I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 166 Chapter 168

"No, you are not Junfu! Junfu, that trash, would never dare to look directly at the old man like you, nor would he show such a cold, murderous look in his eyes. Who are you?" President Hyoudou opened his cloudy old eyes , asked sharply in surprise.

But the pale-faced 'Junfu' seemed to be unknown, and turned his head to glance at the arena where corpses were strewn across the field.

Then he approached Chairman Hyoudou with a blank expression.

"Stop! Don't come here! Someone, catch this man!"

President Hyoudou blew his beard and stared, and yelled.

The black-clothed bodyguard and the high-level Hei Dihui looked at each other with some hesitation in their eyes.

The person in front of him is obviously President Hyoudou's most beloved grandson, the next president of the Black Emperor Society, Master Junfu, has the president become so confused that he can't even recognize his own grandson?

Or is it that the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren has broken to such an extent?

"President, is there some misunderstanding?" Vice President Hosoda asked with a hint of joy flashing in his eyes.


The cane mercilessly hit Vice President Hosoda on the forehead, making his eyes stare and almost knocking the Vice President unconscious on the spot.

"Hurry up, catch him quickly! You, and you, hurry up and fuck this old man!"

Hitting the ground with his cane heavily, President Hyoudou roared angrily.

"I'm sorry, Master Junfu."

"We're also following orders."

The two black-clothed bodyguards who were named did not dare to disobey the moody President Hyoudou, they approached slowly with a cold face, and were about to use the capture technique to subdue the young master 'Junfu'.



After two hasty screams, the two black-clothed bodyguards covered their throats with distorted faces and horrified faces, making a low ho-ho sound from their mouths, and blood flowed profusely between their fingers.

'Junfu' held a handful of kunai in his hand, and he flicked it casually, a few drops of blood fell on the ground.

"Master Junfu, you..."

Everyone was in disbelief, and their eyes moved back and forth between Master 'Jun Fu' and the two bodyguards in black whose throats were cut.

"You old bastard, your intuition is very keen. It's just that you still can't escape death today."

Master 'Jun Fu' sneered, and said with murderous eyes.

"You bastards, hurry up and shoot!" President Hyoudeng yelled sternly, "If there is any problem, I will take care of it!"

The bodyguards in black behind them glanced at each other, and decisively pulled out the Glock pistol behind them.

Master 'Junfu' had a murderous look on his face. Two of his colleagues had already been killed. It was obvious that the visitor was not kind. Since the master had already endorsed it, then they are not too polite.

"Da da da--!"

Three or four automatic pistols fired at the same time, and orange-red sparks burst out from the muzzles.

But the young man on the opposite side didn't dodge, his hands had already been sealed, and his face was as gray as a rock.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang" "Crackling" Amidst the sound of dense gold and iron colliding, the "Jun Fu" burst out with sparks all over his body.

That hand-made suit, which would make people who know the goods distressed for a long time even with a drop of wine, was torn to pieces by the bullets.

But the figure in front of him stood upright amidst the hail of bullets.

"Impossible! Why didn't the bullet work?!"

The top management of the Black Emperor Society and the black-clothed bodyguards were horrified.

Smoke suddenly appeared from the body of 'Jun Fu', and in the next moment he turned into a young man with a handsome face and two tear grooves on his cheeks.

The tattered, handmade suit fell to the ground, and was replaced by a red cloud robe with a black background.

Even in the face of a group of dying people, Naruto Uchiha had no intention of revealing his true colors, and under the disguise of Master Junfu, he was still wearing the vest of Uchiha Itachi.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the scene of this drastic transformation made everyone dumbfounded, but Chairman Hyoudou seemed to remember something, and his expression changed drastically:

"Are you the Transcendent who appeared in the Metropolitan Police Department?"

Gritting his teeth, President Hyoudou waved his hand and ordered:

"Stop! Don't shoot at all!"

Before President Hyoudou finished speaking, Naruto Uchiha's figure disappeared in place, and appeared behind everyone in an instant.

A thin line of blood appeared on the necks of the black-clothed gunmen who fired the shots, and their heads hit the ground with a few bangs. The blood on the necks was like a fountain, rushing out, staining the black suits red, and splashing the vines. The high-level members of the Changhe Heidihui had a look on their faces.

Before the blood splashed on Uchiha Naruto's body, his figure rushed towards the remaining black-clothed bodyguards as fast as lightning, and the kunai in his hand raised the knife, and several more lives were harvested.


"No, don't come here!"

The rest of the black-clothed bodyguards also fled regardless of their duties, but there was also a black-clothed bodyguard who rushed up with a roar, his eyes were red, and he still held a submachine gun in his hand, and started shooting.

"Monster, go to hell!"

Uchiha Naruto rose and fell, and the Kunai in his hand shot out, nailing his forehead.

In the air, Uchiha Naruto separated and closed his palms, and opened his mouth to spit out a dozen small fireballs:

"Fire escape, the Phoenix Immortal fire technique!"

LV3's fire escape can be called the real art of mercy. These black-clothed bodyguards were turned into ashes without even uttering a scream. It was the mercy given by Naruto Uchiha to be able to step on the Sanzu River without pain.

In an instant, all twenty black-clothed bodyguards at the scene were executed!

After killing so many people, Naruto Uchiha was spotless, not even a speck of blood stained his robes, his expression was calm, but he revealed the murderous intent.

The high-level members of the Black Emperor Society were as frightened as quails, shaking their heads with their heads down.

"Your Excellency's presence really makes the Palace of Bliss flourish! It's just that the old man should not have offended you. Is there some misunderstanding in your killing spree like this?"

Chairman Hyoudou is worthy of being a person who has seen big winds and waves. He can bend and stretch, and he forced a flattering smile from his wrinkled old face, and said in a humble tone.

"Then what enmity do these people who died in the audience have against you?" Naruto Uchiha raised his chin towards the arena and asked in a neutral tone.

Damn it, wouldn't this extraordinary person claim to be righteous and insist on standing up for these slaves who didn't pay back their debts?

Beads of sweat oozed from President Hyoudou's forehead.

Now people are swords and I am fish, he must carefully consider every word, so that he has a chance to escape from death!

"All of this is planned by the president, no, this old man Hyoudou! It has nothing to do with me. If I had known about this kind of evil and cruel program, I would not have come here!" Vice President Hosoda knelt on the ground , The pained tears came out to accuse Chairman Hyoudou.

"Yeah, we didn't expect such a tragedy to happen!"

"I am innocent!"

"Everything is President Hyoudou's fault!"

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