I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 171 Chapter 173

Damn it!

Unexpectedly, the duck with its mouth would be snatched away by the monster dealer who came out halfway.

"Xiao Xing, if you have something to discuss, as long as you don't move the monsters in the shelter, I will give you whatever you want!"

Naruto Uchiha asked Chairman Hyoudou to delay the time while thinking of a solution.

He drove a Ferrari at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour for more than two hours before arriving at the Gokuraku Palace in Yoro Valley, Chiba Prefecture. He wanted to rush from the Gokuraku Palace to the underground in the suburbs of Tokyo. The refuge is simply too difficult for the strong.

"President Hyoudou, there are more than 400 million rewards on the dark web for a monster under five years old. Orochi has twenty-four monsters hidden in the refuge, and there are even three that are more than ten years old. How much do you plan to pay me?" Money?" There was some interest in Jiao Xing's words.

"You, report the number! This old man will never bargain!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of President Hyoudou of the Black Emperor Society, he is really rich and powerful! Even if you have to spend tens of billions in working capital, it won't hurt your bones, right?"

Jiao Xing pretended to sigh on the phone, then changed the subject and said:

"But this is a matter between us monsters. President Hyoudou, you, a human being, have something to do with it. There should be something wrong with it, right?"

"Well, if you want to hear, the old man can also tell you, it started three years ago..." President Hyoudou tried his best to delay the time.

"Jiaoxing, all the monsters in the Orochi organization have been captured, the vehicle is ready, it's time to go!" A strange voice came from the phone.

"Understood! President Hyoudou, let me tell you a truth. In the world of monsters, money is nothing but power."

After leaving the last sentence, Jiaoxing hung up the phone very neatly.

"Although I love money, it's only out of hobbies, and these monsters are of great use to me, so unfortunately, I can't sell them to you! President Hyoudou, next time you have a chance, do business again. "

When he called again, it showed that the phone on the other side had been turned off. Chairman Hyoudou's eyes were dull, and when he let go of his fingers, the phone fell to the ground and made a sound.

"Hmph, Jiaoxing! You dare to snatch food from a tiger's mouth, you really don't know how to live or die! At first, I was worried that only twenty or thirty monsters would be enough for me to open a kaleidoscope, and you, a big monster, should be enough! "

Naruto Uchiha's face turned cold, and he glanced left and right.

Seeing Fukuzawa Yukichi piled up like a mountain on the small trolley, he threw the dozen or so million yen chips he won from the pachinko game on it, and then took the same amount of bundles, which is 13 million yen .

There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of money left, but Naruto Uchiha has lost interest in money.

"Earth escape, rock dwelling collapse!"

Naruto Uchiha slapped the palm of his hand on the ground, the arena shook suddenly, and the stands began to collapse.

He jumped into the air with his hands knotted and opened his mouth to spit out. A blazing fire dragon descended from the sky, engulfing the entire collapsed arena into a sea of ​​flames.

"Fire escape, the skill of the mighty fire dragon!"

After destroying everything, Naruto Uchiha suspended in the air, clasping his hands together:


The next moment, Naruto Uchiha's figure turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in the air.


At the same time, in the Uchiha mansion in Nakano District, Tokyo, Naruto Uchiha, who was flipping through the scrolls of the Metropolitan Police Department in the room, looked up thoughtfully in the direction of Chiba.

The moment he noticed that the shadow clone disappeared, a wave of information also entered Uchiha Naruto's brain.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened! Now is not the time to read slowly."

What Naruto Uchiha sent out tonight was just his shadow clone, the main body is still in Tokyo, if he rushes over now, maybe there is still time.

The situation was extremely urgent, Naruto Uchiha jumped out of the window, hid his figure with Toufu, and then disappeared into the night sky.

From Uchiha House in Nakano District, it took only half an hour to come to the junction of Itabashi District and Kita District.

On the edge of the inaccessible suburbs, the residential area was originally separated by barbed wire, but for some reason the barbed wire has been flattened, and the messy ruts are covered layer by layer.

In the middle of the barbed wire fence is an inconspicuous one-story house, which is the entrance to the underground shelter.

Naruto Uchiha landed at the door and glanced inside, only to see that the door was violently opened, and the inside was in a mess, obviously the building was empty.

"Psychic art!"

Naruto Uchiha bit the tip of his thumb, pressed it on the ground, and Tsunakichi the Ninja Dog came out of the psychic channel!


As soon as Ninja Tsunakichi appeared, he rushed up enthusiastically wagging his tail, and licked Uchiha Naruto wildly.

"Okay, Gangji, I didn't summon you to play with you."

Naruto Uchiha waved his hand, and Tsunayoshi became serious when he saw this, and sat on the ground obediently, his dog's face was full of seriousness.

"Gangji, it's up to you again this time. Can your nose smell the whereabouts of the monsters here? It shouldn't take more than an hour for them to leave."


As if the ninja dog Tsunakichi had accepted the order, he raised his head and chest excitedly, shook his tail, and then sniffed at the entrance of the underground shelter.

"Woof! Woah! Woah!"

Within a minute, Tsunayoshi called out vigilantly, threw himself at Uchiha Naruto's feet, and called out in several different directions.

Naruto Uchiha roughly understood the meaning of Ninja Dog Tsunayoshi through the connection of spiritism.

"You mean to say that the monsters here were divided into two batches and transported out from different directions?" Uchiha Naruto asked, frowning.

If so, it's a little trickier.

Naruto Uchiha himself has the technique of shadow clone, but Tsunakichi doesn't know it.

"Forget it, one bird in the hand is better than ten birds in the bush, let's go after one of them first. Make a quick decision and maybe catch up with the second group in time."

There is not much time for hesitation now, Uchiha Minaru holds Tsunayoshi in the air and flies towards the direction of a smell it is tracking.

Along the Capital Highway No. 5, Naruto Uchiha flew out for hundreds of kilometers in one go, and has already left the boundaries of Tokyo and came to Saitama County.

It was late at night, almost midnight, and there were very few cars driving on the National Highway in Saitama Prefecture. Naruto Uchiha soon found a heavy container truck under the guidance of Shinobi Tsunayoshi.

"Is this the one?"


After receiving Tsunakichi's definite answer, seeing no one around, Naruto Uchiha let go of his hands and feet, and opened his mouth without hesitation:

"The Art of Fireball!"

A huge fireball fell from the sky, cut through the night sky like a meteor, and flew towards the front of the container truck.


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