I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 258: We God, there is no need to line up

Jiang Ruxue, who was calm, couldn't help but instantly flushed, and glanced at Meng Jingtian unconsciously.

Meng Jingtian was startled and looked at Huang Shang, what is this kid doing!

Huang Shang winked at Meng Jingtian, Brother Tian, ​​I can only help you get here.

Jiang Ruxue lowered her head, bit her lip, obviously very tangled, blood surged in her body, and two red **** appeared on her face.

She does not resist kissing Meng Jingtian, she feels inexplicably close to this person, but after all, she is still a girl, with a low face, how dare to be in front of so many people...

Until her pink lower lip was bitten with a row of teeth marks, she took a deep breath, as if she had made some decision.

Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. While Meng Jingtian was still making eye contact with Huang Shang, Jiang Ruxue suddenly jumped up, with a vicious tiger rushing towards him, holding the back of Meng Jingtian’s neck with both hands, squatting his feet and raising his head. , The lips are on each other.

It's just in the game, but all the feelings in this game are so real.

So... when Jiang Ruxue suddenly jumped up, there was no beautiful touch under the tremendous power, and some gnawed her teeth...

Meng Jingtian had to return to his senses and subconsciously grabbed Jiang Ruxue.

Time seemed to be so still, Huang Shang and others next to him watched this scene intently, with only a lively exchange of eyes.

After half a minute, Meng Jingtian realized that it was a **** if there were advantages, so he turned passive to active.

As Huang Shang requested, the two kissed passionately.

"Asshole!" Two minutes later, Jiang Ruxue couldn't get away, stamped Meng Jingtian severely, and waited for her eyes to scold.

Meng Jingtian just smiled honestly and added the corner of his mouth subconsciously.

When Jiang Ruxue saw her, her face was flushed to the roots of her ears, and her ears became hot, and she let out a cold snort, and she was off the line instantly.

"I'm going! Old Huang, what a good thing you did! She won't ignore me anymore?" Meng Jingtian was taken aback, then stared at Huang Shang badly.

Huang Shang, who was still smiling and watching the excitement, was in a daze and yelled: "It's kind of like a donkey liver and lungs. Why didn't you just say that it was quite enjoyable? Now I am to blame!"

"If you speak, who would dare to force her to drip?"

The corner of Meng Jingtian's eyes twitched. I said Nima is a big-headed ghost! She was so sudden, I didn't have time to react, okay?

Well, half a minute was wasted for nothing!

"A bunch of bastards! Let's go!" Meng Jingtian slapped Zhao Lin next to him smoothly, turned and walked out.

Soon, the figure of God Meng was seen in major cities, and Aihu, the active boss, was frequently influenced, and the majority of players wanted to cry without tears...

Meng Jingtian drew out a bunch of Aihu backpacks and finally assembled a complete top-level dragon boat material, but what he didn't expect was... this dragon boat is not like a regular game at all. Once you have the material, you can synthesize it with one click. ! You really have to make it yourself!

Of course, he doesn't know how to build ships. He went to the forum to check the strategy and found out that there are NPCs in major cities to build dragon boats. Players only need to provide materials and gold coins.

Meng Jingtian chose Firebird City and teleported it to him. After all, this is a city where he believes in him. He naturally has priority in everything.

Came to the shipbuilding npc here, but now that the building has been surrounded by players, three layers and three layers.

Meng Jingtian squeezed in directly and came to the npc.

At this moment, the players who happened to be lined up here saw someone squeezing over, and their heads were upset: "Will you line up? Do you have quality?"

"Meng... Meng Shen!" However, when the person in front of him was clearly seen, the ordinary-faced male player suddenly became speechless, with a look of horror.

"I... I'll give it to you? This NPC said, people who don't line up all refused to pick up." The player turned sideways and motioned for Meng Jingtian to stand in.

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need, we god, no need to line up!"

Meng Jingtian didn't care about the player's previous offense, and patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Uh..." The corner of the player's mouth twitched, and he secretly said, this Meng Jingtian is too arrogant, right?

Even if he is awesome, he is still a player.

And the old players who have played this game for a long time have already understood that NPCs are very willful and quite willful.

If you don't want to dump your player, you will not dump your player. In the eyes of ordinary players, it is no different from the rules of the system. It is a golden rule and cannot be violated!

"The Lord God has come, and if you have lost a long way to welcome, please forgive the Lord God!" Just when the player was feeling Meng Jingtian's arrogance, he was still busy just now, and he shook his face with the player and asked him to wait here for the boss of the dock. He trot over, nodding and bowing to Meng Jingtian.

"I want to build a boat!" Meng Jingtian directly explained his intentions.

"It is an honor for us to be able to serve the Lord God!" Wu Yi, the boss of the dockyard, immediately turned red with joy, and nodded in excitement.

Then he turned his head and shouted to those busy workers beside the semi-finished hull: "Zhang Lizi, Li Mazi, bring us all the drawings, and you, please come over to me and listen to the oracle of Lord God."

"Wow!" A group of people ran over. Zhang Lizi hugged a stack of drawings and knelt in front of Meng Jingtian, shaking his hands with excitement and offered the drawings.

After the last locust plague and post-disaster reconstruction, the people of Huoque City have reached 70 or 80 points of faith in Meng Jingtian, which is already in a very high state.

In this state, the people are very awe of the gods, and they support them from the bottom of their hearts. The words of the gods are more effective than the imperial edict!

Therefore, even if he was just handing out a drawing for Meng Jingtian at this time, Zhang Lizi felt that he was so glorious!

This is the most glorious moment in his life. It is a glorious story that can be told to future generations when he is old. Even, Zhang Lizi was a little excited to wonder whether later generations would use the murals about the gods. This scene is also carved?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lame couldn't help but straighten his back, his face was also solemn.

It's just a drawing of a dragon boat. Why does Meng Jingtian feel the surrounding atmosphere so solemnly?

It was as if Zhang Lizi did not pass the dragon boat drawing, but took the imperial decree from himself.

"I'm a god! This is too **** exaggeration? It's the same player, this treatment..." All the players in line near the shipyard's dock were instantly speechless.

They have some doubts~www.ltnovel.com~ Are they still the same batch of NPCs before their eyes?

The kernel has been secretly replaced by the system, right?

These NPCs still yelled as soon as they could talk, never whispered, and looked manic.

Now in front of Meng Jingtian, everything has become a lamb.

And... the atmosphere around it seems to have become a little weird since Meng Jingtian came.

The shipyard just now was chaotic, and there was noisy noise everywhere, and now it became a palace of Jinluang, solemn and solemn.

(End of this chapter)


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