I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 419: Stunned by pie

"Thank you! Thank you, Lord God!" The old Taoist was grateful to Dade, he sighed in relief, and thanked Meng Jingtian.

"No thanks!" Meng Jingtian waved his hand. Anyway, he just chose one randomly. What's the use?

After killing the old Taoist priest, Meng Jingtian continued to upgrade to the copy of the Tiandaomen site.

The old Taoist priest also opened the paper ball after Meng Jingtian left.

"Little Yun Country? What kind of country is this? No, this name!" The old Taoist murmured with a twitch of his mouth when he saw it.

But there is any way, Meng Jingtian has already chosen, and he only has to...report the news to Mr. Taishang. After stroking his beard for a long time, Mrs. Taishang also felt that the name was quite inappropriate.

So, one day later.

In a small country with only two cities, the Queen of the Kingdom of Xiaoyun Menglong gave birth to a child. This child will grow as long as the wind blows, but for a moment, he turns into a seven or eight-year-old boy.

The boy opened his mouth and said: "Xuanlong has lost the vitality of the country. I am the boy under the seat of the Nuwa Empress. I came here to help my father conquer the world."

As soon as the voice fell, when the kings and concubines of the Xiaoyun Kingdom gathered here were shocked, they heard the purple air coming from outside the door, and a cloud of auspicious clouds descended, and an old Taoist priest with a fairy style and bones came.

Upon hearing this, King Xiaoyun State went out to greet him in surprise.

Anyway, that is also a person among the gods!

For them, a small country with only two cities, that cannot be offended!

This old Taoist is no one else, but the old Taoist who went to find Meng Jingtian before.

"The old Dao has seen your Majesty, I would like to congratulate your majesty first!" The old Taoist is quite respectful to this small country king who is only 7o.

After all, the ruler of the world, the Emperor of Destiny, even some ordinary gods will give some face.

"The fairy is..." The little king is confused. What's the situation today?

First, his newborn son Cengceng grew up to seven or eight years old, and said he was the son of the Nuwa Empress.

An old Taoist priest came to congratulate himself.

really? Illusion?

Just when the king of the small country Dongfang Yu was stunned, the old Taoist priest spoke again: "It's just... Your Majesty's country name is quite inappropriate. The old monarch ordered, how about changing Xiaoyun country to Canglong country?"

"Ah..." Dongfang Yu was even more daunted. Can anyone explain to me the situation first!

What does his country name have to do with Lao Jun?

What's more, Canglong Country? Dongfang Yu trembled in his heart, dare not!

With such an arrogant name, maybe Xuanlong Nation sent troops to destroy him in minutes.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing him distracted, the old Taoist hurriedly shouted again.

"Um... Immortal Chang, this... isn't it right?" Dongfang Yu said cautiously.

"You don't want to follow the decree of the old man?" The old Taoist squinted his eyes and threatened.

"No! No..." Dongfang Yu quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Father! The Daoist is right. If we want to compete for the world, our country's name is really not prestigious!" The newborn child came out and said loudly.

"Huh? The people next to Empress Nuwa?" The old Taoist squinted slightly and muttered.

The news about Empress Nuwa was well-established, and he had only just returned the news.

He didn't know it either. The moment he opened the paper ball and read out Xiao Yunguo, the flow of luck settled.

All the saints to whom the luck was originally not counted were also counted.

"Struggle, contend for the world? Don't dare! Don't talk about it, the villain doesn't dare! His Majesty Xuanlong Kingdom is destined, Xiaoyun Kingdom is absolutely indifferent!" Dongfang Yu was shocked and inexplicably thought. It was the Emperor Xuanlong who deliberately sent someone to try him.


Although, he didn't know why the Emperor of the Xuanlong Kingdom doubted himself, who had always kept himself safe, and why he could do these methods.

"Your Majesty, don't be surprised, the Xuanlong Nation has lost its luck, and now it is time for our Canglong Nation to rise at the historic moment..."

Before the old Taoist spoke, he only heard a dragon chant resounding through the world, and soldiers reported in panic.

"His Majesty Qi: A blue dragon flew over the imperial city. I only saw the dragon's head but not its tail. I don't know how big it is..."

"..." Dongfang Yu was completely speechless, his mind was blank.

who am I? where am I? What are they talking about?

The old Taoist frowned slightly, and he didn't know which great **** it was. He just suggested that Xiaoyun Kingdom be renamed Canglong Kingdom on his forefoot, and he really sent a Canglong!

"His Majesty: There is a magic soldier born in Xuanyuanpo outside the imperial city!"

"His Majesty: The grain grown in the rice fields outside the imperial city is ripe in an instant, and it grows out again."

"His Majesty Qi: I don't know where a group of horses came out and rushed into the imperial city, and they have been caught by General Xuanwei..."


In a short while, the soldiers in the palace ran over one after another, bringing incredible news one by one.

If Dongfang Jade comes from reality, I am afraid he has to wonder if it is April Fool's Day today.

Unfortunately, he is not.

So, at this time Dongfang Yu was just completely stunned.

It seemed that he was hit by a huge pie, and the pie was so big that it stunned him directly.

And here.

Meng Jingtian brushed the level for a while yesterday, and now there are restrictions on the Tiandaomen ruins, which can only be brushed ten times a day.

Seeing that it was not early, he had to give up, ran to the cave for a while, and practiced.

Originally equipped mental methods can increase their proficiency with training. At full proficiency level, they can be upgraded to obtain more powerful effects.

Meng Jingtian practiced for a whole night and only got 2o points of proficiency. Naturally, he did not upgrade, but he gained a lot of experience points.

The next day, I was about to continue to open the Tiandaomen ruins, but heard several system announcements.

"Ding! System announcement: The monarch of the kingdom of Xiaoyun ordered to change the kingdom of Xiaoyun to the kingdom of Canglong."

"Ding! System announcement: The Xuanlong Nation has no right to govern the country, the energy is exhausted, the Canglong Nation should raise its flag, Xuanlong is dead, and the Canglong stands!

Players can choose to join the court camp of the Xuanlong Kingdom and the Canglong Kingdom Volunteers camp, receive war missions from the generals of the two countries, and engage in game confrontation.

The result of the confrontation will affect the situation in China, and it will also affect the future of many players. Players are also asked to choose carefully. "

"..." Hearing this announcement, Meng Jingtian's first reaction was dazed.

What the hell, there are really people... No, there really are countries that dare to challenge the Xuanlong country!

I didn't even hear what little Yunguo...Wait, the country that the crazy Taoist asked him to choose yesterday seemed to have this name.

Isn't it?

Meng Jingtian recalled, his face was damned, which was too **** bizarre.

So the old Taoist priest really went to encourage Xiaoguo to do it with Xuanlongguo?

Why? That old Taoist is still a mad believer of Senior Brother ~www.ltnovel.com~ Doesn't it mean that this is what Senior Brother meant?

But why!

Xuanlong is so powerful that anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Is it true that the luck of the Xuanlong Kingdom has flowed to the east? Is there really a small eastern country that wants to replace the Xuanlong country?

No, the system, you, the world story is too weird!

Still that sentence, why? Why?


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