I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 154 Chapter 156 A Ferrari went up the hill

The setting sun is slanting and sinking, and the fire and clouds are burning all over the sky.

A rosy red Ferrari California quietly drove out of the garage.

But before driving far, he was stopped by a team of security guards in black suits patrolling the manor.

The black window of the red Ferrari with privacy film was lowered, revealing a young face that was pale from excessive wine.


Although the young man was still wearing black sunglasses covering half of his face, these security guards in black suits recognized who it was the first time, and said with an extremely humble expression.

"Master, where are you going?"

"Do you have any control over where I go? You bodyguards are just dogs that my family paid for. Don't spoil Lao Tzu's interest, get out!"

Junfu looked impatient and scolded unceremoniously.

"Master, please don't make things difficult for us. Butler Kurosaki has ordered you not to let the young master run around." The bodyguard said with a smile on his face.

"The Hyoudeng family still doesn't have the turn of a servant to be the master of the house! If you don't leave, I will kill you."

Junfu was full of arrogance, and then he was about to roll up the window.

The two bodyguards looked at each other, one rushed up and grabbed the window gap with his fingers, while the other leaned on the Ferrari body without thinking about his own safety.

"Master Junfu, even if you pass through us, there are still three barriers to the gate!"

The bodyguard was sweating profusely, and said in a trembling voice: "No one dared to open the gate without the order of Chief Steward Herosaki, and the young master's car would not be able to get through no matter what."

"whispering sound!"

Junfu curled his lips, bossing around.

"Who is that, call Kurosaki."

"Yes, yes, I will contact the leader of the security team."

The bodyguard in the black suit retracted his hands, nodded repeatedly, and then turned on the police communicator on his body.

For a low-level bodyguard like him, it is naturally impossible to have the phone number of the big housekeeper Heisaki, so he can only contact his superiors.

After two minutes, the black suit nodded and bowed down, apologizing again and again:

"The butler Kurosaki has allowed the young master to go out. I'm sorry, we have delayed the young master for so long, we really deserve death."

"Understood, just get out."

"Master, the team leader said that the security team is ready." The bodyguard said flatteringly.

"Fuck! I'm going out for a drive, do you want you dog slaves to follow?" Jun Fu scolded.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the Ferrari rampaged, rushed out of the runway, ran over the artificial turf leaving clear ruts, and sped towards the exit of the manor.

"No one is allowed to follow, otherwise I will make him look good!"

The red Ferrari drove unimpeded all the way, smoothly drove out of the manor, and then drove northeast along Capital Highway 6 at a speed of more than 70 miles.

"Is it the security guard of Houdeng's house? Sure enough, he followed."

Minato Uchiha lifted his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked up at the rearview mirror, and soon after he left the manor, he found several black cars sneaking behind him.

It's just that Naruto Uchiha hasn't touched the steering wheel for fifteen years, so his driving skills are a bit sloppy, and it's in downtown Tokyo with heavy traffic, so he can't drive fast.

But the opportunity came soon. After reaching the outskirts of the city, the density of traffic flow was greatly reduced, and Naruto Uchiha exerted a slight force on the soles of his feet.

The Ferrari California spun and spun in the gaps in the traffic, its engine roaring loudly, leaving one car after another behind.

The car owners watched the red sports car ride away, with expressions of envy and resentment on their faces.

"There's another one that can keep up. It's a BBA commercial vehicle. It seems that the other party's driving skills should far surpass mine."

Naruto Uchiha chuckled a few times, but didn't care.

When he left the city, he didn't have so many worries. He stepped on the accelerator hard.

The roar of the engine was like the roar of a giant dragon, and the car body dragged a red afterimage, chasing the wind and electricity, and rushed out of Tokyo at a speed of more than 180km.

A traffic policeman at the intersection of the highway was sitting in a car inhaling the scent, when he saw a red Ferrari passing by, looking at the speed on the speedometer screen, he almost spit noodles out of his nose.

"Fuck! You can reincarnate, so don't rush to reincarnate!"

The traffic policeman opened the car door and poked his head out. He seemed to be able to feel the strong wind from the Ferrari, so he couldn't help but curse out loud.

He also wisely didn't drive after him, how could a police car like this be able to catch up with a supercar.

The Ferrari California is getting faster and faster, and the BBA that was following behind has disappeared.

Originally, there was a gap in the performance of the vehicle, and Naruto Uchiha had no worries at all. He didn't care about the threat of car crash and death at all. He pulled the accelerator to the full and threw it away completely in one go.

Looking at the rearview mirror, Naruto Uchiha raised his mouth and turned on the navigator with one hand.

The destination of his car was Isumi County, south of Chiba City.

Chairman Hyoudou was not so blatant yet, and placed the underground gold-selling cave of Gokjo Palace in Tokyo.

Entering the boundary of Chiba County, the traffic flow is even less, and Uchiha Ming's speed is getting faster and faster.

After driving for another half an hour, passing a corner on an uphill slope, he slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel to the right, and the Ferrari began to drift around the corner.

It's a pity that with Naruto Uchiha's driving skills, the drift was not perfect. The rear of the Ferrari rubbed violently on the guardrail, bringing out a lot of sparks.

Among the luxury cars in Hyoudou Manor, this Ferrari California is relatively ordinary, but it costs half a billion more. The scratch just now, the maintenance fee alone may cost millions of yen.

Naruto Uchiha looked indifferent, and continued to drive up the mountain. It wasn't something he bought with his own money, and he didn't feel sorry for the disaster.

What made him slightly concerned was that there was a group of young men and women dressed in fashion when they turned the corner, and they made exaggerated exclamations when they saw Naruto Uchiha's drift, and some people raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

Someone rushed out, yelling something loudly at the headlights of the Ferrari.


"... go up the mountain!"

It's already evening, come to take a night tour on the mountain road, could it be a drag racing party?

Naruto Uchiha frowned, stepped on the ground, and the red Ferrari roared like an explosion and rushed forward.

Although Naruto Uchiha raced all the way and drove the Ferrari to a speed of more than 180km per hour, he himself did not have the consciousness of a drag racing party.

When approaching the top of the mountain, the headlights of Ferrari California illuminated from a distance, and there were two sports cars, one black and one white, lined up on the mountain road one behind the other, and the engines had already started.

Surrounded by a large group of people, watching the red Ferrari come up, they cheered like thunder!

Uchiha Naruto didn't care if they were racing or not, he slowed down and approached, and was just about to hit the nail on the head, rushing through the gap between the two sports cars.

The two sports cars roared at the same time and sped down.

A hand stretched out from the black Porsche 911GT2RS and gave the middle finger to the red Ferrari.

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