sheep had not gone out to play. They were all crowded together to sleep. Due to the friction between their hairs, a large amount of static electricity was generated, so Qianye Feng Ye Feng and others didn't dare to get close.

However, when Qianye Feng opened the door of the dormitory, it had already attracted the attention of the Meli sheep group, especially the heterochromatic velvet sheep. It had never forgotten that when it was still a Meli sheep, an Arbo monster broke in. , almost killed it.

However, when it saw that the person coming was its own trainer, it immediately relaxed and then trotted happily to Qianye Feng.

Qianye Feng was not wearing insulated gloves now, so she only dared to pat the hairless belly of the different-colored velvet sheep to show intimacy.

Ogata Akino had never come into contact with a velvet sheep before. She only thought that the lamb in front of her was very cute, and since it was the elf of Qianye Maple, she curiously reached out and touched the head of the velvet sheep.


The moment Ogata Akino touched the different-colored, fluffy woolen hair, an electric current rose from the hair, scaring her so much that she quickly took her hand away, but at this time her hair had already stood up and turned into A round afro style.

"Haha, sister Qiuno, you have turned into an afro. If not, I will come too."

After Iida Akiko saw Ogata Akino's appearance, she just thought it was funny. She also touched the hair of the different-colored velvet sheep, and the hair suddenly exploded into an afro.

"Boss, what's going on? How did I become like this?"

Ogata Akino tried hard to smooth her hair with her hands, while looking at Qianye Feng with a resentful look, wanting him to give an explanation.

"Well, whether it's Rong Rong Sheep or Meili Sheep, their hair stores a lot of static electricity. If you want to touch their hair, it's best to wear insulating gloves. Otherwise, you already know the consequences."

Qianye Feng spread his hands and said helplessly.

Seeing Ogata Akino's funny look, Chiba Kaede silently took out her mobile phone and planned to take a photo of her as a souvenir, but under her death gaze, she had no choice but to give up.

After the fun, Chiba Kaede and Ogata Akino talked about how to take care of the dormitory of the sheep, and the need to trim the hair of the sheep every week.

As for the other things, they don’t need to worry about it. The heterochromatic velvet sheep can take the Meili sheep out to eat pasture, and then in the evening, they will consciously return to the dormitory to sleep. At most, they can come over to see if there are any Meili sheep before going to bed. Lost.

Then they came to the Big Milk Tank dormitory not far away. At this time, the Big Milk Tanks were using a milking machine to milk cows.

Since the acquisition of this machine, not only has the workload of Terada Yuri and the others been greatly reduced, but the big milk tankers can also express milk by themselves according to their own physical conditions, which is very convenient.

Even the metal buckets and large milk cans filled with milk will be transported to designated locations by themselves. A small part of this milk will be provided to the Nozawa Breeding House, and most of it will be collected directly by the agricultural product purchaser in the town at the Chiba Farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Nozawa were very satisfied with the quality of the fresh milk produced in the large milk tank of Chiba Farm. They felt that the fresh milk was very effective in feeding the newborn milk sheep, so they decided to have Mr. Nozawa go to Chiba Farm every day. Take it once.

However, as the number of king swallows on the farm increases, Qianye Feng wonders if the king swallows can send fresh milk directly to the Nozawa breeding house. This will not only improve the service quality of the farm, but also relieve Mr. Nozawa's work. workload.

Moreover, if their Chiba farm sells more things in the future, they can actually open a city-wide express delivery service, allowing Da Wangyan to directly deliver the output of his farm to customers' doorsteps.

Of course, this is something that needs to be considered in the future. The output of Chiba Farm is still relatively small now, so there is no need to go to that effort, and the number of King Swallows is still insufficient.

"Big Milk Tank, how have your lives been lately? Is there anything bothering you?"

Qianye Feng walked up to a large milk tank that had finished milking, patted its head, and then asked.

The Big Milk Tanks have a very gentle personality. Ever since they got their own dormitory, their life has become much more comfortable. They sleep until they wake up naturally every day. They can play freely on the farm during the day and eat delicious food. Pasture containing life energy cultivated by Ye Maple.

So when faced with Qianye Feng's inquiry, it thought for a long time and found that there was really nothing to worry about, so it shook its head.

"Boss, can I touch the big milk jug?"

Ogata Akino, who was shadowed by the static electricity of the velvet sheep, made up his mind to ask Chiba Kaede before touching the elf, otherwise he would not know if he stepped on the trap.

After receiving Chiba Kaede's nod of confirmation, Ogata Akino felt relieved and reached out to the head of the big milk tank and stroked it. The big milk tank, which was being stroked very comfortably, also narrowed its eyes.

Unwilling to be left alone, Iida Akiko swooped down and hugged the big milk tank. The big milk tank was not annoyed and allowed her to hug her.

After playing with several large milk tanks for a while, Chiba Maple's next goal was the terraced garden. He couldn't wait to see the growth of the Graxitia flower seedlings.

Thank you to the book friend The Last Wings for your monthly ticket support!

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