I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 159 Chapter 161

The pachinko area is just for the excitement, and the other half of the casino is the gold-eating beast with all kinds of gaming tables.

Jinhua, Texas hold'em, blackjack, odd-even guessing... all kinds of gambling methods from ancient and modern China and foreign countries gather together, and the piles of chips on the gaming table are wiped out in an instant.

It's like burning paper money, but I don't know who to burn it to.

Naruto Uchiha gulped his whiskey, watched with cold eyes, watching these well-dressed successful people with red eyes, tear off their ties, and fight at the gambling table in an ugly manner.

Someone sang heartily, pulled the beautiful waiter around him to kiss bitterly, and stuffed large chips into the woman's chest; someone wailed and cried and put the last chip on the gambling table, but they didn't win and survived the desperation , In the end, he lost everything and was dragged out by the bodyguards in black.

Ecstasy, pain, despair, regret and all kinds of strong emotions are rolling in the casino, almost condensing into substance.

This bizarre scene opened Uchiha Naruto's eyes.

He saw a gambler who had lost everything, holding his hands tightly to the corner of the table and refusing to leave, but his fingers were ruthlessly broken by several people, and he was dragged down by the black-clothed bodyguard in tears.


Naruto Uchiha sneered, with no sympathy on his face.

Gambling dog, good death!

The wailing of these gambling dogs made the wine in the glass even more mellow.

It's just that although the gambling dog deserves death, Chairman Hyoudou, who hides behind the scenes and runs the casino, deserves even more death!

Ming Uchiha drank the wine, and the killing intent in his eyes became stronger.

He began to understand why those heroes of the green forest and the rivers and lakes had to drink a few big cups before killing people.

This feeling of being slightly drunk was like fuel, boosting his killing intent even higher.

Uchiha Naruto was a little complacent after drinking the rest of the wine in one gulp. He hadn't had a drink in more than ten years, and he didn't feel bad.

Naruto Uchiha put the drained whiskey glass on a passing bunny girl tray, then picked up the caviar and veal steak on the tray, and started to chew.

After witnessing the extravagant and extravagant lives of the rich, I realized that I have always been too conservative.

Even these wine bags and rice bags can be ranked among the top, spending a lot of money, how can Uchiha Ming, as a transcendent, not enjoy more than them.

For Naruto Uchiha, money is just a number, and all banks and treasuries are like naked women, allowing him to get whatever he wants.

It's just that Naruto Uchiha didn't bother to steal and grab it.

With ninjutsu, Naruto Uchiha can easily kill the Quartet in the casino.

This is not gambling, but picking money.

He came to the Palace of Bliss today not to make money, but to use swords and soldiers to make blood flow here!

Such trivial matters as making money can be put aside for the time being.

Ham, bacon bacon, matsutake thick egg sandwiches, like a ruthless rice cooking machine, Uchiha tweeted to the waiter to serve all kinds of snacks.

When Naruto Uchiha had enough to eat and drink, he looked down at the Patek Philippe watch in his hand. It was almost time and it was time to leave.

At this moment, the cheongsam girl from before trotted over holding a tray with more than a dozen black and gold chips piled up on it.

"Guest, I finally found you. This is the chip you won before, please count it."

"Didn't I say I gave it to you?"

Naruto Uchiha raised his eyebrows, and picked up a black and gold chip to play with in his hand.

The chips of the Palace of Bliss are exquisitely made, and they are not light in weight. The outside layer is made of special hardened plastic, while the inside is wrapped in pure gold, and the Chinese characters for "hundred thousand" are engraved on it.

"Such a large number is really scary. If you really want to reward me as a guest, you can just give me tens of thousands or a handful of beads." The cheongsam girl smiled wryly.

She almost thought he was here to play tricks on her.

I have worked in the Palace of Bliss for so long, and I have never heard of such astronomical rewards. Even if this person is interested in my body, it is not worth so much money.

"Then I'll only give you one, no problem?"

Naruto Uchiha casually picked up a million chip and threw it away, his tone full of domineering that could not be refused.

"Then thank you."

The cheongsam girl hesitated for a moment, but accepted it anyway.

Although the reward of one million chips is still a bit hot, but in the casino of the Palace of Bliss, it is not that there are no customers who won hundreds of millions overnight, and spend a million chips to let the waitresses and dealers stay with them overnight.

"I don't know, do customers still need my service?"

The girl in the cheongsam blushed slightly, showing a sincere smile for the first time.

"No need, the next place is not something you can go to."

Naruto Uchiha put away the rest of the chips, waved his hand, took off his sunglasses, and strode towards the passage at the back of the hall.

Like a forbidden closed door, there are bodyguards in black suits at the intersection of the passage.

There are other places where you can have fun in the side hall, the second floor, and the third floor of the front hall of the Palace of Bliss, but guests are not allowed to enter or leave here alone.

"Guest, why not..." the cheongsam girl hurriedly dissuaded her.

The guests of Bliss Palace are either rich or expensive, but even so, not everyone can enter that VIP channel.

Only the real top dignitaries can enter.

In the past, it wasn't that some people considered themselves very high and insisted on breaking in, but in the end they were beaten to death on the spot and expelled.

"Guests stop here, this is not a place where ordinary guests can enter. Please understand."

A rough-faced bodyguard in a black suit headed out and said politely.

"Blind your dog eyes, can't you see who I am? Get out of the way!" Naruto Uchiha cursed rudely.

The head of the bodyguard frowned, and the face of a bodyguard behind him changed, and he quickly ran over in small steps, and said something in the former's ear

"So it was you, please forgive the small offense! I'm sorry, Master Junfu!"

The black-clothed bodyguard suddenly changed his face. He forced a flattering and humble look on his rigid face, nodded and bowed, and quickly gave up his position.

"If we knew that it was you coming, we would never have dared to stop it. You should contact the master right now. The master must be very happy to know that the young master is coming."

"Hmph, I guess you guys winked a little bit."

Naruto Uchiha snorted coldly, and then asked calmly: "Which department is responsible for the monitoring of the Palace of Bliss?"

"The young one is also in charge. What's the matter?" the black-clothed bodyguard asked with some doubts.

"You don't need to inform that old man about my uncle's arrival."

Uchiha Naruto's eyes flashed red, and he glanced at everyone in the bodyguard team, and said coldly.

"After five minutes, turn off all the surveillance equipment in the Palace of Bliss. By the way, destroy all surveillance video records today!"

Tonight is destined to set off a bloodbath, and Naruto Uchiha doesn't want to leave any clues.

"Yes, your will!"

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