I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 358: Get on the ground first?

"Huh? You..." Meng Jingtian was about to lose his temper. Jiang Ruxue dragged him. People are here to help. Although his temper is a bit arrogant, he still saves face.

"Fifth party, you hug her!" Meng Jingtian turned his head, raised his hand to cover Jiang Ruxue's shoulder, and said to the fifth party who had just walked out of the cabin.

"Ah? I..." The fifth party was stunned, pointed at himself, and looked up at Yuge on the bow.

Immediately, he smiled and said: "Okay!"

After that, he walked over.

"I said, lowly human..." Yu Ge shook his head impatiently, and when he looked up, he was taken aback when he saw the fifth party.

Not... humble humans!

He has the power of pure water in his body, this kind of power is still not able to be grasped by the mackerel, let alone the human beings on land!

"Who... who are you?" Yu Ge asked in a daze.

"Hmph! Let's go!" Meng Jingtian snorted when he saw this, and embraced Jiang Ruxue.

He didn't believe that no one on this ship could cure a little shark queen.

"Me? A fisherman by Yunmeng Lake!" The fifth party smiled, and could not help but hugged Yuge, and asked, "Where to go?"

Yu Ge exclaimed and recovered, but rolled his eyes, pointed at Meng Jingtian and said, "Follow him!"

"What do you do with me?" Meng Jingtian asked, feeling a little helpless.

"I'm happy to follow you? Unless you don't want to go there!" Yuge said triumphantly, holding his arms.

Meng Jingtian was about to speak, but a system announcement suddenly sounded interrupted him.

"Ding! System Announcement: Congratulations to the player of Neon Country Nongchao Yamashita for leading the team to discover Shura Island. The neutral island of Shura Island is included in the field of Neon Country. Players from Neon Country can now go to Shura Island for various activities through the sea routes. "

"Grass! Someone got on board first?" Hearing this announcement, Zhao Lin, who was impatient, called out first.

"I'm still a player in the neon country, can't bear it, this is absolutely unbearable! Isn't it just a few minutes before us?" Cai Minghou walked over with a pale face and added.

"Brother Tian, ​​what shall we do? There are players from the Neon Country on this island who have boarded first, shall we go?" The fifth party also asked Meng Jingtian.

"Go! Why not?" Meng Jingtian squinted his eyes, "Could it be that we are afraid that they will not succeed?"

"No, Brother Tian, ​​after all, they are not domestic players. We don't know their details. They should be able to land on Shura Island. Let's be careful!" Cai Minghou explained.

"Then you have to see it first, right? Be careful, be careful, this Shura Island, you can't let it!" Meng Jingtian said solemnly.

"That's right! If I don't fight, I will look down on myself!" Cai Minghou nodded in agreement.

"Follow if you like! Take us to the island. Since you live here, you should know which way is the safest?" Meng Jingtian turned to Yuge and said.

"Really? Who is the player of Neon Country? Why do you care so much?" Yu Ge was a little surprised at Meng Jingtian's sudden change of attitude, and asked curiously.

"The enemy!" Meng Jingtian said lightly.

"It's okay to go, kiss me, and let you go!" Yuge said, her eyes rolled and smiled.

"Close your eyes!" To everyone's expectations, Meng Jingtian did not refuse, but said coldly.

Everyone looked at each other, my brother, wake up! Sister-in-law is still watching!

No, I refused to give a hug before, but now I don’t say anything after kissing?

Or is it, Brother Tian, ​​you have hatred of players from the Neon Country to this point?

In just a few seconds, Cai Minghou and the others "breasted their eyes" and communicated secretly.

The scene was silent and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Jiang Ruxue was still there!

You said you want to kiss, you should find a suitable time...

Jiang Ruxue was not only there, but also grabbed Meng Jingtian's arm. At this moment, seeing Meng Jingtian's compliment so simply, she couldn't help shaking her lower lip, her palm tight.

It's not that she can't be magnanimous, can't focus on the overall situation, but...Meng Jingtian also promised too simply, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Only Yuge is not affected at all, or she doesn't understand human emotions at all, right?

At this moment, Yiyan smiled and closed his eyes.

Meng Jingtian suddenly pulled the fifth party's head and pressed Yuge's face.

"All right!"


"Brother Tian, ​​are you special..." The fifth party who was caught off guard widened his eyes and glared at Meng Jingtian.

"What?" Meng Jingtian squinted at the fifth party, with some threatening air.

The fifth party gritted his teeth and persuaded himself in his heart: Calm down! calm! The overall situation is important!

Besides, Yuge has a fish tail, she is also a big beauty! No loss, no loss, earned!

Thinking about this, the fifth party seemed to really convince himself, after seeing Yu Ge twice, he opened his eyes and laughed.

Seeing that Cai Minghou and others are also speechless to him, is this guy stupid?

"No, no! I'm not talking about my face!" Yu Ge shouted, waving his hands.

Meng Jingtian looked at her coldly: "Huh?"

There was a murderous look in those eyes, and Yu Ge was shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ grievedly muttered: "A kiss will not lose a piece of meat!"

However, after that, he didn't force it.

"Lu!" Meng Jingtian looked in the direction of Shura Island, raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Ruxue's head, saying concisely.

"Humph!" Yu Ge snorted angrily.

Immediately, another harsh song rang.

"This meow..." Meng Jingtian finally couldn't keep his cold expression, and couldn't help but raise his hand to plug his ears.

With the sound of this harsh singing, the melodious and melodious song came over, and it was more than before, as if it was coming from all directions, echoing.

Not long after, I saw a lot of sharks popping out of the surrounding sea. The sharks were on both sides of the boat, lined up and stretched out in the direction of Shura Island.

The reef moved with the sound of singing, and a calm and waveless "bay" appeared between the two rows of sharks, like a flat road leading directly to Shura Island.

"Do you still have this ability?" Meng Jingtian looked at Yu Ge with a little surprise. He didn't expect that the strangers among the sharks, who had an unpleasant singing voice, were quite capable.

"That is!" Yu Ge stopped singing and said proudly, looking at his expression, as if to say it again, praise me! Give me a compliment!

Meng Jingtian just glanced at him, walked to the captain's room, knocked on the door, and said to Yang Wuchang, who was dumbfounded: "Go!"

At the same time, on Shura Island, a few Neon players who were soaked and trembling in their clothes climbed to a high place and said excitedly: "Haha! Great! We found an island! We will An unowned island is included in the territory of the neon country!"

"But this is not the island we were looking for!"

One of them murmured.


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