I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 148 Chapter 150

The time moved forward to midnight, when the drama at the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University came to an end.

Naruto Uchiha stepped into the void, looking at the chaotic scene on the roof with great interest, until Doctor Satomi was escorted downstairs by SAT troops, he turned and flew towards the Nakano area.

After raising Tudun to LV3, Naruto Uchiha also mastered the art of light and heavy rocks, and gained the ability to fly.

In Naruto, there are not many ninjutsu that can fly in the air, and most of them use vehicles and make wings to fly.

Among them, the technique of light and heavy rocks is also the most compelling one. By controlling gravity, you can let yourself rise into the air.

Using light and heavy rock techniques to reduce weight, and then using wind escape, Naruto Uchiha walked against the wind, chasing clouds and electricity, at an astonishingly fast speed, faster than the previous crow clone.

Naruto Uchiha didn't have too many worries because he used the Tofu to hide his figure, and flew straight through the night sky, and Tokyo, the dimly lit city that never sleeps, crawled under him.

After flying to the Uchiha House in Nakano District, he flew in through the window that was deliberately opened in the attic. Naruto Uchiha looked back, still a little bit unfinished.

Flying is indeed a dream of human beings since ancient times. The feeling of getting rid of the gravity of the earth and flying freely in the sky is really wonderful.

Naruto Uchiha returned to his room, closed the door, and sat down on the desk.

A copy of "Actor's Self-Cultivation" is spread out on the desk. There are bookmarks in the book, several folded pages, and small lines of reading notes in the blank space. It is obvious that the readers have studied it carefully.

In addition to this "Actor's Self-Cultivation", there are also books such as "The Complete Director's Creation Manual" and "How to Guide Actors" piled up on the desk.

If you only look at the book list on the desk, you may think it is the desk of a student majoring in editing and directing.

"These books are also reference books for me, the black hand behind the scenes."

Naruto Uchiha smiled, sorted out these books, and stuffed them into the bookshelf.

Naruto Uchiha felt quite satisfied with the extraordinary drama of the ghost doctor that he directed and acted this time.

After treating several patients with advanced cancer in a row, Naruto Uchiha's proficiency in medical ninjutsu has also increased a lot. If he perseveres for the last month, he may be able to rise to LV3.

It's just that Naruto Uchiha felt a little troublesome when he went to the hospital every day. In the end, he chose carefully and took a fancy to Dr. Satomi, who came to be his tool for acquiring skill proficiency.

The Metropolitan Police Department was exhausted by Naruto Uchiha this April, and it's time to give the Metropolitan Police Department a little bit of sweetness.

Although it is a sugar-coated cannonball.

After being bestowed with ninjutsu by Uchiha Naruto, Dr. Satomi became his extended tentacles, and what Dr. Satomi saw and heard would eventually be passed on to Uchiha Naruto through the backstage of the master-student assistance.

As for the so-called stone bowl in front of the Buddha, it was also made by Uchiha Naruto with clay.

No matter how much the Metropolitan Police Department studies it, the stone bowl has no other miraculous features other than its extremely strong texture, and it is impossible for scientists to research extraordinary secrets even if they rack their brains.

After reviewing the previous actions and confirming that there were no flaws, Naruto Uchiha also put the matter aside for the time being.

He pondered for a while, then took out a scroll from his pocket, and spread it out on the table.

In the black circle formed by black runes, "Hand" is written.

"Psychic art!"

Naruto Uchiha pressed his palm on it, and immediately a broken palm was channeled.

This palm is covered with white scales, and it is the palm of the king of Tokyo monsters, Higuchi Orochi, who was cut off by Naruto Uchiha before!

In Uchiha Naruto's view, this so-called king of monsters is somewhat untrue.

Orochi Higuchi has only mastered a LV3 Orochimaru ninjutsu, and his strength is estimated to have touched the threshold of a special ninja.

Naruto Uchiha didn't expect to kill him so easily, and he was disappointed that you fell down before I tried hard. Although there are still hidden dangers hidden in Tsukimi Ri Inaba's curse seal, Higuchi Orochi has lost its threat to him.

However, Naruto Uchiha still remembers another identity of Higuchi Orochi, which is the teacher of the organization.

The monster organization should not only have such a few big cats and kittens. Naruto Uchiha wants to take advantage of this Golden Week to clean up the remaining remnants.

It's a pity that Naruto Uchiha didn't know where the organization's base was, but he was not helpless.

This severed palm was cut off by him last week, and it was immediately sealed into the psychic scroll. It was still fresh, and it still had the smell of Higuchi Orochi on it.

Among the ninjutsu that Naruto Uchiha possesses now is the beast-like ninja of the Inuzuka clan, which can enhance the ninja's sense of smell hundreds of times stronger than that of a hound.

In this way, there is a lot to be done to find out the remnants of the organization.

It's just that the imitation animal ninja method has a flaw for him, that is, his sense of smell is too good!

In the state of using the imitation animal ninja technique, all kinds of smells that could not be smelled at first became extremely strong, rushing into the nose.

In no exaggeration, if someone farted on the train, Uchiha Naruto would be forced to know what he ate from today to yesterday, the feeling is really hard to describe.

Naruto Uchiha tried a few times and finally gave up on abusing his nose.

"Go to the stray animal center tomorrow, adopt a stray dog, and let it be my tool dog. Originally, a dog's sense of smell is far superior to that of a human, and with the blessing of imitation beast ninja, it will be even more terrifying."

The next day was April 30th, the second day of Golden Week.

In the morning, Naruto Uchiha came to a stray animal adoption center located at the intersection of Nakano District and Nerima District through the address found on his mobile phone.

There are not many stray dogs that can be seen in the streets and alleys of Tokyo, because there are special dog hunting teams. After stray dogs are captured, they will be sent to stray animal adoption centers.

At most one week, usually only three to five days, if no one comes to adopt or claim it, then the stray dog ​​will be disposed of.

They're stuffed into an airtight chamber, injected with carbon monoxide, and the carcasses are thrown into an incinerator that burns garbage.

The cost of disposing of a stray animal in this way is 78 yen, which is almost the price of a 330ml bottle of Coke.

A bit cruel, but also a helpless way to deal with it.

Naruto Uchiha walked into the bungalow of the stray animal adoption center and explained his purpose to the staff.

"You want to adopt a dog, right?"

Because there are stray animals that need to be taken care of, even during Golden Week, there are people on duty.

The staff looked at Naruto Uchiha's student ID card, and said calmly:

"Student, have you prepared the dog food order receipt? Or choose to pay the transfer fee?"

Naruto Uchiha was a little surprised:

"Do you still want to charge money?"

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