I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 150 Chapter 152 Inu Kubo

"How about it, do you want to be my dog?"

Although this sentence is a question, it is an imperative tone.

To be honest, Naruto Uchiha still likes the smartness and courage of this stray little yellow dog, and has already planned to abduct him.

"Heal you first."

Uchiha Naruto's palm stretched out an illusory blue light claw at a distance of half a meter, and pressed it on the little yellow dog's head.

The bloody cut that was hit by a stone before healed up in an instant.

Feeling that the pain disappeared suddenly, the little yellow dog turned his head sideways for some unknown reason, stretched out his short legs and scratched his head.


The little yellow dog looked at Naruto Uchiha with wet eyes, shook his curly tail, and grinned fawningly.

This stray yellow dog is probably between half-adult and adult. It has a round head, a wrinkled forehead, and a protruding muzzle that is black and wet. It looks like a pug, but its blood is definitely not very pure.

"This flattering smiling face may have the blood of Shiba Inu."

Naruto Uchiha has never raised a dog himself, and he doesn't know much about dog breeds, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to raise pure-blood dogs to show off, but to hunt down tool dogs that organize the remnants of the party.

"Eat my dog ​​food, you are my dog."

Naruto Uchiha decided to give the little yellow dog a little more sweetness, and he took out a small bag of individually wrapped dog food from his trouser pocket.

This is the smallest bag of dog food he bought in a pet store on the road, and it is also the cheapest. A bag of dog food the size of half a palm is 30g, and it costs 100 yen, which can buy two bags of instant noodles.


Seeing Uchiha Ming taking out the dog food, the little yellow dog immediately barked excitedly, then sat there obediently, wagging its tail like a propeller.

Naruto Uchiha looked at the ground and found that it was quite dirty, and it would not be clean if he fell directly on the ground.

He spread out his palm, squeezed out a stone bowl with the technique of earth escape, put it on the ground, and poured the dog food into it.

The little yellow dog looked at the dog food in the stone bowl, raised his head again, and looked at Naruto Uchiha with expectant dog eyes.

Naruto Uchiha was a little surprised. This little yellow dog seems to have been trained. He protected the little girl before, so it shows that he is very close to humans. It should not be a stray dog ​​that grew up on the street, but was abandoned by the owner.

"Come and eat, suck—"

"Wow woof!"

The little yellow dog rushed over immediately, buried his head in the stone bowl, and began to feast on it.

30g of dog food is actually not much, even a small dog needs to eat two or three packs to be full.

The little yellow dog devoured it voraciously, and quickly swept away the dog food. It licked the stone bowl clean.

After the little yellow dog licked the stone bowl, he raised his head and looked at Naruto Uchiha. Naruto Uchiha spread his hand to indicate that it was gone.

Although the little yellow dog was a little disappointed, he still wagged his tail and ran to Uchiha Naruto's feet very energetically.

The stone bowl behind him began to disintegrate, turning into a pool of yellow sand.

"It's really dirty."

Naruto Uchiha squatted down and touched the dog's head, with disgust on his face.

He looked up to the sky, Yada was still hovering above, knowing that there was no one around.

"Water escape, foam and chaos."

Uchiha Naruto made a seal, blew continuous bubbles from his mouth, and washed the little yellow dog once.

The psychic beast giant crab summoned by Payne used this technique to wash away Jiraiya's toad oil.

Naruto Uchiha tried his best to control and reduce the power to the limit, covering the little yellow dog.

After the cleaning was completed, the little yellow dog ran away, turned around, dried the water droplets on the fur, and came back again.

"Wow, woof, woof."

Now it's clean and fresh, and it looks a lot cuter.

Uchiha Naruto rubbed the dog's head angrily, and then scratched the little yellow dog's chin, the little yellow dog hummed comfortably.

"Put your paws out."

The little yellow dog sat on the ground when he heard the words, and put his right front leg up. Naruto Uchiha pinched its meat ball and couldn't help laughing.

"As I said before, if you eat my food, you will be my dog."

Although a small bag of dog food did not feed the dog, Naruto Uchiha still declared confidently:

"You have already eaten the dog food, then the contract is fulfilled, and you will be my dog ​​from now on!"

Naruto Uchiha picked up the little yellow dog from the ground, with a wicked smile on his face.

"Let's give you a name first, how about Inuyasha?"

The little yellow dog tilted his head, panted with his tongue out, and the dog showed flattery on his face.

"Don't you like it? It's called Sesshomaru?"

The little yellow dog sticks out his tongue and licks the back of Uchiha Naruto's hand, and wags his little tail very flatteringly.

"I'm not satisfied with this either. Is it okay to have two such domineering names? Then just call you General Dog!"


The little yellow dog suddenly let out a soft bark.

"Do you like the name Dog General?"

Naruto Uchiha of course knew that the little yellow dog couldn't understand human words, so he smiled and said:

"However, these names are really too secondary, and it's not good to be heard by others. General, General... It's decided, let's call you 'Gangji'!"

The fifth general of the Tokugawa shogunate is called Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, and he is also the famous Inugongfang (general).

The most famous deed of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's reign is the promulgation of the infamous "Order of Mercy for Living Beings", which can be called an anecdote through the ages.

The "Living Mercy Order" forbids the people to kill, abuse, and abandon all animals, even mosquitoes, and dogs are the most important ones.

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's heirs were in a difficult situation. After the loss of his son, he asked the monk Longguang, who said to him: "A man's lack of heirs is the retribution of his predecessors killing too many people. If you want to have an heir now, there is no way to forbid killing. And the general's birthday is in Xu, which belongs to Xu Dogs, it is best to love dogs."

Under the strict order of Tokugawa Tsunakichi, every household not only has to register the household registration of dogs, feed stray dogs when they see them, and see a doctor when a dog is sick, even if ordinary people see two dogs fighting on the street, they don’t step forward Stop it, and the dog will be injured and sentenced.

What is even more exaggerated is that the Tokugawa shogunate later spent a huge amount of money to establish a wild dog shelter center, which accommodated more than 40,000 dogs at most, and the annual fee cost 36,000 taels of gold.

The daily food standard for the wild dogs in the shelter center is a serving of white rice and three-in-one sauce. To put it bluntly, these wild dogs eat better than ordinary people at that time.

The wild dogs running around caused great trouble to the common people, and the people were full of grievances. They directly cursed Tokugawa Tsunakichi as the dog master, and even an underground organization that secretly killed dogs to vent their anger appeared in Edo.

Following the death of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the "Living Mercy Order" was abolished, and there was a frenzy of retaliatory dog ​​killings across the country.

"Gangji, Gangji, I decided to use this name."

The more Naruto Uchiha thought about it, the more he felt that the name was good. He lifted the little yellow dog's back neck and began to draw cakes:

"Gangji, you haven't eaten yet, right? He who doesn't work hard won't eat. Whether you can enjoy delicious food and spicy food depends on your next efforts!"

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