I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 384: Who am I, where am I, how did I die?


"Fuck! Brother Tian, ​​have you swipe the BOSS?" Just when Meng Jingtian was about to throw a skill there to try, some anomalies appeared in the place where the strange group refreshed, Cai Minghou exclaimed.

"What a fuss!" Meng Jingtian whispered and turned his head back.

"Huh! Thought he found us."

"How come? We are invisible with invisible props!"

"Boss, shall we..."

"No? That guy is so amazing. Just looking at us, I almost made my legs weak in fright."

"Baobao! Now they are dealing with BOSS! You are afraid of a ball, let's go over it a little bit and grab it later."


The members of the squad talked, but in the end they couldn't resist the temptation of the boss, and came over here.

"The Flower of Ice and Snow!" Meng Jingtian didn't care about this 15th level BOSS, and directly lost a good skill.

"Ding! System announcement: The tenth elimination team in the Trial of Nations: Jianpuzhai!"

Just as Meng Jingtian dropped the BOSS with a single move, a system announcement rang.

"What the hell?" Meng Jingtian was stunned for a moment, looking at the ten messages in the battle information that prompted him to kill a certain player.

When did you kill it? Why doesn't he know?

Looking at the ice flower of that skill, there were indeed eleven, beside the BOSS, where those few footprints appeared.

"Wow! Another team is eliminated. I don't know where the battle started. It's boring to spawn monsters here. Why don't you come to a team from another country to grab the BOSS with us?" Cai Minghou sighed when he heard the announcement.

The ten players of the Janpzhai team have been sent back to the game area of ​​their country, and now they look dumbfounded.

who am I? where am I? How did I die?

A series of questions came out of their heads.

I have to say that Meng Jingtian originally had a skill to fight BOSS, and by the way, it stopped them. Not only was Meng Jingtian unknown, even the people who were stunned were confused because they were too sudden.

Blame their props can only be invisible, not invincible!

Frozen Flower is a god-level skill after all, although they have concealed Meng Jingtian’s eyes, they have not concealed the skill!

Listening to what Cai Minghou said, looking at the ten kill messages that popped up in his battle information, Meng Jingtian spared his head. He probably also knew that the team that was eliminated in the announcement just now was because of himself, right?

However, others didn't see it, and there was nothing to explain. They only counted the items exploded by the boss.

"Invisible sheets! And this kind of thing? Take it for fun!" Meng Jingtian picked up the invisible props dropped by the Jane Puzhai team, thinking it was the BOSS, and threw it directly to Cai Minghou and others.

"Good thing!" Then, his eyes lit up and he found a shiny stone.

God level skill stones, you can upgrade the skills of God level and below!

Meng Jingtian thought for a while and directly upgraded the burning fire.

All that was left were just a few pieces of equipment. The blue and purple equipment was not very useful. Meng Jingtian directly let Cai Minghou and the others divide it.

At this moment, Meng Jingtian received a secret chat from the eight-Kistan players.

"Haha! I have something to do, you are waiting for me here, I will go over and solve it." Seeing that the eight-Kistan player really sent himself information about other teams, Meng Jingtian smiled.

Immediately, before Cai Minghou and others hadn't reacted, Meng Jingtian summoned the fifteenth-level Dark Phoenix, and flew toward the coordinates provided by the eighth-kistan player.

"Hey, fuck! Brother Tian, ​​you are not kind, take us together!" After returning to his senses, Cai Minghou shouted at the figure of Mingfeng who had already flown into the sky.

Mingfeng's wings flicked and flew away.

In less than two minutes, Meng Jingtian came to the coordinates that the eight-Kistan player told him, and he saw a team chasing the eight-Kistan player to chop.

At this time, the eight-kistan player only has more than two thousand points of blood left in danger. Seeing the opponent's skill thrown away, with the operation of the eight-kistan player, it is estimated that there is no way to avoid it.

Mingfeng swooped down, and as soon as he entered the skill range, Meng Jingtian directly threw a magical healing technique to the Bajistan player.

"+41753" At this time, Meng Jingtian's method of heaven and earth has expired, but because of the purple equipment, the level has been upgraded to level 15. The value of this increase in blood is still quite impressive, directly filling the player's blood.

At this time, that skill also fell on the eight-Kistan players, and one skill was defeated, and more than 5,000 points of blood were destroyed.

"Fuck! What kind of idiot skills are you? Why are you almost hitting his blood?"

"Are you the undercover he sent to us?"

Because the time for the two skills to take effect almost came together, but for a moment, the magical healing technique had no particularly obvious special effects, and the squad chasing the eight-kistan players started infighting behind them.

The player who had just thrown his skills on the eight-kistan player was scolded **** by his teammates.

At this time, Meng Jingtian had also jumped down from Mingfeng and blocked the team~www.ltnovel.com~, is it the Aiji team? "Unlike other teams, it is not so easy to guess their identities. When they saw the players of this team dressed up, Meng Jingtian recognized them at a glance.

All of them, dressed like Pharaoh Guaiji, and one person even dressed up like a mummy. In all likelihood, the Aiji team did not run away.

"Here is another one! Why, is it fashionable to act separately from teammates now?"

"Yes, after all, such a pig teammate is really useful, and it's a drag."

Seeing Meng Jingtian standing alone in front of them, the members of the Aiji team muttered.

"Stop complaining, get rid of them first! Isn't this kid stupid? A person came to stand in front of us alone."

"Haha! Maybe he thought this was his own game zone. Those who can choose here are all masters. It's normal to beat those ordinary players with ten."

"This guy has level fifteen, be careful! Don't be careless!"


With that, a group of Egyptian players are about to attack Meng Jingtian.

However, just to chase the eight-Kistan player who found them, their skills have been lured out by a wave.

Facing Meng Jingtian at this time, they didn't have any skills, and the two Aiji team members threw their skills to Meng Jingtian.

Meng Jingtian didn't say much. He rushed to these players as soon as he landed and stood firm, and he used the group hold technique!

Meng Jingtian seemed to perform acrobatics, avoiding the skills used by the Aiji players just now, rushing to the side of them who were anchored, and lifting a tiger-headed knife that exploded before, it was a slash.




A series of injury figures emerged, and Meng Jingtian almost didn't discuss it all.

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