I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 397: Wait to die if you don't play games


"Tomorrow"...Oh! It's tomorrow!" Zhao Lin didn't struggle. He knew that Meng Jingtian wouldn't do anything to him. He could also be said to be confident. He just turned his head and looked at the scene outside the window.

"Tomorrow... you mean that our human consciousness will be continued in the game, and this world... is going to be over?" Meng Jingtian let go of Zhao Lin, and murmured in a daze.

The game is just a game for him, no matter how real it is, there is no way to replace him in the real world that he has lived for more than 20 years!

What's more, if only consciousness continues to exist in the game, is that still... alive?

Suddenly receiving this news, Meng Jingtian couldn't accept it for a while.

"Maybe it's not just what you think. I only know that this game is not researched by any country. Do you think that no one cares about you when you toss in the game? They can't control it!"

Zhao Lin smiled bitterly and said, "I wonder if this game was made by aliens. As for what purpose they have, who knows it, but we have no choice!"

"No! I can't accept it!" Meng Jingtian shook his head, and sat down on the sofa, trying to touch a cigarette, but found that he didn't smoke and didn't have any on him.

"Hey! Cousin, you are so awake, you can't accept that, other people in this world can't die now?" Zhao Lin walked over from the window and rolled his eyes.

In the game, you want the wind to get the wind, the rain or the rain is unacceptable, other people still play a fart!

"What else did your master tell you?" Meng Jingtian calmed down a bit and asked Zhao Lin.

"...He doesn't know how to play this game, so let me... mix with you in the future!" Zhao Lin was silent for a moment, and he could see that he was very complicated.

Not playing this game means...waiting to die!


Meng Jingtian frowned and asked nonchalantly.

"Shi!" Zhao Lin was a little disdainful, and then sneered with some annoyance: "It's not that I can't let go of those broken obsessions, but just make a noble appearance, vowing to live and die with the world."

"Go to the game, there is nothing to look at in this world." The two stopped talking. After a period of silence, Zhao Lin pulled La Meng's shocking sleeves and persuaded him.

"Go!" Meng Jingtian shook his head and let Zhao Lin go first.

"Don't be scared, auntie and they definitely don't want you to die, and you don't want to make them sad, do you?" Zhao Lin frowned and said.

"You are an unfilial son who doesn't have a family at the end of the world, what right do you have to say to me?" Meng Jingtian couldn't help but sneered.

Zhao Lin was silent for a moment: "They are not as stubborn as you. Who knows what they are up to now, anyway, I am sure they will not dare to die, I will see them in the game."

"Go! Leave me alone! This world hasn't been destroyed yet!" Meng Jingtian waved his hand.

It's not that he can't accept the life in the game, he just can't accept the fact that the real world is destroyed.

People still have memories of their homeland, not to mention the world they have lived in for so long.

Moreover, so far, he does not know what kind of existence the game is.

Zhao Lin said, that is not something made by the science and technology of other countries, and where did it come from?

Alien? what is this else?

It's impossible to see your place is about to be destroyed, so you can send a "Ark of Doom" to rescue you with compassion?

The person who sent this thing must have his own purpose, and in the game, God is not just a belief that believes or does not believe, but a real powerhouse.

At that time, what kind of great changes will happen to the world in the game?

Players, are you still players? Will there be endless lives? Will it be resurrected after death?

Meng Jingtian had a lot of questions in his mind, which turned into a mess.

And one of the most important of these issues is the system master **** in the game, what kind of existence the system master **** is. Once you completely rely on the game to survive, it will all fall under the control of the system master god.

He doesn't know whether the system master still has the ability to "delete" them!

Of course, the game still has to be played, because if you don't play, you will die!

It's just that these problems entangled Meng Jingtian, so he couldn't accept it easily, and happily entered this game that may never need to be offline.

With confusion in his mind, Meng Jingtian opened the door of the room and walked out in a daze.

The street signs, big trees, and vehicles on the street are all lying together in a mess. The traffic is completely blocked, and it can even be said that there is no traffic.

All transportation is out of service!

In the corner, some people who had survived on the street screamed sternly, but Meng Jingtian walked in this shattered world without hearing it.

What can he do, what can he do? Accept all this passively?

Suddenly, Meng Jingtian had a bold idea in his mind. He was going to check out the game console of "Tomorrow" ~ www.ltnovel.com~ He was going to check out this thing that people will have to live on.

But he doesn't know where this thing is!

Moreover, looking at the apocalyptic scene before me, I don't know when the end times will really come.

Meng Jingtian left for an unknown period of time, and suddenly stopped, the expression in his eyes regained clarity and calmness.

The end of the world is the end of the world, regardless of whether he can only live in the game, or is it the result of being deleted by the system, after doing what he wants to do, he will die without regret!

Meng Jingtian ran back home quickly and got out the sports car Jiang Ruxue gave him from the garage.

As a global limited edition, it is said to be an expensive sports car worthy of a city. It is equipped with the most advanced civilian technology, all made of memory metal, and successfully "survived" the two disasters experienced by Meng Jingtian's family.

Meng Jingtian drove this sports car, galloping through the city from low altitude, attracting all his attention along the way.

"Damn rich man!"

In the city apartment, some people who watched Meng Jingtian fly by the window in a sports car couldn't help cursing.

Even with the current technology, not all vehicles are amphibious.

Of course Meng Jingtian ignored these, because the weather is not very good now, and he arrived in Kyoto, Jiang Ruxue's manor, an hour later.

This time the doorman already knew him. After all, he also lived here for a month, although he was in a coma for 28 days of that month.

In short, the guard did not stop him, or even came out of the guard room, and watched him go in.

The strong wind outside is still blowing, although unlike the previous tornadoes, it is still very dangerous!

"Bang, bang, bang!" Meng Jingtian came out of the sports car and banged on the door of Jiang Ruxue's house regardless of the wind and rain outside.

This book comes from

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