I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 402: Expand pirate business


Above the blue sea, a high-quality purple fishing boat is busy.

On the fishing boat, Neon Country player Nozawa Hui stood on the boat and commanded the sailors on the boat. He calculated that he would receive about 100,000 gold coins after going back this time, and his face couldn't help but raise a smile.

Fortunately, he did not go to fight with the players who were making troubles and parades. During this time, he took advantage of this purple fishing boat to get out. Now all humans have to take refuge in the game, he is undoubtedly preempted. machine.

What Huaxia players can't open and hang, shut him off, just have those guys go and make trouble, and he will develop his own quietly.

"Boss! There are pirates!"

"Boss, we are surrounded by pirates!"

Just when Nozawami fell into his own ambition, the panicked voices of npc sailors and other players rang in his ears.

Ye Zehui looked back and saw the ship of the Crazy Dragon Pirate Group that Meng Jingtian was driving.

"Crazy Dragon Pirate Group? I haven't heard of it. It should be a small pirate group that just emerged nearby? Don't panic, get ready to fight!" Ye Zehui shouted.

And Meng Jingtian and others also heard a system prompt at this time.

"Ding! There is a robber professional player in the team. If you hand over the captain, you can initiate a robbery against the current target ship under his leadership."

"Robber? Is this okay? Who is a robber?" Meng Jingtian was taken aback for a moment, and asked in the team chat channel.

"I! I'm a bandit..." Jiang Chen was weak.

The system prompts he heard were different. The system asked him whether to expand his pirate business. After confirmation, he appeared as a pirate deputy.

Jiang Chen is also a little bit emotional, his business has expanded suddenly!

Expanded directly from bandit to pirate.

"Okay, the captain here! Boss, it's up to you for our robbery business today." Meng Jingtian smiled and gave the captain to him.

"Fuck, brother! I can't afford to be your boss!" Jiang Chen said quickly.

After taking over the captain, he found that several skills that came with the identity of the pirate that had just appeared could be used.

"Ding! The mad dragon pirate group launched a robbery against you, please choose a response plan.

Option 1: Escape

Option 2: Confrontation

Option 3: Abandon the ship and escape. "

A system reminder also sounded in Nozawa Hui's ear.

However, unlike the novelty of Meng Jingtian and others, Ye Zehui has become accustomed to it.

This is not the first time they have been harassed by pirates. Every time there is a pirate, they will receive such a prompt.

After confirming the confrontation, their fishing boats and pirate ships will be confined to one area until the outcome is determined.

If you choose to escape, the fishing boat will gain an acceleration skill, but in the process of escaping, the boat basically loses the ability to attack.

"Confrontation!" Nozawa Hui chose to confront without hesitation.

This crazy dragon pirate group has never heard of it, and the few pirate groups that are so powerful that they need to escape described in the guide do not have the name of the crazy dragon pirate group.

Just when the two sides made a choice, the encirclement formation was already formed, but Ye Zehui was not a little courageous, and first attacked the ships on Meng Jingtian's side with artillery fire equipped on the fishing boat.

The ship of the Crazy Dragon Pirate Group is of the God-level, and there are also turrets equipped with various weapons, but the pitfall is that there is no shells on the ship!

As soon as Meng Jingtian saw that the opponent had made a move, he simply turned on the law of heaven and earth, and a divine punishment technique was thrown at the opponent's ship.

"Boom!" A white thunder fell from the sky and landed on Ye Zehui's fishing boat.

"-6533741" a damage number came out, causing Nozawahui's face to change drastically.

What the hell? What kind of weapon is this and why hasn't he seen it on the market?

With the opening of the maritime era, there are now special sea markets in seaport cities in various countries, where not only can you trade all kinds of seafood, find crews, but also all kinds of ship equipment and weapons you can buy.

The general purple gun type weapon, the damage of one shot is only between 50W~150W.

Now Meng Jingtian's divine punishment technique is not only a thunder from the sky, it looks more powerful than artillery fire, and the damage should not be underestimated!

Moreover, there is no way to hide!

"Kill! Let's get on the boat!" Ye Zehui shouted to the players who had taken him out to sea, wanting to board the boat of Meng Jingtian and others.

For Ye Zehui, he still didn't know that the player was on the ship, he only thought it was which NPC pirate group, as long as he got on the ship and cleaned up the pirate mobs.

But how could Meng Jingtian and the others give Ye Zehui a chance?

Cai Minghou and others may have been affected by the previous Babaolou ship chasing the M country player warship. The Crazy Dragon Corsair does not have the ability to collide. They still drove the ship and collided on the Yezehui ship.

The collision caused damage to both ships.

But the ship of the mad dragon pirate ship is of the gods, and the ship of Nozawahui is purple, and the degree of damage cannot be compared.

In short, even though there were no shells on the ship, Cai Minghou and the others completely pressed Nozawa Hui and confused him with the spirit of not afraid of death.

Is there any mistake, is this pirate group Nima crazy?

They think this is a bumper boat? Regardless of one by one~www.ltnovel.com~ driving a boat is just a collision!

Cai Minghou, Jiang Chen and the others collided one by one, and they directly hit Ye Zehui's ship around the sea, and the hull also broke through two large holes.

All this happened so quickly that Ye Zehui didn't expect this pirate group to be so crazy. In less than two minutes, he didn't have time to make any response and was directly hit by Meng Jingtian and their pirate ship.

"Ding! Congratulations, you succeeded in the robbery! The reputation of the mad dragon pirate group is +1, and the catch is 3000 catties."

At this moment, Meng Jingtian and the others heard a system announcement.

This is the role of pirate status, as long as the robbery is successful, you can directly get rewards.

And if he directly overturned the boat of Ye Zehui, his boat would sink, and Meng Jingtian and others would naturally not get anything unless they went into the sea to fish.

"This is too weak, right? There is no passion at all!" Seeing Ye Zehui's fishing boat was easily silent, Meng Jingtian glanced at his mouth, suddenly lacking interest.

Instead, Cai Minghou and others yelled cheerfully: "Who else? Next!"

Meng Jingtian shook his head and returned to the Babaolou ship.

In the next few days, the Babaolou ship took these pirate ships to wander around here, looting a lot of merchant ships and fishing boats, and by the way, all the islands discovered by the players of the Neon Kingdom during this period were seized.

And with the success of the robbery again and again, the reputation of the crazy dragon pirate group has once again become louder in this sea.

On a remote and hidden island, several pirate groups are in a meeting.

"The reappearance of the mad dragon pirate group, what do you think?" a burly man with a one-eyed blindfold asked several other people dressed as pirates sitting in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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