I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 352: Top up money on the spot

"Golden rain in the sky!" After a while, Gao Chengzhi's blood volume dropped to 90%, and a skill was displayed.

Meng Jingtian was fully focused, originally planning to hide this skill.

However, it was discovered that this is a large-scale group skill.

With Gao Chengzhi's howling, he heard only a crisp jingle, gold coins fell from the sky, and this area was the entire cave.

Meng Jingtian can't hide, if he hides out of the range, it is estimated that this BOSS will get rid of it.




"Ding! You get a negative state: Stagnation!"

"Stagnation: Movement speed reduced by 80%."

Almost at the moment when the golden rain fell, Meng Jingtian found a lot of virtual damage numbers on his body, three or four damages per second, and a negative state that made your actions almost like slow motion!

"True dragon golden body!" In less than a second, Meng Jingtian responded quickly to use the damage reduction skill, and by the way, the control was also lifted.

But there are also some feelings of lingering fears, worthy of a 75-level god-ranked BOSS.

Change to a normal team of more than 60 players, and the group will be destroyed!

Definitely the group is destroyed under the first skill of this BOSS, there is no room for discussion at all.

This skill is not only a range of damage, but also up to two or three hundred thousand per second. Players at this stage, even if they specialize in the direction of big meat, can't last a second, let alone other crispy skins.

The golden rain lasted for half a minute. If it weren't for Meng Jingtian and the dragon blood jade belt to **** blood, he could easily **** back the lost blood in the damage reduction state. At this time, I am afraid that this skill will be too choking.

"You said you are so good at throwing coins, why are you still such a money fan?" Meng Jingtian stood in the golden rain, continuing to cut Gao Chengzhi, and couldn't help but complain.

Of course it was impossible for Gao Chengzhi to answer him. The jaw of his skull moved twice, and he didn't know where he screamed. The spirit fire rose in his eyes, as if he was extremely angry.

But what about anger? To Meng Jingtian, he is just a boss, and he is destined to be overthrown!

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't destroy the system mechanism and threw his skills on Meng Jingtian.

Therefore, at this time, Gao Chengzhi still only used basic attacks to attack Meng Jingtian.

But Meng Jingtian suddenly realized that with his current reaction speed and agility, he could dodge the BOSS's basic attack directly, and then he still had time to take out his hand to hack the BOSS, and he didn't need to stand against the BOSS at all.

Happy, Meng Jingtian tried to avoid every BOSS attack without affecting his attack frequency.

Every successful avoidance gave him a small sense of accomplishment.

Just avoiding the BOSS attack, I am afraid that many people can do it, but almost no one can do it if you want to attack the BOSS while avoiding every basic attack of the BOSS.

Unless it is a long-range occupation, there is still some possibility of harmlessly slipping the BOSS, and there are certain requirements for operation.

At this time, Meng Jingtian was playing more and more vigorously, playing the BOSS round and round, and the scene was very happy and chaotic.

Even if someone could have his operation, I am afraid, it is impossible to make the atmosphere of brushing the boss like playing a game with the boss.

Meng Shen, unique!

Not long after, when Meng Jingtian was playing and hiding, taking the BOSS around Jinshan in a circle, the BOSS blood volume dropped to 80%, and another skill was triggered.

"Money Warrior!"

Meng Jingtian could even see the BOSS's soul-fire eye sockets, revealing a trace of relief, a somewhat triumphant look.

As a circle of golden light wafted from under the BOSS, the mountain-like gold coins suddenly trembled, and then they turned into humanoid fighters composed of gold coins, rushing toward Meng Jingtian.

At a glance, the golden glow really blinded him with 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

I can't count how many soldiers there are for a while, but I guess, at least 10,000!

Pushing BOSS is definitely all players beating the BOSS, and now, I am afraid that the BOSS will be besieged, this Gao Chengzhi also does not follow common sense.

Other BOSS recruits only a few or dozens of younger brothers at most, and he has a group with one move.

Sure enough, even if it is a BOSS, the BOSS with money is better than the BOSS without money!

However, he was out of luck today and met Meng Jingtian who was also "filled up". Meng Jingtian waved his hand and poured out a big bag of beans.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a time, and the original single-handed match between two people instantly turned into a small war.

You have your money warrior, and I have my beanie soldiers, one gold and one bronze, two men and horses... No, the golden horse and the bean horse are fighting together when they go up.

The soul fire in Gao Chengzhi's eyes throbbed for a while. Maybe he hadn't expected that his opponent had also charged up and opened the hook, looking a little surprised.

As a result, in the end it became a heads-up match between Meng Jingtian and him.

The bean soldiers and the money warriors fight separately, and Meng Jingtian begins the journey of spawning monsters for the playful BOSS.

At this time, Meng Jingtian was completely able to brush monsters without injury.

However, Gao Chengzhi became more aggrieved~www.ltnovel.com~ and became more irritable.

"Ding! Boss Gao Chengzhi's anger reached the critical point, and he will start his big move. Please pay attention to all players to reduce injuries!" The system's kind reminder rang in Meng Jingtian's ears.

As for the boss with anger skills, Meng Jingtian was also the first time he saw him. He was a little surprised, and he was serious.

His damage reduction skills have been used up, and the CD is not good yet.

However, it doesn't matter, he also has an invincible skill!

"Money sacrifice!" As the boss roared, Meng Jingtian found that there was an extra layer of color light around the boss, and the blood could not be cut off. Obviously, the boss is invincible in this state.

Later, I saw a magic circle appeared in front of Gao Chengzhi, and then he tore off the jewels on his body and threw them into the circle. He didn't know where to fetch the gold coins. Throw it into that circle.

"Fuck! Brother, you really are charging money on the spot, don't tell me! It's great to leave it to me, can't I let you cut twice?" This big trick is really bright and blind. Shocking eyes, is this okay?

Seeing that Gao Chengzhi could not be cut off, Meng Jingtian thought about it, and threw a divine punishment technique onto the circle.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the magic circle exploded, and a number of damage appeared.


A blood bar also appeared on the magic circle, which had 100 million health points.

Meng Jingtian hurried forward and chopped up the circle.



The sound of the collision of gold coins and the loud rumbling sound constantly sounded from the circle, golden light and black smoke appeared from the circle, and those who didn't know thought what these two guys were doing!

Fifteen seconds later, the circle was cut to zero blood by Meng Jingtian and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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