I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 345: Money boat

Meng Jingtian, Zhao Lin and others quickly came to the bow deck, Yu Ge trembling in Meng Jingtian's arms, clutching him tightly and reluctant to approach the shark monster.

The body of the shark is very large. The first thing it attacks is the entire hull of the Babaolou ship. The blood volume of the Babaolou ship is declining. It can be seen that the attack power of this shark is not low.

"Repair!" Meng Jingtian glanced at the blood volume of the ship in the building. It is estimated that there will be a battle with the shark monster here, and the ship should be repaired first.

After all, this is the sea with no village in front and no shop behind. As a land "creature", only a boat can give Meng Jingtian a sense of security.

"Ding! Complete repair requires 250,000 gold coins, do you confirm the repair!" The system prompt sounded.

The corner of Meng Jingtian's mouth twitched. Although he had prepared more than 800 million gold coins for this trip, he still felt a little distressed when he heard this prompt!

Just repair it at will, it will cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins. It will take a month to sail at sea. I don't know how many times it will be repaired!

"OK!" Distressed, distressed, the ship still needs to be repaired, Meng Jingtian confirmed it, and displayed the magic of heaven and earth, preparing to clean the monsters.

Of course, before spawning monsters, you have to summon your cute little pets to help out.

The wild shark monster belongs to the more violent wild BOSS, and the favorability of Meng Jingtian is only 70 points, but this is enough to prevent it from attacking Meng Jingtian.

It can only be Cai Minghou pulling the blame. Fortunately, Cai Minghou's hidden sect is not in vain. At this time, with the blessing of skills, he has reached a blood volume of about 250,000.

Coupled with some taunting skills, shielding skills, and damage reduction skills, this monster is still very resistant.

This month Meng Jingtian didn't go online, his level was only 62, but Cai Minghou and the others were not idle, and they all caught up, and they were all 62 and 3.

There is a difference of more than ten levels, but Cai Minghou, Zhao Lin and others are still able to steadily play this mad shark monster BOSS, which makes Meng Jingtian also very pleased to see.

The higher the level, the strength of their hidden martial art, gradually revealed.

For example, Zhao Lin at this time can already control two dolls at the same time. One law system and one physics. The physical doll is still the same as before. Every five basic attacks can trigger a high damage that must be a critical strike.

The legal doll also has a similar passive, causing continuous spell damage to the same target, and each damage superimposes 10% of the previous damage.

It can be said that Zhao Lin, the hidden school, is definitely a top output!

Below the same level, there are only a handful of people who can compare with him.

But despite this, Meng Jingtian’s damage is still better at this time. On the damage panel, Meng Jingtian steadily stays first, and his damage output is ten times that of Zhao Lin!

It can be said that Zhao Rin relied on the passiveness of these two puppets to hit continuous super high damage.

And Meng Jingtian is more straightforward, it is the crushing of attribute and skill bonus.

He has no passive damage bonus, but all his skills are at least God-level, and the damage coefficient is inherently different compared to low-level skills.

With the addition of a law of heaven and earth, there is no need for any additional bonuses, and the damage is already against the sky.

If it weren't for the sea, and limited by the terrain, it wouldn't make much sense to summon bean soldiers, and Meng Jingtian's output would be higher!

After playing for half a minute, seeing the damage panel, Meng Jingtian's output Yiqi Juechen, leaving himself far behind, Zhao Lin was frustrated.

"Mmp! Never go wrong with my cousin anymore, my self-confidence was seriously hit!"

Meng Jingtian and the others focused on killing monsters, but did not notice that in the wind and waves, on the deck, a slightly thin sailor was staring at them intently.

If you are familiar with the players, you should be able to see that this is using the camera function of the system to record video!

This sailor was not actually an npc sailor. He was only doing missions in the tavern, and he became one of Wang Quanhai’s sailors. After stupidly following Wang Quanhai’s npc sailors, he got on the boat and was regarded as an npc sailor. .

At this time, his mood was agitated, in other words, he was only reacting now.

He was on the ship where Meng Shen went to sea. He was the only "frontline reporter". He developed, developed!

After only five or six minutes of fighting, the menacing mad shark monster BOSS was stubborn, and he immediately acknowledged and turned around to run.

Meng Jingtian took a look, hey! I have beaten you with more than 500 million blood and more than 300 million, and I was almost killed. Can you run away?

Immediately shouted to Yang Wuchang: "Chasing! Quickly catch up with this shark!"

"Master God, this... can't catch up! Now that the wind and waves are so big, our boat is not fast enough for things that already live in the sea!" Yang Wuchang yelled and replied in embarrassment.

"Enable Skill: Ride the Wind and Waves!" Isn't it speed? Meng Jingtian waved his hand and threw one hundred thousand gold coins.

The speed of the Babaolou ship suddenly increased, swiftly moving in the wind and waves.

However, the surrounding waves and winds have caused the blood volume of the Babaolou ship to continue to drop. If it is true, it might have capsized.

Meng Jingtian had to spend another 500,000 gold coins ~www.ltnovel.com~ to open the Baoguang barrier to resist the storm.

The heart is bleeding! This Nima is really a boat for money!

Fortunately, the money was not in vain. Although the mad shark monster BOSS wandering in front had always wanted to get rid of their pursuit, they had never been able to leave Meng Jingtian's sight.

Meng Jingtian summoned Mingfeng and chased it from the air first.

Looking from the air to the sea, it is very spectacular. In addition to the mad shark monster, there are also a large group of fish and monsters flying along, surrounding the mad shark monster.

Suddenly, a black figure walked around in front of the mad shark demon hurriedly fleeing, came out of sleep, and directly collided with the mad shark demon.

"Kun!" A hint of surprise flashed in Meng Jingtian's eyes. Kun's speed in the water turned out to be much faster than the crazy shark!

The surrounding aquatic monsters are also controlled by Kun.

However, limited by Meng Jingtian's level, Kun is now only level 62, which is not enough, otherwise he can directly control the mad shark demon of the gods.

The mad shark demon was intercepted by Kun, and Meng Jingtian jumped from Mingfeng's back and landed directly on the mad shark demon. He lifted the knife and slashed, again giving the mad shark demon a tearing effect.

It's just that the queen of the shark is clinging to hold Meng Jingtian and refuses to go down, which is a little in the way.

Who made the mission publisher, Meng Jingtian glanced at it, and bear it!

And Yu Ge just widened her eyes in surprise. She really didn't expect that this human could easily defeat the mad shark demon who made her clan miserable, and still chase the mad shark demon and slash.

This mad shark demon not only forced her to marry her as a wife, but also ate the shark, which made Yu Ge hated.

Today, escaping from the "Water Mansion" of the mad shark demon, angered the mad shark demon. She thought she would be eaten, but she did not expect to see a human fishing hook in the frantic escape.


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