I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 370: The collision of game equipment and modern technology


"What's the big deal? Let me see!" Meng Jingtian yawned boredly, and then climbed onto the observation deck.

"Fuck! It feels like we've really gotten a big deal!" Looking forward, Meng Jingtian couldn't help but be surprised.

In the distance, at the place where the sea and the sky meet, a huge ship with a sense of metal and technology is approaching them.

It is not so much a giant ship as it is... an aircraft carrier!

Is this okay?

I have to say that Meng Jingtian was shocked at this time.

However, he soon recalled that Warhawks also had high-tech weapons, and it seemed not unusual for official teams from other countries to create an aircraft carrier in the game.

In this era, aircraft carriers have become more common weapons, rather than the deterrent weapons that were used hundreds of years ago. Some basic models and drawings are all rotten.

"Brother Tian, ​​is it time for us to change the route now?" Cai Minghou asked a little bit cowardly.

That's an aircraft carrier! An ordinary person is good to face an aircraft carrier without frightening.

Although it was only in the game, from the senses, he had already determined that their fancy golden jewel-stacked ship was not an opponent of the aircraft carrier at all.

Although Meng Jingtian is awesome, after all, he is a "person" alive, and his blood volume is also limited. Although almost no players can fight him at this stage, there must be a mass destruction weapon on the opponent's aircraft carrier.

Even if Meng Jingtian can hide, what about their boat?

"They seem to have speeded up." Meng Jingtian didn't answer Cai Minghou's question, and he still looked at that side with the observation mirror on the observation platform.

"What to do? What to do? This time I really have to finish it!"

"Why? Don't be afraid, just do it!" Meng Jingtian slapped Cai Minghou on the shoulder.

"Brother Tian, ​​can you not panic? Can't do it! That's an aircraft carrier! Look, there are a few warships next to it, just how much larger are those warships than ours?" Cai Minghou wanted to cry. Tears.

"Our ship? What's wrong with our ship? It's also of the Lingbao rank anyway!" Meng Jingtian pouted.

"Lingbao...level?" Cai Minghou, who was originally anxious, gave a pause and raised his hand to scratch his head in amazement.

It seems, yeah!

They are in the game, and their equipment is based on rank and attributes. The attributes of the Babaolou Ship Lingbao Rank are definitely not low!

Although its appearance is a bit exaggerated, some nouveau riche, and some are a little overwhelming.

Hey, let the usual inertial thinking affect it!

"Then look at what rank their aircraft carrier is?" After that, he calmed a lot, and said to Meng Jingtian.

At this time, the M service carrier in the distance did spot Meng Jingtian's ship.

If you don’t want to find it, you can’t do it. Where is this Nima ship?

Driving on this sea, it would be too conspicuous!

"Sir James, we found a moving golden mountain!" In the lounge of the aircraft carrier, an M-server player happily ran to report.

"Moving Jinshan?" James was stunned when he heard it. Isn't this kid playing himself? How can there be a moving golden mountain on the sea?

"Take me to see!" James stood up and ordered.

As the elder of the "Superman Alliance" gang, he has been leading the fleet formed in the gang to go to sea for half a month. A lot of islands have been found along the way. This is the first time I have heard of such a bizarre thing as the moving Jinshan. Too!

Soon, James came to the special observation room and saw the "moving golden mountain".

However, because the distance is so close, James can roughly see that it is a ship, not a golden mountain.

Immediately, he put down the most advanced observation mirror and slapped the head of the player who reported to him.

"Idiot! That is obviously a ship, what kind of golden mountain?"

"But...that kind of ship...what kind of nouveau riche can make it? It's really not easy for them to drive this kind of ship here!"

Obviously, James was also affected by subjective consciousness and did not consider the problem from the perspective of the game.

"Send the No. 1 and No. 2 warships to stop them. If necessary, you don't need to report them and destroy them!" Looking back, James directly ordered the players beside him.

The waters of the M service are not to be violated. No matter where the ships come from, as long as they break into the waters of the M service for no reason, they will be destroyed and expelled!

James took it for granted that wherever his fleet went, all belonged to the M service domain.

Of course, other than that, the jeweled boat is as exquisite as a collection. If it can be captured, it will be a fortune!

The two warships quickly left the team and rushed towards Meng Jingtian's Babaolou ship.

"Brother Tian! Brother Tian! Look..." Cai Minghou quickly pulled La Meng Jingtian.

Meng Jingtian calmly lost sight of the two warships that were shining with metallic lights and were much larger than the Babaolou ship.

In terms of appearance, these two warships are undoubtedly much stronger and more powerful than Babaolou ships.

The muzzle of the particle cannon on the black hole on the warship is shocking to see!

But under the scrutiny...

M-I5 warship (orange): A high-end warship carefully manufactured by the mechanic master Ken Bud according to mysterious drawings ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is equipped with 18 particle cannons and two sunspot cruise missile launching pads. It has a strong attack power.


It's just orange, this looks awesome warship, just orange.

After Meng Jingtian checked the basic attributes such as speed, he was completely calm.

This is not funny! A mere orange item, want to challenge Lingbao-level items?

He won't be afraid of a hundred more!

Just as Meng Jingtian was checking the attributes of the opponent's warship, the distance between the two sides narrowed, and the Babaolou ship also came within the attack range of the two warships.


"-4583573" there was a loud noise, and one of the warships directly attacked the Babaolou ship.

However, this attack hit the Babaolou ship, looking so powerful, it actually only destroyed a few million damage, which is simply drizzle to the hundreds of millions of blood on the Babaolou ship.

However, the M-server players on the two warships did not notice this. Instead, following the first shot, like an order, the two warships launched a series of attacks.

"Treasure light barrier!" Meng Jingtian spent half a million gold coins to open the treasure light barrier, then flexibly turned down from the observation deck and came to the captain's room.

I saw Yang Wuchang using his superb sailing skills to avoid the attack of artillery fire. Although the opponent's artillery fire was dense, he did not hit the Babaolou ship a few times. Even if he hit, he was easily stopped by the enchantment.

"Do we have weapons on board?" Yang Wuchang turned his head and yelled at the deputy captain when Meng Jingtian arrived.

"No, no need! Directly hit the two ships, will you?" Meng Jingtian replied with a smile, and then asked Yang Wuchang.

(End of this chapter)

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