I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 168 Chapter 170

You can't say it, you will die if you say it, you can't say it anyway!

People are old and smart, let alone President Hyoudou, an old fox who has been in power for nearly half a century. Although he has been old and dizzy in recent years, but facing the crisis of life and death, his mind is now clearer than ever.

This transcendent person is so cruel and merciless, after he confessed the truth, it is impossible for him to let his life be saved.

Up to now, the only way to survive is to keep silent and bargain with secrets related to monsters.

"Ah, help!"

Vice-President Hosoda fled to the edge of the arena with his fat and bulky body, and jumped upwards with all his might, leaving long scratches on the wall with his ten fingers, but even this could not awaken Miracle to jump up to the three-meter-high stand.

Shirajiro quietly appeared behind Vice President Hosoda, pierced his abdominal cavity with one claw, ripped out all the colorful intestines!

Vice President Hosoda fell to the ground with a thud, and was still alive for a while, screaming incessantly.


After killing the last person, Shirajiro licked the blood on his paws, and looked at Chairman Hyoudou who was pushed out of the stands and hung in the air with a bad look.

President Hyoudou glanced at it, then closed his eyes and didn't dare to look again, but the screams and wailing of the dying person still rushed into his ears.

"Aren't you going to tell me?"

Naruto Uchiha smiled, held the hand of the pusher of the wheelchair, loosened it slightly, and the wheelchair sank down with Chairman Hyoudou on it.

"You old bone, if you drop it from this height, you will definitely die even without that white long-haired monster."

"Wait, wait! Sir, please give me a chance, I will prove my value to you!"

Feeling the weightlessness of his falling body, Chairman Hyoudou firmly held the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair with both hands, until the veins burst out, he panted heavily, spoke earnestly, and said in a sincere tone:

"Your Excellency, no, my lord! Higuchi Orochi, and the channels through which those two monsters were purchased, I can explain everything clearly. As long as you can spare my life, my lord! Moreover, this old man is very rich, and he is also very rich in this country. Power, a great person like you, who is out of the world, will definitely be useful to this old man!"

How many years have you not shown such a servile and flattering face?

Even the Prime Minister of Japan should be polite when he sees President Hyoudou, and even show the humility of a junior.

Although he is already an octogenarian in his dying years, he has amassed too much wealth and enjoyed too much, so he cherishes his life more. Chairman Hyoudou's humble begging is to fight for the chance of survival.

"The channel to buy monsters sounds interesting. Can monsters be sold?" Naruto Uchiha asked with a slightly interested look in his eyes.


President Hyoudou hesitated for a moment, but decided to reveal part of the information and show his sincerity, otherwise the killing god would really be impatient to throw him down, and his old bones couldn't stand such a toss.

"The two monsters in my hands were sold by a mysterious monster dealer." Chairman Hyoudou swallowed, and said with difficulty.

For the first time, Naruto Uchiha showed a surprised expression on his face.

After the 19th year of Heisei, the type A of supernatural life forms that began to appear in this country, that is, monsters, naturally couldn't hide it from Japan's top dignitaries.

Some chaebols also moved their minds and wanted to conduct independent research, and some overseas accounts with unknown origins offered huge rewards for living monsters on the dark web.

"Hehe, the Metropolitan Police Department doesn't care about it?"

Privately buying and selling monsters is basically competing with the state machine for food, and the fifth section of the Metropolitan Police Department has a background in Mi Fang. Naruto Uchiha does not think that the local Japanese chaebol can fight against the Yokota Base.

"The number of monsters is too rare. Even if a bounty of billions of dollars is offered, it is priceless."

I don't know what came to mind, the Elder Hyoudeng's face showed a gloomy look, and he explained: "In the 24th year of Heisei, a friend of this old man bought a monster by chance, but I don't know where the news leaked out, and he was immediately watched by the police. The hall came to the door and forcibly confiscated it."

Although Japan's chaebols are powerful, they are interdependent with the government. A single chaebol cannot resist the mobilized state apparatus, let alone the will of foreign masters.

I could only knock out my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, thinking I was unlucky.

But the customers are all big figures who can shake the world by stomping their feet. In addition to confiscation, the Metropolitan Police Department cannot give severe punishment.

Until now, the Metropolitan Police Department has been cracking down on monster trafficking.

However, things suddenly started to turn around this year.

"Although the old man and Higuchi Orochi have... communicated with each other a few years ago, it doesn't sell its monsters for money." President Hyoudou said vaguely.

"The two monsters were bought by the old man this year from a mysterious person who claimed to be 'Jiao Xing'. It didn't know where it got the wind, and it took the initiative to find the old man to sell the monsters. The old man bought it twice. The first one One hundred and thirty million, and the second three hundred million."

I see.

The corner row is one of the pieces of shogi.

"What is the origin of that character line? Do you have a way to contact him?" Uchiha Ming asked.

"The old man really doesn't know! Every time that character appears, he wears a cloak and wears a weird mask. He doesn't know where he got the old man's personal phone number, saying that he has a big deal to discuss with the old man."

President Hyoudou quickly explained.

"The old man was dubious and sent someone to the place on the phone. The guy named Jiao Xing appeared there alone, dressed strangely, and showed the little octopus monster as a commodity."

Uchiha Naruto fell silent.

"To be able to do business with Chairman Hyoudou alone, and more than once, this is not an ordinary person." Uchiha Ming laughed.

These chaebols are all cannibals without spitting out their bones, but Jiao Xing was able to retreat unscathed. It must not be that simple.

President Hyoudou's eyes flickered a few times, and finally he broke the jar and vomited everything out:

"My lord, you are really perceptive! The first time this old man wanted to invite the actor to be a guest, but the bodyguards under the old man were too careless, and their attitude was a bit rough, so the actor killed two of them on the spot!"

"The bodyguards I sent over were also equipped with guns, but the bullets were aimed at that monster..."

President Hyoudou glanced at Naruto Uchiha secretly, and changed his words:

"It doesn't work on that monster either!"

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