I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 101 Chapter 103 The Red Sand Scorpion

"call out--"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a sniper bullet knocked off a bun on Fei Liuhu's head, making a palm-sized hole in the concrete floor.

Shooting accuracy has dropped.

It seems that the sniper was also frightened by Tian Linggai's operation of carrying the sniper bullets hard.

"Annoying little fly!"

Fei Liuhu raised his head, pulled the mask to his chin, opened his mouth to the roof of the office building in the distance, and spat out a stone the size of a date pit.

The small stones grow larger in the wind, and become huge stones the size of a millstone in the air.

Earth escape, the art of rock and iron cannon!

Eight hundred meters away, the sniper on the roof of the office building stared in horror at a huge boulder, which crashed down less than three meters away, deeply embedded in the roof of the building.

Not only that, but in the next second, one rock after another flew over, breaking through the glass curtain wall on the tenth floor, rampaging inside, and making a loud crackling noise.

The sniper was so frightened that he didn't care to pick up the heavy sniper rifle, and he didn't dare to run downstairs.

Instead, he hid on the other side of the building, in the corner of the top stairwell.

It's still important to save your life.

After dismissing the snipers in the distance, Fei Liuhu pulled up his mask again and looked at the people in the Metropolitan Police Department who had already started to flee.

"Don't even try to escape."

Fei Liuhu made an old and hoarse voice, but the killing intent contained in it made everyone who heard it shudder.

Then run even faster!

"Clang clang clang—"

The steel tail behind Fei Liuhu stretched out, and the crisp sound of metal collisions resounded continuously, turning into an iron sword more than ten meters long.

The giant steel sword swung backwards, cutting off Sato's ancient house in half!


The load-bearing beams groaned, and the whole house collapsed, sending dust everywhere.

Then Fei Liuhu began to squirm, and the steel tail ejected, passed through the houses across the street, and swept forward.

The reinforced concrete buildings along the way seem to be made of tofu and the walls have been dug open.

"Get down!"

The on-site commander heard the abnormal noise behind, couldn't help but look back, and was frightened out of his body.

When this steel tail swept over, how many police officers would be chopped into two pieces like mowing grass.

He threw himself on the ground, and shouted at the policeman in front of him:

"Everyone get down!"

At this time, the armed helicopter hovering 300 meters in the air finally moved.

The armed helicopter swooped down from the right front of Fei Liuhu. The turret machine gun directly in front of the fuselage had been opened, and it was firing fiercely forward!

The attack was so menacing that Fei Liuhu could only retract the steel tail and flick the bullets fired by the aircraft cannon.

However, the power of helicopter cannons is not comparable to that of pistols and submachine guns. Even armored vehicles may be shot and exploded in one go.

Helicopter bullets poured down from the sky, dragging a long line of fire, interspersed with bright green tracer bullets.

The metal storm shot towards Fei Liuhu, the bullets hit the ground, the sky was filled with dust, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"Is it finished?"

The observer of the armed helicopter has been paying close attention to the situation on the ground. With excellent eyesight, he vaguely saw a shadow of a three-story building suddenly appearing in the dusty sky.

When I looked closely, it turned out to be a khaki hill.

The surface was battered by aerial guns, but it still stood tall.

The next moment, the top of the mountain turned into fine sand and collapsed, revealing the intact Fei Liuhu inside. He had pulled off his mask and raised his head.

"The Transcendent is about to attack! Climb quickly!"

The armed helicopter climbed urgently on the spot, and a rolling rock would pass by below, and if the reaction was a little slower, the machine would crash and people would die.

Regardless of his own mission, the pilot raised the flight altitude to an altitude of thousands of meters in one breath, and then flew out.

This is a strategic retreat!

Seeing the great savior who fell from the sky, he turned around and ran away. The members of the Metropolitan Police Department who were still on the sidelines completely lost their morale and rushed towards the intersection of the street.

But they soon despaired. At some point, a five-meter-high earth wall suddenly rose at the intersection of the street, sealing the exit tightly.

"I told you, no one can escape!"

At this time, the voice of the god of death suddenly came from behind everyone.

The steel tail shot forward through the air, directly impaling a man trying to escape over the wall, chaining him to it.

There was not even a scream, and he died on the spot.

The commander could only stand up, look at the masked weirdo in front of him face to face, and said sternly:

"You are killing so much, have you thought about the consequences! You are an enemy of this country!"

"So what? Isn't it interesting."

The masked monster's robe was covered with fine gravel, and as his body squirmed forward, a yellow sand path was dragged on the ground, and the corpses attached to the tip of the steel tail shed bright red blood, covering his robe and the legs under his feet. Grit stained red.

The red cloud on the black robe is more vivid because of the blood.

"Hee hee hee, I still want to try, if my technique can conquer a country again after a thousand years."

frenzied! Disregard human life!

The madness and cruelty of this monster have been fully demonstrated.

These members of the Metropolitan Police Department represent the country and are members of the country's violent organs, but what's the use in front of such lawless monsters?

The face of the on-site commander was extremely ugly.

The Metropolitan Police Department really underestimated the danger of the Transcendent. Maybe it was because the previous conflict with the Transcendent was intense, but no one died, which gave them an illusion.

And this masked weirdo with a scorpion-like steel tail decided to kill all the people in the Metropolitan Police Department without even needing a reason.

Compared with him, the red-eyed man who broke into the police station wearing the same style of black-bottomed red cloud robe before was simply too gentle, at least he didn't kill any of them.

I can only fight!

The on-site commander led Yuji Kanhara and a few people who still had the courage to hold their guns, and prepared to fight to the death.

"It's almost time for fire. If you continue to scare them, these people may have psychological shadows."

Naruto Uchiha is not an antisocial personality who enjoys killing people. He killed these two. In the words of the game, they are all famous players in the real world.

The rest of the police officers are ordinary people. Although Naruto Uchiha wanted to take this opportunity to make trouble, throwing smoke bombs, and lead the Metropolitan Police Department's perception of extraordinary people to a dead end, he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. .

Only one last step left.

Naruto Uchiha hid inside Fei Liuhu, scanned all the people present, and saw a familiar face with a wicked smile on his face.

"go to hell!"

Seeing that the steel tail was about to pick up Yuuji Kanbara and become the third victim, he stretched out a palm and pinched the tip of the tail with two fingers, blocking the blow.


A circle of golden Buddha's light emerged in the void, and a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes in a white cassock appeared in front of everyone, bathed in the Buddha's light.

"Your Excellency should be the legendary Red Sand Scorpion. But you should have had enough trouble, stop killing and committing crimes, please give the poor monk some face."

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