I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 247: Close the door and let Ah Lin

   "Grass!" Meng Jingtian was taken aback. Fortunately, even though he didn't know much about martial arts, he didn't let go of his physical exercises. His reaction speed was quite fast, and he immediately raised his hand to block him.

   "Wow!" Meng Jingtian cried out in pain. The opponent's strength was so great that he knocked him to the ground with a punch.

   "Arin, someone hit the place!"

   "Cousin, why do you call it such an exaggeration, isn't it...someone hit the spot!"

   Zhao Lin heard the noise and looked back, seeing Meng Jingtian sitting on the ground with an exaggerated howling, raised his head and glanced at the man who broke into the room, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly.

   This person is 1.85 meters tall and well-proportioned. He is neither fat nor thin. He does not have the exaggerated muscles of a bodybuilder, but his strength is definitely no less than that of those bodybuilders with exaggerated muscles on TV.

   A slashed face, with a very cold expression, and his eyes are full of madness. If you want to say what you can see from him, the four words "lawless"!

   This is a lawless demon king, otherwise, how can he not say a word, and no matter whether he admits the wrong person, he comes up to do it?

   At this time, this person stepped forward, approached Meng Jingtian, and asked: "Are you Meng Jingtian?"

   asked, but his actions didn't stop, and he leaned over to start with Meng Jingtian again.

   Seeing to be beaten, Meng Jingtian suddenly grinned at him.

   "Are you Xu Feng?"

   Xu Feng was surprised, this kid wouldn't be stupid by his punch, right? This is so laughable!

   It’s just that, before he wanted to understand the problem, he only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, so Zhao Lin flew directly and kicked him.

   "I haven't practiced in vain in the past few years, so I don't have to lose my cousin who beat you so many times when I was a child!" Meng Jingtian laughed and said with a thumbs up to Zhao Lin.

   If Xu Feng is such a high-level disciple of Huashan, it can be said that he is a big brother of ordinary sect in the game, then Zhao Lin is probably a hidden sect?

   "Don't mention anything about my childhood!" Zhao Lin's face turned dark, and he stared at Meng Jingtian dissatisfiedly: "Otherwise, I don't care about this!"

   Looking back now, his childhood, almost every day is a dark history! terrible!

"Hey, Ah Lin! How could you do this? You forgot, when I was seven years old, who was crying and holding my hand and said: Cousin, grow up Ah Lin to protect you, if anyone dares to touch your hair , First step over Ah Lin's corpse!" Meng Jingtian asked with a smile without panic.

   Zhao Lin's face turned darker. That's because other people said he was like a girl, and he must be a sissy when he grows up.

   So, Meng Jingtian fought with the group and lay in the hospital for half a month.

   "Shut up!" Zhao Lin scolded coldly, but he was still very honest, and walked towards Xu Feng who was kicked.

   Xu Feng was looking up at this time, his expression was a little surprised, and some did not believe what had just happened, how could it be that he was kicked in the air by someone!

   This kind of speed and strength is definitely not what ordinary people should have, even he can't react.

   You know, when he was thirteen years old, he won the national martial arts competition championship.

   Although the master told him not to pay too much attention to that kind of things, he is keen to collect all kinds of trophies and awards. He has participated in a lot of competitions. As long as he participates, he must be a champion!

   He originally thought that he was already one of the top figures in the Chinese martial arts world. I am afraid that only the older generation of masters like the master can dominate him.

   However, looking at the young man walking towards him at this time, his heart was shaken. This person is very strong!

   "Who is this person? What trouble have you caused?" Zhao Lin asked Meng Jingtian as he walked towards Xu Feng.

   "It's Xu Feng, right? Just leave it alone and beat me hard! If you beat me to death, you are responsible!" Meng Jingtian got up from the ground and said.

   The corner of Zhao Lin's mouth twitched, and his face was dark again. He was responsible for what it meant to be beaten to death. This cousin is simply cheating!

   "Bang!" Zhao Lin slammed Xu Feng with a punch, and Xu Feng hurriedly stopped and let out a muffled sound of physical collision.

   "Hiss~" Xu Feng couldn't help but gasp. This man's power is simply unscientific. Wouldn't it be genetic medicine?

   At present, the most advanced genetic medicine in the country is not perfect. After taking it, there are huge side effects, which can lead to death for several months.

   Of course, Zhao Lin didn't use any genetic medicine, but because of the powerful techniques he cultivated, he made another move without changing his face and fought with Xu Feng.

   "Ping-pong-pong!" The hands and feet of the two almost danced into afterimages. Meng Jingtian was a little bit unable to see clearly. He could only hear the endless muffled sound. Those who didn't know thought they were doing this!

   Within a minute, Xu Feng was slapped down by Zhao Lin again. At this time, his body was blue and purple, and his expression was painful.

   Looking back at Zhao Lin, except for a few drops of sweat, he looked like a okay person.

   "Beat, don't stop! Ah Lin." Meng Jingtian turned and went into the room and took a hot towel to her arm that was just punched by Xu Feng, while instructing Zhao Lin.

   "If you hit it again, you will really kill it! It's so weak, you can't even take a hundred moves." Zhao Lin turned and walked into the room and said to Meng Jingtian.

   Meng Jingtian smiled, walked over, stepped on the palm of Xu Feng who just wanted to get up from the ground, and asked, "Isn't it a cow?"

   "Looking for death!" Xu Feng's eyes were furious, and he looked up at Meng Jingtian coldly.

   Forget that kid just now, it is true that he is inferior to humans, a mountain is even higher than a mountain, this Meng Jingtian can be crushed to death with a finger, how dare he humiliate him!

   talking~www.ltnovel.com~ Xu Feng grabbed Meng Jingtian with the other hand.

   "Fuck! Ah Lin, this kid refuses to admit defeat! I still want to beat my cousin! Come and discipline!" Meng Jingtian immediately shouted and shouted.

   "Cousin, have you played enough?" Zhao Lin turned around helplessly, kicked Xu Feng over, stepped on his chest and asked.

   "How can this be enough for fun? He doesn't die for a day, he is my cousin's rival in love!" Meng Jingtian squinted his eyes, although he was smiling, there was a bit of chill in his eyes.

   "Ah!" Xu Feng cried out in pain, staring at Meng Jingtian in horror, ten fingers connected to the heart, and this kid is now stepping on his fingers with great effort!

   The chill in his eyes shocked him, they... They wouldn't really kill themselves, would they?

   Recalling that just before I came here, I also deliberately shielded this area from the electronic police surveillance, Xu Feng looked scared.

   "Rival in love?" At this moment, Zhao Lin was holding the phone that he had just pulled out in his hand, turned his head in surprise and asked Meng Jingtian.

   "You seem surprised?" Meng Jingtian asked him, turning his head.

   "Cough!" Zhao Lin gave a dry cough and muttered: "I heard that cousin, you haven't had a girl around you all these years. I thought... by the way, sister-in-law, male and female?"



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