I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 134 Chapter 136

This tall ocean horse has shoulder-length blond hair after curling, blue pupils, bright red lipstick on full lips, a white village shirt under a black lady's suit, and a high chest. The whole person looks dazzling.

This foreign woman who is as beautiful as a model or an actress is actually a policeman in this Asian island country.

"And it's the Ministry of Public Security?"

If it was the staff of the hospital who pushed the door without knocking, then Professor Nei would definitely spray them bloody, but seeing this group of uninvited guests report out of the house, Professor Nei couldn't help frowning stand up.

Professor Zenei's first reaction was that it was a prank, but after receiving the police officer's certificate and checking the Rising Sun badge on it repeatedly, he asked after confirming that it was genuine.

"I don't know, Miss Grace from the Ministry of Public Security, what do you want to know from me?"

Why did people from the Metropolitan Police Department come to visit him suddenly? Could it be that he accepted a bribe from a pharmaceutical company?

But such trivial matters are commonplace in this country. At worst, three glasses of wine will be fined, and it will not be the turn of the Metropolitan Police Department, and it is the Ministry of Public Security.

As a spy agency, the Ministry of Public Security appeared in the hospital quite conspicuously.

"It's about the ghost doctor!"

The blonde looked at the mess in the office, raised her head, and said straight to the point.

Professor Zenet's expression changed, and he stared at the blonde female police officer.

How could this matter leak so quickly? !

Thinking about it carefully, this is not surprising, after all, the doctors and nurses in the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University are just ordinary people, not public officials of secret-related agencies. They have not received training in secrecy and do not have this awareness.

Not to mention that the ghost doctor has already performed three operations, and the patients and their families who witnessed the ghost doctor are not obliged to keep the hospital secret.

Even if the senior management of the hospital issued a gag order, there were dozens of people who witnessed this incident with their own eyes, and countless people who heard about it. It is impossible for the hospital to keep the ghost doctor's secret tightly sealed.

Professor Zenei was still planning to strengthen the secrecy work, try to delay the exposure time, and get as much profit as possible from it, but he didn't expect that the Police Department would come to his door just a few days later.

The situation seemed to be out of Professor Zenei's control.

If he is taken over by the Metropolitan Police Department, he will not be able to profit from it.

"This matter is actually a rumor. It's just spreading rumors. How could it alarm the Ministry of Public Security?"

At this point, Professor Zeni still wanted to prevaricate.

"Professor Zenei, please cooperate with the work of our Ministry of Public Security! Since we have come to the door, we are naturally sure to confirm the authenticity of the information." Grace walked to the desk, put her hands on it, and said with sharp eyes.

"Oh, is that so?"

As the Minister of Medicine of the Medical University, Professor Zenei has dealt with the powerful and powerful during the arrival and departure of hospitals and universities. Professor Zenei even performed surgery on the previous cabinet minister. a member of

So when faced with Grace's questioning, he didn't feel restless and timid like ordinary citizens.

"The details of this incident are actually very complicated and involve many things. You ask me what's going on, but I don't know much about it. Our hospital can't figure out what's going on. How can we cooperate with your police department? "Professor Zenei speaks in an official accent skillfully.

Seeing Professor Zenei's reluctance, resistance, and even passive resistance, Grace's eyes flashed with anger, and then she turned around and sat down on the reception sofa in the office.

"Investigator, please wait a moment."

Grace beckoned to a black suit, whispered something in his ear, and then the black suit walked out of the office quickly.

"Miss Grace, I'm going to patrol the courtyard. If there's nothing else, shouldn't you..."

Within a few minutes, Professor Zenei was about to issue an order to evict the guest. At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Professor Zenei glanced at the phone casually, and when he saw the contact person on it, his expression immediately flattered, and he held the phone in both hands to his ear to answer the call.

"Hi, hi!"

Although there was no one on the opposite side, Professor Zenei nodded and bowed, bowing again and again:

"Understood, principal, I will fully cooperate! Hi!"

"Miss Grace, I'm looking forward to your Metropolitan Police Department's arrival. The ghost doctor's incident has caused panic in our hospital. I'm ready to call the police. I didn't expect your Metropolitan Police Department to be so responsible and serious, and come here without invitation."

Professor Zene put down his phone, looked at Grace, and smiled like a chrysanthemum on his old face:

"If you need my cooperation, please just say it!"

A sarcasm appeared on the corner of Grace's mouth, and then said unceremoniously:

"Professor Zenei, your hospital has installed new power storage monitors on the thirteenth floor, which will not be affected by power outages. We need all the surveillance videos. There are also those few patients who were treated by the ghost doctor before. Please also provide us with the medical records and the latest inspection report."

"No problem, I'll call right away."

Professor Zenei couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Unexpectedly, the Metropolitan Police Department even knew about the deployment of new surveillance cameras. With such a detailed understanding, it seemed that they were well prepared.

I wanted to block the Metropolitan Police Department from the door before, it was just a ghost.

"One more thing, we are going to your hospital morgue to investigate."

"Of course, I will also inform the security room about this." Professor Zenei agreed without hesitation, and then asked curiously:

"May I ask what investigation you did in the morgue, is it also related to the ghost doctor incident?"

"Professor Zenei, as the Minister of Medicine, don't you know what happened in the morgue before?" Grace asked delicately.

"What happened?" Professor Zenei asked in confusion.

"It's nothing. Thank you, Professor Zenei, for cooperating with our Ministry of Public Security."

Grace stood up and walked out of the minister's office.

Walking outside, she glanced at the office door, with undisguised contempt on Mingyan's face:

"This minister of medicine is really a waste. His whole body exudes a rotten smell. If such a person can become the minister of medicine, this country is very sick."

The few in black suits behind him looked at their noses and mouths, as if they didn't hear at all.

This is a criticism from foreigners, how can they refute it.

Since the fifth class of the Ministry of Public Security was wiped out by the extraordinary, the actions of the United States have become more and more radical, and a group of foreigners have been parachuted over. Although it is the fifth class in name, the Metropolitan Police Department has no jurisdiction over them. .

The blond girl strode forward with two long legs, rushing forward in the corridor, and the black suits behind her hurriedly followed.

Several people took the elevator and went all the way down to the mortuary on the second basement floor of the hospital.

Grace looked around the cold morgue:

"Here, is the mortuary where the Corpse Party (corpse party) was held in the private investigator's statement?"

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