I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 320: Daxi Dabei

"Let them be happy first!" Meng Jingtian said plainly, looking at the direction of the stronghold.

"..." Jiang Ruxue was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but glance at the direction of the Socratic Stronghold, and glanced at the players who were eagerly resisting the attack of the animal tide.

"Your character is really bad!"

Meng Jingtian didn't explain, just raised his hand and landed on Jiang Ruxue's head.

This is a fact, he can't explain, and there is no need to explain.

Only My City, the first wave of beasts, and the second wave of beasts, have all passed.

There is still the last wave, and there are 8 minutes left. After these eight minutes, only our city base will be established successfully!

The gang leader of the Sole Club led the gang who had been somewhat dissipated, looking at a group of level 50 or 60 high-level wild monsters that rushed forward, and encouraged: "The last batch is left, the last eight minutes, these eight minutes passed. , Our stronghold is now, and more benefits and more dividends are waiting for everyone in the future!"

"Chong! Kill!" The helpers were also in high spirits, shouting in agreement, full of motivation.

"It's time!" Meng Jingtian shook his mouth as he watched the so-called gangsters fight the last batch of wild monsters and bosses. There were only five minutes left.

Immediately, Mingfeng was summoned and rode with Jiang Ruxue. Mingfeng's huge black wings spread out, flew high into the sky, and swooped down towards the stronghold of the Sole-Member Gang.

"Then... what is that?"

"Helper, look! There is something in the sky!"

"Isn't it a high-level boss? Look at this body shape, maybe it's a god-level!"

"Boss, you're so big! Mingfeng! That's Mingfeng!"

"Gosh! Meng Jingtian, what is he doing? How can he come?"

Below, the So-I only players who were fighting against the beast tide step by step were confused for a while, looking at the sky and exclaimed.

"Why did I come, don't you have any b-numbers in your heart?" Meng Jingtian snorted lightly when he heard the exclamation of the players below, muttering to himself.

Speaking, seeing the time is running out, there is no more delay, immediately jumped off Mingfeng's back, and opened the Fa Tian Xiang Di in the process of falling.

"-97554" fell from a high altitude and dropped a bit of Meng Jingtian's blood, but it didn't matter, this bit of blood was drizzle for his current blood volume of more than two million.

Afterwards, raising his hand, a group fixation technique was thrown away in the direction of the so-called So-I will help the Lord and the others, and then the group attack skills such as the fire of burning the sky, the flower of ice and snow, and the heart of the storm fell.

Facing several large-scale group attack skills attacks, most of the ego-only gangs were directly returned to the city in seconds in astonishment.

There were some fish that slipped through the net, but Meng Jingtian ignored them and summoned Yuanfeng Heyuan, Golden Wing Roc and other pets, and he strode directly into the stronghold.

Jiang Ruxue sat on Mingfeng's back, and Mingfeng flew at low altitude from time to time. Jiang Ruxue just took advantage of entering the skill range and added several buffs to Meng Jingtian.

Later, she was taken high in the sky by Mingfeng, and the so-called only players could not touch her at all.

"Meng Jingtian, what do you mean!" In the resurrection point, I will help the Lord to question Meng Jingtian in anger.

While cutting the core of their stronghold, Meng Jingtian replied coldly, "What? Isn't my meaning obvious enough?"

Only I will help the Lord for a while. Obviously, is this too obvious?

This guy is here to make trouble, so that they can't build a stronghold.

"Meng Shen, we have no grievances in the past, and no hatreds in the near future..." Only I will help the lord know that it is not a time to be angry, and please persuade.

"What you said is funny, no complaints in the past, no hatred in recent days, who moved my parents, my friends, and... my woman yesterday!" Meng Jingtian glanced up at the sky and said.

"..." Only I would listen to the audience, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Yes, they also participated in what happened yesterday, but they were not organized by a gang, and they were not the only gang involved.

"Meng Shen, what happened yesterday is not what we only thought of, but I am willing to apologize to you, and please raise your hands high, let us finish the task of defending the city before talking!" Looking at the core of the stronghold, the blood volume is fast Declining, Solely I will help the Lord feel a pain in his heart, and give up without thinking about it.

"That's it, it's not one of our gangs, so why do you come to trouble us solipsism?" Someone in the crowd of solipsism murmured dissatisfiedly.

Perhaps, in their hearts, there is some meaning that the law does not blame the public.

The Evil Dao camp is an extremely large group. Even Meng Jingtian can't do anything to such a large group, right?

Meng Jingtian couldn't deal directly with the whole evil faction group, but just because there were too many people on the other side, he gave up revenge. That's not a joke!

It's not enough to directly defeat it, so just take the noodles, so I will, just the first appetizer!

"Who said that it's troublesome to find you only me, the evil gang, wait for me!" Meng Jingtian squinted.

At this time, I will help the crowd to die, and all the wild monsters outside also swarmed in.

Demolish homes... Oh no, demolish the city, they are serious!

The demolition capability of the wild monsters is comparable to that of the demolition brigade, but the buildings in our city lose their durability in minutes~www.ltnovel.com~ and turn into rubble.

In the end, the wild monsters also gathered in front of the core of the stronghold and attacked.

"No! God Meng, please! Forgive us this time." Only I will help the lord with a look of despair on his face, pleading.

One month's hard work, that's it!

However, people always have to pay for what they have done!

At the last minute, Meng Jingtian stopped and let the core of the only city stronghold be overthrown by a group of wild monsters.

"Ding! System announcement: Only me in the gang, the defense of the stronghold has failed, and the stronghold in My city has disappeared!"

As the announcement of the system sounded, this "small town", which had begun to take shape, fell into ruins.

Only I will help the Lord sit down on the ground, looking at the ruins in front of him, crying and laughing.

This is not only a month of hard work for the entire gang. Now that the establishment of the stronghold has failed, not only has these resources been lost, but also a huge progress with other gangs.

"Ding! Player Cao Nan quit the gang, so I will!"

"Ding! Player Zhou Yi quit the gang, so I will!"


Because the stronghold guard failed, some of the members of the Sole Club chose to quit.

Instead of following the Sole Club to collect resources for a month, why not go directly to a gang that has established a stronghold?

"Let's go!" Mingfeng fell, and Meng Jingtian directly boarded Mingfeng and flew to the next evil gang that established a stronghold today.

And as the announcement of the failure to establish the Sole Club base sounded, many players and gangs in the evil faction began to ask what was going on.

Sole Club is one of the top ten gangs of the evil way. This time the establishment of a stronghold can be said to be well prepared, and there is no reason to fail.

After all, more than one hundred gangs in the righteous camp have successfully established their strongholds.

(End of this chapter)

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