I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 118 Chapter 120

Branches drilled out from the ground, like living things, entangled towards Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Naruto.

These branches turned into a small forest in an instant, not only to catch them, but also to block the sight and buy time for Higuchi Orochi to escape.

After all the evil, it was hard for the King of Tokyo Monsters to show his feet, so how could he let him run away.

As soon as Uchiha Itachi formed a mudra with his hands, his whole body turned into dozens of crows and flew into the air.

"Don't try to run!"

The branches protruding from the ground were only three or four meters thick. Although the branches quickly grew several meters, trying to stop the crows from the sky, it was futile in the end.

To deal with Higuchi Orochi, it is enough to use Uchiha Itachi, the bird clone.

Now a monster who can use Mudun suddenly appeared, which also greatly increased Naruto Uchiha's interest.

This is the famous Mudun, the first generation is to rely on Mudun and the mighty Susan to compete, how can this kind of blood succession limit make Uchiha Naruto salivate.

However, this monster's wood escape is too weak, probably not even at the level of Yamato, probably barely at the level of LV2.

"Huo Dun, head hard!"

Although the basic attributes of Naruto do not have the limitation of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint, but under the fire escape of LV3, the monster's wood escape has little resistance, and the entire grove was burned to white ground in an instant.

Together with the remaining half of the Buddhist temple, it was also reduced to ashes.

[The kill is complete, the reward is being calculated]

【Wood escape LV1】

【Medical Ninjutsu LV1】

[Dead Soul Art LV1]

【Ninja Jade*160】

After the trees and Buddhist temples were burned to fly ash, the soot rose into the air and enveloped the entire land.


Choking on the throat slightly by the smoke, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's plain face was also slightly stained with black, she covered her mouth with one hand and coughed a few times.

"It seems that you are still not used to the power I bestow on you. This little smoke can be blown away with a storm."

Naruto Uchiha appeared beside Tsukimi Ri Inaba without a sound, snapped his fingers, and a strong wind suddenly blew up on the spot, tearing the smoke and dust away.

Naruto Uchiha took off his mask, smiled at Tsukimi Inaba, and said:

"I hope you can enjoy your second life, Yue Jianli."

"Yes, master."

According to the contract established by the master-student assistance, Tsukimi Ri Inaba hesitated for a moment, and finally knelt down half-knelt down in a heartfelt sense of oppression in the soul.

Holding the chakra samurai sword that Naruto Uchiha gave her before, she raised it above her head respectfully.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba is the daughter of the samurai family, and she must repay her kindness, such a simple truth is understandable.

Naruto Uchiha nodded in satisfaction, Tsukimi Ri Inaba was able to recognize the master-slave relationship so tactfully, which made him very satisfied.

After all, Tsukimi Ri Inaba is a precious sample of white eyes and curse seals implanted by the monster Higuchi Orochi, and in order to test the system ability of master-student assistance in battle, Uchiha Naruto also bestowed ninjutsu on her.

He is the first human being who possesses chakra besides Naruto Uchiha.

It is very worthwhile to observe. Although all superhumans are Uchiha Naruto's vest now, he is also considering whether to artificially create a group of superhuman subordinates who belong to him through the system's master-apprentice assistance function.

"You are in the state of curse seal 2. Ordinary metal weapons cannot withstand your strength. I will give you this samurai sword as a gift." Naruto Uchiha said lightly.

"Thank you master, I will cherish it."

Tsukimi Inaba said coldly.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but this is not the place to talk, let's go first."

"But, that youkai called Higuchi Orochi..."

"No problem, since Mr. Itachi has made a move, the monster will never escape."

Naruto Uchiha said with certainty.

Meanwhile, on the downhill road outside the Gokokuji Cemetery, Orochi Higuchi's body is collapsing.

It opened its mouth and vomited, and there were one after another small snakes mixed in the pus and yellow mucus in its mouth. The flesh and blood on its body seemed to be festering, and poisonous snakes fell out. When these poisonous snakes fell from it, they twisted their bodies. Soon to die.

"Damn it, it's not only the physical injury, but also the burning pain in the spirit! I changed the form of the white-scaled snake before, and after I failed to try to seize the body, I have been suffering the pain. Damn it, I feel that my body is about to lose control!"

The original shape of Higuchi Orochi is weird enough, but now it looks like a human form made of countless small snakes intertwined.


Orochi Higuchi staggered to the middle of the road, a convertible sports car didn't notice that there were still passers-by walking on the road at this time, and directly knocked it into the air.

"It's so late, why are there still people walking around on the road, are they looking for death?"

A young man dressed as a son of a rich family, with a heavily made-up call girl in his arms, got out of the car drunkenly, yelling and cursing.

At this time, following the headlights of the convertible sports car, he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

Snakes, lots of snakes!

One after another, colorful poisonous snakes of different sizes are intertwined together to form a human figure. The head, hands, feet, and body of this human figure are all composed of poisonous snakes.

What a monster!

Just looking at it makes me feel like I'm going to be polluted, and I feel sick to my stomach.

Before the rich son had time to think about it, the snakes had already swam up and swallowed the two of them into the snakes.

"Not enough, not enough, I must devour more human flesh and blood now to survive!"

Orochi Higuchi looked at the Wanjia lights at the foot of the mountain, wriggled with difficulty, and climbed down.

If a monster like this ran into the urban area, I don't know how many people would die.

"Orochi Higuchi, you were already a monster, but now that you're in this form, you're so ugly that you have nothing to say."

Crows descended from the sky, circling around the snake body of Higuchi Serpent, and poked out snake heads one by one from Higuchi Serpent's body, trying to bite the crows in mid-air, but they didn't even bite the crow's feathers.

The crows gradually merged into one, and Uchiha Itachi appeared in front of Higuchi Orochi.

"Hisss, Itachi! Eyes, body, everything, hand it over!"

Higuchi Orochi roared, his whole body was completely out of human form, but turned into a huge snake ball made up of countless poisonous snakes.

"It's so sad, has it been completely reduced to a beast?"

"Fire escape, the skill of the mighty fire dragon!"

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