I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 188 Chapter 190 Mount Fuji hides more than bones

Mount Fuji is an active volcano that is still dormant. There have been 18 eruptions in history.

Among them, the fire eruption in the sixth year of Zhenguan caused the sea at the northern foot of Mount Fuji to be filled with lava, and the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara was born.

The Aokigahara Tree Sponge stretches for dozens of kilometers and covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 hectares. It is so small to walk through it alone. The Tosu hero wearing a Kamen Rider suit goes down the stream, and he doesn't know how long he walked.

It could be an hour, it could be three hours.

Modern people are very slow to time after losing their mobile phones.

Hero Tosu is just a lack of exercise office worker, with a thin body and poor physical strength. In addition, he was tortured by Brother Ku for a night and lost a lot of blood. He was able to trek in the wild for such a long period of time because he was worried about the safety of his family and unintentionally squeezed out all his physical strength and potential.

But walking here is already exhausted, and even more frighteningly hungry.

Since he was kidnapped by Yakuza from the Matori group last night, and now he has not eaten any rice, Hero Tosu began to suspect that if he didn't eat anything, he might pass out in a coma.

"Is there anything I can eat?"

Hero Tosu sat on a rock, looked around, and saw that both sides of the river bank were full of jagged and thick trees, while the ground was covered with moss plants such as green moss and lichen, and there was nothing that could be entered.

At this moment, Hero Tosu saw orange spots hanging in the bushes on the other side of the stream.

It's a wild berry.

Hero Tosu was overjoyed and was about to stand up, but his feet were as heavy as if they had been injected with lead.


This short distance of more than ten meters, a shallow stream, blocked in front of Tosu hero like a natural moat.


In a flash of inspiration, Tosu Hero raised his left hand wearing the Masked Hero glove.

With an undetectable sound of "poof", the left hand separated from the wrist, pulled out a strip of black tentacles and shot out, grabbed the berries on the opposite bank, and grabbed them down.

Through the connected black tentacles, he retracted his left hand.

"The wrist is separated, and it can be stretched and retracted. Is this Straw Hat Luffy or Bucky the Clown?"

Hero Tosu looked at the orange berries on his left hand and thought bitterly.

Hero Tosu works in a toy production club. Such a body reminds him of the boxer toy that the club launched before. The toy can eject the boxing gloves on the wrist and retract them through the connected spring.

The mutation in his body really made him very uneasy, even a little bit of fear.

Except for the broken limbs, as long as Hero Tosu is willing, he can even spit out smooth and slender black tentacles from his nose.

There are such terrible tentacles on all my limbs, can I still be considered a human being now?

Will this body scare Linghua and the child's mother?

Hero Tosu shook his head, suppressing his fear and uneasiness, the most urgent task now is to get back home.

He looked at the wild berries in his hand, his Adam's apple twitched, but he didn't rush into his mouth.

Hero Tosu squeezed a berry, and a little juice dripped onto the back of his bare hand.

According to the wilderness survival knowledge he had read from mystery novels, as long as the juice of the wild fruit was not irritating, it should be non-toxic.

After waiting for a minute, there was no redness or any other adverse reactions on the skin.

As soon as Hero Tosu pressed the button on the side of Kamen Rider's helmet, the mask folded up, exposing his mouth, and he couldn't wait to stuff the berries into his mouth.

A dozen or so wild berries the size of a fingertip were swallowed whole by him, like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, without any taste.

These berries are just a drop in the bucket for an adult man, but after entering the stomach, the berries stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, making Hero Tosu feel even hungrier.

Hero Tosu looked around, trying to find more berries, but this time he was not so lucky, there was nothing in sight.

Finally, the hero Tosu set his sights on the babbling brook.

While going down the stream, he saw small fish flopping about in the stream.

"I haven't even caught fish before. I buy fish at supermarkets. Without fishing tackle, I can't catch them. And now I don't have the physical strength at all. I have to lift stones to build embankments to catch fish..."

As if aware of the troubles in his heart, a few black tentacles protruded from the gap in his left wrist.

Yes, I still have this!

Hero Tosu just woke up like a dream, stood up from the rock, stood on the bank, and patrolled the stream with his eyes wide open.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he raised his left hand to face the stream, and a dozen black tentacles shot out straight, stirring up the water in the stream.

A small fish, two fingers wide and three inches long, was entwined by four or five black tentacles, and brought to Hero Tosu.

"How should I eat this? The internal organs should be processed."

A black tentacle moved at will, and the sharp tip cut through the belly of the fish, pulling out the internal organs.

"This..." Hero Tosu had a complex expression on his face.

I have gradually gotten used to it and relied on this weird black tentacles. I don't know if it is good or bad, a curse or a blessing.

"It doesn't matter, eat first and then talk!"

Hero Tosu opened the mechanism on Kamen Rider's helmet, exposing his mouth, tearing the simply processed fish.

For the Japanese, eating raw fish is simply instinct, not worth mentioning.

The small fish in the stream is very fresh, the meat is chewy, and there is a hint of sweetness after chewing. The cold fish meat relieved the hunger of Tosu hero to a certain extent.

But not enough.

Hero Tosu closed the mask of the Kamen Rider, tightened the black scarf around his neck, and stretched out his left arm. The left sleeve of the Kamen Rider suit began to bulge, and dozens of black tentacles rushed out from the cuff, flying in the air. Show your teeth and claws.

At this moment, Hero Tosu suddenly saw a white shadow flashing past in the depths of the sea of ​​trees opposite the stream.

"What is that? It seems to be covered with white hair, is it Shanba?"

The pupils under the helmet of Tosu Hero Kamen Rider shrank, and he couldn't help but think of the horror stories in Aokigahara.

Yamaba is an old woman who was abandoned by her relatives in the deep mountains and turned into a monster after she died of resentful hunger and thirst.

Hero Tosu didn't take the theory of monsters and evil spirits seriously at first, but after experiencing the miracle of recovering from the near-death and turning his body into this ghostly appearance, he couldn't help but start to be skeptical.

The white shadow passed by in a flash, and appeared on the opposite side of the stream in the next second.

A fluffy monster covered with white hair is looking directly at the Tosu hero across a shallow stream.

His heart couldn't help beating wildly, and the dozens of black tentacles protruding out also forgot to retract, writhing uneasily.

"Master Jiao Xing, the 'Wang General' has been waiting for us for a long time."

The white-haired monster lowered its head and said respectfully:

"What about the monsters you took away from Tokyo?"

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