I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 162 Chapter 164

"Human flesh? These meatballs are made of human flesh!"

The man turned pale with fright, and quickly threw the meatball out of his hand, lying on the ground and retching.

The other senior members of the Black Emperor Society who were feasting on monster sashimi at the dining table also stopped their chopsticks and looked at each other with subtle expressions.

With a plop, the meatball rolled to President Hyoudou's feet.

"It's just human flesh. There's nothing to make a fuss about. It's not that you want to eat human flesh directly."

President Hyoudou chuckled nonchalantly, and gave a look, and the bodyguard in black suit picked up the meatball and put it on the porcelain plate in the center of the dining table.

"Even if it's cannibalism, whoever is big like us has never eaten people. Xing Chuan, as far as I know, you just forced the president of a small factory to commit suicide by jumping off a building three days ago."

The chef immediately made sashimi from the newly grown tentacles of the little octopus, and brought it to Chairman Hyoudou.

Picking up a piece of white monster sashimi, Chairman Hyoudou smiled horribly:

"It's just that the times are different. Even if you eat people, you have to be gentle and personable, and you have to wipe your mouth clean so that those untouchables can't see the blood and shreds of meat in your teeth. To be honest, isn't this too boring? !"

President Hyoudou put the monster sashimi directly into his mouth, chewed it carefully for a while, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"However, human flesh is fishy and smelly, very unpalatable. Some of you may not be able to accept it if it is directly made into a dish, but didn't you enjoy eating monster sashimi just now? Monsters eat people, we eat monsters, This is what a man at the top of the food chain should eat!"

This old man is crazy!

Several important figures at the dining table had the same thought in their minds.

"Eat it, eat it all, don't be shy!"

President Hyoudou greeted him warmly, and the man in black continued to feed the little octopus monster with meatballs made of human flesh. Its tentacles grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, like leeks being harvested.

"Hosoda, didn't you say that you like seafood the most, you must have a good time tonight!"

Another monster sashimi was brought to Vice President Hosoda.

"Thank you for the kindness of the president, then I will be disrespectful."

Vice President Hosoda's expression was somewhat reluctant, but he still put on a flattering smile on his fat face, picked up a glass of champagne and took a sip, then grabbed wasabi sauce and was about to pour it on the monster.

"Wait, Hosoda, it's boring to eat like this."

President Hyoudou instructed several men in black to take away the table wine and seasonings from Vice President Hosoda's table.

"Only when you eat like this, with the original taste, will you know that what you are eating is a monster worth 130 million."

"Yes, President."

Vice President Hosoda picked up the dinner plate and poured the ghost sashimi into his mouth in big gulps, eating it was extremely ugly.

The youkai sashimi, which was originally thought to be luscious and chewy, is now too tasteless to swallow, but even so, Vice President Hosoda still gobbled it up, and he kept praising it while eating.

"It's delicious! This umami taste is like caviar exploding between the teeth, it's simply beyond the aftertaste!"

Patience, must be patient!

The opportunity is coming soon, this old and immortal body will definitely not be able to carry this year, and when that wretch succeeds to the throne, he will soon be able to survive.

As the second-in-command of the Black Emperor Society, he will definitely be able to get the moon first, and in a few years, he will be able to occupy the magpie's nest and become the master of the Black Emperor Society.

I will also be one percent of this country!

Vice President Hosoda felt ruthless, as if what he was chewing was not the monster sashimi but the old meat of the president, he swallowed the flesh and blood of the monster in his mouth.

President Hyoudou stared at Vice President Hosoda with dark eyes for a long while, then turned his head to look at the other senior members of the Black Emperor Guild.

"Anyone want another serving?"

Some people waved their hands and refused, but some people didn't care that human flesh was used as feed, so they ordered another one without getting enough.

The little octopus monster was also woken up several times by the pain during President Hyoudou's meal, and then was stunned by the man in black with an electric shocker who had been prepared for a long time.

It grows and cuts, and cuts and grows, and this cycle repeats, like endless torture in hell.

This special banquet did not last for a long time. When the growth rate of the broken limbs of the little octopus monster became slower and slower, and could no longer keep up with the eating speed of the people, it was declared over.

The man in black stuffed the last few meatballs into the mouth of the little octopus, and then threw it into the water tank like throwing garbage.

"This monster won't die, will it?"

Seeing the little octopus floating and sinking in the water, someone asked curiously.

"Don't worry, monsters are more tenacious than cockroaches. As long as someone feeds them flesh, they can heal any wound." Chairman Hyoudou spoke terrifying words in a flat tone.

"This is 130 million! How can I finish it in one meal? I still want to make this monster sashimi as the main dish of the Palace of Bliss. You will have the opportunity to taste it again in the future! Hahahaha!"

President Hyoudou looked greedily at the little octopus monster inside through the thick glass wall, and laughed like crazy.

Vice President Hosoda resisted the desire to vomit, took the napkin and wiped his mouth.

A look of apprehension mixed with secret joy flashed in his eyes.

"If the sky wants to destroy it, it will make it crazy! I am afraid that this old man will not live for long with his crazy appearance."

After laughing wildly for a while, President Hyoudou was sitting back in the wheelchair, and several men in black pushed the huge water tank out.

"Since you've already had your fill of wine and food, and the time is almost up, it's time to start the special program."

President Hyoudou's old face was full of excitement and banter, and he said with high spirits: "Tonight's special program, I have prepared for a long time to gather so many participants, I guarantee that your trip will be worthwhile !"

The other big figures of the Black Emperor Society also showed cruelty and interest on their faces.

Is it a human race?

Or a torture show?

Or is it a battle royale like a squid game?

President Hyoudou, the monster, has a demonic sadism, and has extraordinary creativity and patience in torturing the same kind.

These horrific sideshows were all written by him, which made them sweat profusely while watching them, and they couldn't help but indulge in them.

The darkest and most evil thoughts in the depths of my heart were greatly satisfied.

"Hey hey, tonight's protagonist is worth an extraordinary amount, it cost me a whole three hundred million!"

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