I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 110 Chapter 112 Ultimate goal: Sage of the Six Paths

In Nakano District, inside Uchiha's house, Naruto Uchiha opened the window and looked towards the southeast with a slightly tired expression.

Directing such a big show this time consumed a lot of his chakra.

"With this swastika, the Metropolitan Police Department won't be too hard on Kanbara."

Considering the possible interrogation and censorship of Police Officer Kanbara, Naruto Uchiha left him a swastika through the sealing technique before leaving, indicating that this person was covered by a holy monk.

As long as the Metropolitan Police Department doesn't want to tear itself apart with Lu Lu, it won't go too far.

The swastika is not only good-looking, it can save a life in a real crisis.

It can be regarded as a little thought for the Metropolitan Police Department, otherwise it will take a lot of trouble to wait for nothing, and who knows what the Metropolitan Police Department will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Returning to the house again, closing the curtains, Naruto Uchiha wiped his hand on the table, and two more scrolls appeared.

Inside are Feiliuhu and Sandai Kazekage.

These two puppets were exchanged from item stores.

Naruto Uchiha is a little obsessive-compulsive, and since he wanted to pretend to be the Akatsuki Scorpion of the Akatsuki organization, he had to use his most representative puppet as a matter of course.

The human puppet of the third Kazekage is a simplified version, and the highest can only use LV3 magnetic escape, and the genuine version of the third Kazekage human puppet is not affordable for Uchiha Naruto's current Gouyu.

In the prop shop, there are also "father" and "mother", human puppets of Xie himself, and hundreds of puppets matching his unique tricks, red and secret skills.

As long as there is enough hook jade, Uchiha Ming can exchange for a huge puppet army.

It's just not necessary, the puppet army has no advantage in facing the human army, the extraordinary is stronger than the dragon, and can launch a strong attack at any time. And the weapons of mass destruction armed by the human army, against these supermen with extremely strong individual combat capabilities, are like cannons hitting flying mosquitoes, which have no power to use.

However, weapons of mass destruction can have miraculous effects against the puppet army, which is a large number of combat units with average combat effectiveness.

Originally, this time I just went to Sato Nakaguya to deal with the evil spirit and harvest points, but I didn't expect that there would be twists and turns, and it would end in this scene.

After opening the Sangouyu Sharingan and mastering a variety of mysterious and powerful ninjutsu, Naruto Uchiha is no longer as insecure as when he just awakened the system. Put on a leash.

Even the legendary king of monsters in Tokyo cannot be stronger than the current Uchiha Naruto!

On this planet, he is the strongest individual.

But it's not enough, it's not enough!

Uchiha Naruto's ultimate goal is to master all the techniques of another world, evolve the Sharingan to the limit and open the Reincarnation Eye, and finally possess the great power of the Six Paths Sage to reshape the world and open up the world.

For this he needs a large amount of hook jade and proficiency.

And the monsters are scattered all over the country, and even form a very cunning organization to sneak in the dark.

Naruto Uchiha doesn't have this kind of leisure and carefreeness. It is not only troublesome but also inefficient to search the mountains and seas all over the country to find the monsters and cook them one by one.

Therefore, Naruto Uchiha needs to use the power of the Japanese government to search for the whereabouts of monsters and evil spirits.

Naruto Uchiha wants to have an equal dialogue with the official forces and cooperate.

But this country and its master are obviously bullying creatures. If they speak kindly, they will definitely feel that the superhuman is weak and deceitful, and then go further, ask for supernatural secrets, and even ask the superhuman to bow down to him, like this kind of fool Naruto Uchiha has seen a lot.

The only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans don't learn from history.

When reading history books, many people will be short-circuited by some unimaginable idiots, but there will be more and more bizarre operations by the gods in the future.

There is no other reason, and interests are blinding.

It's a pity that the strongest ninjutsu mastered by Naruto Uchiha is only LV3, and the strongest violence on this planet is still in the hands of human beings.

Not to mention that kind of ultimate weapon, even conventional weapons have already swelled to the point where Naruto Uchiha has to be afraid.

The 20-meter statue of King Ming and the clay giant look majestic and majestic, but how many shots can the air-to-ground missiles of the fighter jets hold?

That's why Naruto Uchiha has to hide behind the scenes to create a non-existent extraordinary side world, not only for the purpose of setting up the enchantment array, but also to guide the state machine to move in the direction he wants.

It would be best if the tiger's skin can successfully fool the country's power. If not, Naruto Uchiha still has a backup.

Maybe you can start to think about forming your own team, how can the black hand behind the scenes have no subordinates, and you have to play everything yourself?

Too many things happened today, Uchiha Naruto also felt exhausted, he returned to the room and fell asleep.

This April was a long and unbearable time for both him and the Metropolitan Police Department. It felt like half a lifetime, and the accumulated exhaustion exploded like a torrent at this moment.

This sleep lasted one day and one night, and when Uchiha Naruto woke up from sleep, it was already five o'clock on Sunday evening.

"Heh, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

Uchiha Ming came down from the room on the second floor and found a note on the dining table in the living room. Uchiha Xianmen had been called back to work by the Metropolitan Police Department.

This is also expected by Naruto Uchiha. After all, since Friday, he has not only invaded the Metropolitan Police Department and removed all the materials, but also directed such a big show in Ota District. The Metropolitan Police Department must be short of manpower. Uchiha Senmon lay leisurely at home.

He opened the refrigerator door, took out a 1L box of milk, and drank half of the bottle. Naruto Uchiha wiped the milk stains from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

The state of Tsukimi Inaba in the master and apprentice support list [fake death] has returned to normal!

In other words, Tsukimi Ri Inaba finally broke through the difficulties of life and death and escaped a catastrophe?

At the beginning, Sasuke was persuaded by the Otonin four to take the Xingxin Wan, and after being sealed by the four black mist formations, he fell into a state of suspended animation, and broke the seal in just half a day.

And Tsukimi Ri Inaba had been sealed in the coffin for three full days, and the further the time passed, the less likely she was to escape from death.

Naruto Uchiha had already given up any hope, but he didn't expect to give him an unexpected surprise at this time.

"Spiritualization technique!"

Uchiha Naruto's soul arrived in an instant, and was transferred from Nakano District to Gokokuji Temple in Bunkyo District.

Naruto Uchiha, who was in a spirit state, floated to the beam of the side hall of the Huguo Temple, and saw a barrel-shaped coffin placed on it, with black smoke emitting from the cover.

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