I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 132 Chapter 134

"Bastard! Satomi, are you messing around?!"

When Professor Kurokawa's ghost appeared, Professor Zenai remained silent, and even stepped back quietly to hide in the crowd.

After all, the relationship between myself and Kurokawa is very bad, and I have been fighting openly and secretly for several years for the position of the head of the Medical University. What if Kurokawa's ghost took revenge and took him with him when he left?

He had only sat on the throne of the Minister of Medical University for a year, and he was still hot. How could he die young at this time.

Although none of the doctors present dared to answer Professor Kurokawa's question, seeing that Professor Kurokawa was going to treat the upstart president according to his own plan, Professor Zeuchi couldn't help showing pride.

Who would have thought that there would be turmoil now, and when he rushed out halfway to see the doctor, his face immediately changed, and he scolded angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Professor Zenuchi didn't have the courage to boss around Professor Kurokawa's ghost, but facing this little doctor in Satoshi, he regained his prestige as the head of the Medical University.

Professor Kurokawa retracted the palm that was pressing on the handle, his white eyes blinked, and then returned to deep black, turned his head sideways, and looked at Dr. Satomi silently.

"The patient is in room 1309." Seeing the doctor without any fear, Li said in a trembling voice.

Whether it is the ghost of Professor Kurokawa or the reprimand of Professor Zenui, Dr. Satomi is fearless.

"Room 1309, is that child suffering from bone cancer? But the president's condition is also very critical, who should be saved? See the doctor, don't worry about it! We doctors should treat patients equally."

Seeing Doctor Ghost stop moving, Professor Ze Nei also said anxiously,

"Equal treatment? Professor Zenei, you transferred him to this ward because of the president's 100 million yen. You are still the head of the Medical University, and you are so greedy for money, and deprived a child of being rescued by despicable means." Chance."

Now that things have happened, Dr. Satomi no longer worries so much, and directly exposes the hypocrisy of Professor Zenei.

"Satomi, what do you know! The 100 million yen is not in my pocket, but donated to our affiliated hospital of the Medical University. Satomi, pay attention to your tone of voice, you are talking to the head of the Medical University!"

Being confronted face to face by such a small assistant professor, Professor Ze Nei blushed and said angrily.

"Professor Kurokawa, even considering the condition, the children in room 1309 are seriously ill, and their lives are imminent. The president of room 1302, although he has advanced esophageal cancer, should be able to survive for another year."

Now that his face has been torn apart, Dr. Satomi no longer looked at Professor Norai's expression, but turned to Professor Kurokawa and said solemnly.

Professor Kurokawa's cold face didn't change, he still didn't say a word, but his eyes flickered a few times.

Dr. Satomi still had a fresh memory. When Professor Kurokawa appeared in the hospital for the first time the day before yesterday, his face was as pale as a corpse that had just crawled out of a grave, and his body exuded a lingering death aura, which was extremely terrifying. .

The current Professor Kurokawa is still pale and expressionless, but compared to the first day, he is a little more angry.

If people who don't know him see him, they may think that he is a doctor with some frailty, and they won't associate it with ghosts or corpses.

Professor Kurokawa's reaction now shows that he is rational.

Sure enough, Professor Kurokawa started walking again, walking steadily towards the aisle.

It seems that the president of Room 1302 gave up the treatment and chose to operate on a dying child suffering from bone cancer.

Although there were more than 20 people gathered at the scene, the crowd was afraid of the courage exuded by Professor Kurokawa, and they even backed away in fright.

Especially those doctors who knew Professor Kurokawa were so obedient, they voluntarily shrank against the wall and made way for them.

On the contrary, the security guards were ignorant, looking at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand the situation.

The hospital only changed its security company half a year ago. These security guards are all newcomers. Few of them know Dr. Kurokawa, who was in charge of the Hospital Affiliated to Medical University a year ago.

When the hospital's senior management summoned the security forces, they did not tell them the truth about the ghost doctor. The security guards were at a loss about the current situation.

However, some of the security guards, who were smarter and more discerning, keenly sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and imitated the doctors and acted like ostriches and leaned against the wall.

There are also a few stunned youths standing there stupidly, completely unaware of what Professor Ze Nei and Dr. Satomi are arguing about.

"Kurokawa, you...you..."

When Professor Kurokawa came over, Professor Zenai's face was dark and uncertain. He tried to muster up the courage to say something to Professor Kurokawa, but the words surged in his throat, but his teeth kept fighting, and he stuttered and couldn't even speak. not come out.

Professor Kurokawa ignored him directly, and walked past Professor Zenai with a cold expression.

It's that expression again!

Professor Zenai looked at Kurokawa's back and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Kurokawa, a genius doctor who made his peers look down, had such an expression in college. Although he appeared to be elegant and gentle on the surface, he was actually extremely arrogant and cold, and he dismissed all his peers.

But you are already a dead person, why do you still have this expression!

The current owner of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University is not you Kurokawa, but me, Professor Norai.

"Security! Security! Catch this man!"

Professor Zenai lost his mind for a while, and he didn't care that Professor Kurokawa was dead. Now he was facing his ghost, and he yelled out in frustration.

"Hurry up and drive out this idler who broke into the hospital, or I will expel you all!"

After hearing this, several security guards could only walk towards Professor Kurokawa.

Although the situation is still unclear, Professor Ze Nei, the head of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, has given orders, and as security guards, they can only obey obediently.

"This doctor, you should not belong to our hospital, please leave..."

Professor Kurokawa now looked like a doctor with an unhealthy complexion. Although the security guards who were kept in the dark were a little confused, they didn't have much fear.

Two big-armed security guards, one on the left and the other on the right, reached out to grab Professor Kurokawa's shoulder at the same time.

Professor Kurokawa didn't dodge or dodge, but when their fingertips touched Professor Kurokawa's white coat, both of them stopped moving strangely.

"Hey, why are my hands and feet not in control?"

"Me too!"

The two security guards turned around stiffly like puppets on a string, their faces full of horror, and the next moment they rushed directly towards Professor Zenei.

The two security guards, one a hungry tiger, and the other a hawk catching a rabbit, immediately pushed Professor Zenei face down, onto the cold plastic floor.

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