I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 274: The test of magical skills

Leaving Wenxiang Pavilion, Meng Jingtian went directly to the Land Temple of Guichen Town.

"Zeng Shenyu, open the door to me."

In the temple, there were unexpectedly a few players worshiping the gods. One of them had a very pious expression. Meng Jingtian just glanced at it and didn't care too much. He came to the statue and said.

The few players who worshipped God turned their heads and glanced at him with weird expressions on their faces. What did this guy say?

What opens the door? Is he a fool?

An illusory light gate appeared, and Meng Jingtian raised his foot and walked in.

"I'm going! There really is a door!" Looking back at the disappearing light door, a player said dullly.

"Have you seen it clearly? That was an npc just now, right?"

"Hmm! It's possible!"

"Maybe it is a high-level npc, I have to wait here, if he comes out again, let me touch the task?"


At a glance, several players didn't recognize Meng Jingtian, and thought he was an NPC.

"The little **** sees the lord god!" Zeng Shenyu had already waited on the side of the Heavenly Dao Academy. Seeing him coming out, he immediately bowed respectfully and saluted.

"Well, this is..." Meng Jingtian turned his head and looked around. There was a green grassland around him, like a hill with a gentle slope. There were some small broken flowers hidden in the grassland, and the surrounding environment was quite fresh.

"This is the dojo of the little god." Zeng Shenyu replied with a awkward smile.

In Tiandao Academy, every **** has his own dojo, the big one is a world of its own, and the small one is like the **** of flowers, at least one mountain, one river or one valley.

As for Zeng Shenyu's dojo, it's just a small hill with less than a thousand square meters. It can be said to be very shabby, it's like a joke.

Meng Jingtian didn't know this, and he was often in the Xuanlong Nation, and his level was still low. There was no dojo in the Tiandao Academy. If you count it, I'm afraid it's worse than Zeng Shenyu.

Therefore, when I saw Zeng Shenyu's shabby dojo, I didn't feel much at all. I just said, "I came back to study with Master. Do you know how to get to the Purple Cloud Palace?"

"This..." Zeng Shenyu showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said helplessly: "Little God doesn't know."

"With the status of a little god, unless you are summoned by the palace owner, you are not eligible to go to the Purple Cloud Palace."

"Where is the Taoist priest who received the envoy last time?" Meng Jingtian asked, sparing his head.

"It was sent by the palace lord, and if there is no palace lord summoned, he can't go to the Purple Cloud Palace again." Zeng Shenyu explained.

Meng Jingtian is a little depressed now. If Zeng Shenyu has taken him in from the Heavenly Dao Academy, he can come back, but the Zixiao Palace has long been gone. Where can he find it?

Just when he was helpless, a rainbow bridge fell from the sky and landed at the feet of Meng Jingtian.

"Come, come!" A familiar voice came from far away.

When Zeng Shenyu saw this vision, his eyes widened when he heard the sound, and he knelt down to bow down to Hongqiao, but he dared not raise his head.

Meng Jingtian was stunned, and then he recovered. The master knew that he was back to learn skills, so he deliberately invited him?

Immediately, without thinking about it, he tentatively raised his foot and walked onto Hongqiao.

Stepping on the light of the Hongqiao, Meng Jingtian was amazed. He is indeed the ancestor of Taoism. The Hongqiao composed of light is actually like a flat bottom.

Just as he raised his foot to move forward, he realized that his body was directly moving to the other end on the Hongqiao.

Yes! This is still an automatic elevator!

With heavy clouds and mist around him, I couldn't see the distant scene clearly, but Meng Jingtian stood on the Hongqiao Bridge, and as the Hongqiao passed through the clouds and the fog, he finally came to the front of the Zixiao Palace.

At this time, the gate of the Zixiao Palace opened wide, and Meng Jingtian looked inside the gate. What he saw was not Hongjun who was sitting on the futon last time, but Hongjun lying on the collapsed, and the decorations in the palace were also the same as last time. Very different.

Last time it was the majestic main hall, this time it was more like Hongjun's own bedroom.

They all walked in through the same door, but they came from two places, which surprised Meng Jingtian and walked in with a look of wonder.

"Not bad! Not bad! You are coming soon!" Hongjun opened his eyes slightly and glanced at him.

"Master, I'm here to learn skills! What skills do you think I can learn now?" Meng Jingtian bowed Hongjun respectfully and asked.

Hongjun didn't reply, he bent his arms to prop his head, closed his eyes, and fell asleep as if to say this.

The corner of Meng Jingtian's mouth twitched. This master himself is more willful than himself!

Sleep when you say sleep.

Just when Meng Jingtian gave his head and didn't know what to do, Hongjun opened his eyes.

"But it is predestined with this supernatural power, but before learning this supernatural power, there is still a test."

"What supernatural power?" Meng Jingtian asked curiously.

Others have the choice to learn sect skills, he doesn't have it! Old man Hongjun teaches whatever he teaches.

"If you learn it, you will know it naturally." Hongjun replied without Meng Jingtian's explanation.

Meng Jingtian was speechless for a while, knock on you!

Not only are they not allowed to choose, they don't even say anything!

How can you be like this? If this is for business, this old man Hongjun might have been checked by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce many times.

Unknown code price!

"Go!" With a wave of Hongjun's whisk, Meng Jingtian's vision suddenly changed, but he fell from the sky and came to a huge battlefield.

On the battlefield, countless human warriors are fighting with countless huge monsters. The number of them is in the hundreds of millions, and you can't see the edge of the crowd.

Meng Jingtian fell into it and looked extremely small, like a small drop of water in the ocean.

Just after landing, a 6o level monster attacked him.

Meng Jingtian hurriedly turned on the law of heaven and earth, and a divine punishment technique destroyed one-third of the monster's blood.

"Ding! Help the Terran: Please help Terran warriors to win this war.

Task reward: supernatural power spell x1

Task time limit: 3 hours. "

A system reminder sounded in Meng Jingtian's ear, but he was speechless for an instant.

Master, are you too high to look at me?

Although these monsters are all of the 6o level, they are in line with my current level.

What a special thing, this number is more than tens of millions, but hundreds of millions!

Even if he cleared one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand!

But it was still so insignificant, it had no major impact on the entire war, and could not determine the victory of the war.

Just when Meng Jingtian complained about the task, more monsters came to him. After all, his current giant form was quite conspicuous among these ordinary human races.

Meng Jingtian had no room for thinking at all, and could not be passively beaten. He could only kill, and constantly kill, kill these wild monsters that attacked him.




In the sea of ​​fire~www.ltnovel.com~ Monsters are constantly dying around Meng Jingtian, but what is the effect?

These dead monsters are just a drop in the ocean to the monsters on the battlefield.

For the first time, he felt the insignificance of individual strength and felt powerless.

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