I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 190 Chapter 192 When the moon reaches the correct position, a god will be born!

"Help, help!"

Although he has lost control of his body, Hero Tosu's consciousness is still clear. He is like a prisoner imprisoned in a prison. He can only watch himself being swallowed up by monsters, helplessly.

This kind of treacherous situation made Hero Tosu immediately think of the upper body of the ghost in folklore.

After being engulfed by monsters, walking underground, the sky was dark, which aggravated the fear of Tosu hero, he could only helplessly pray and call for help.

"Could it be...Mr. Shoubu, is that you?"

Hero Tosu, who travels all over the country for many years, heard the accent with a strong dialect flavor in the conversation, which is an Osaka accent.

Osaka accent?

The Moribe-kun he met before who committed suicide in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara was the Tennoji Temple of Osaka Prefecture!

Could it be that he was possessed because he took away the Kamen Rider suit that Shoubu-kun gave him to be buried with without authorization and angered Shoubu-kun's ghost?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Moribe-kun, please forgive me, I still have pocket money and the child's mother waiting for me, I can't be in this place..."

【shut up! It's so loud! 】

An impatient curse suddenly came from Tosu Hero's mind.

"Yes, sorry!"

Although he was scolded, he finally got feedback. Hero Tosu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"Excuse me, are you Moribe-kun?" Hero Tosu asked humbly and cautiously.

Lord Shoubu?

Naruto Uchiha's thoughts changed, and he understood what Hero Tosu was thinking.

Suddenly I couldn't laugh or cry.

The white-haired monster regarded the Tosu hero wearing the Kamen Rider helmet as a horn, and the Tosu hero regarded himself as the unlucky guy who committed suicide before, why one or two are like this.

[Other people's things are not so easy to get. 】

Naruto Uchiha didn't admit or deny, and said neither salty nor light.

"I understand, I understand!"

Hearing this sentence, Hero Tosu became more certain of his own thoughts, and he made a random promise as if he was in a hurry to go to the doctor:

"Moribe-kun, I had no choice but to move your Kamen Rider suit! I will definitely compensate you, pay you a better Kamen Rider suit, collect your body after I go out, and I will also pay for the letter you left for your daughter." I will definitely deliver it to your daughter in person! So, please, forgive me and don’t take my body away.”

【Your body is only for temporary use. That mess inside you is too much and too narrow. 】

[The price of every gift bestowed by fate has been secretly standardized. 】

Hero Tosu was slightly taken aback, Moribe-kun seemed to have something in his words, as if he was reminding him of something.

Then, Hero Tosu's consciousness disappeared into the darkness.

Naruto Uchiha is not a babysitter, saving his life for no reason is the utmost kindness, but he doesn't have that much patience to answer Tosu Hero's questions.

Naruto Uchiha made a fool of himself, and locked the consciousness of Hero Tosu into the small black room.

The next contact with the monster is not suitable for him to see.

But the art of spiritualization is really easy to use.

With this trick, Naruto Uchiha can also pretend to be a golden finger like a grandfather with him.

"Master Kakuyuki, we are about to pass through the barrier soon."

Suddenly the voice of the white-haired monster in the darkness.

In the next second, Naruto Uchiha felt as if he had passed through something, as if a fish jumped out of the water and came to another world.


"Well, among all the monsters, only the king will use enchantment. The king will set up an enchantment on the holy place in Mount Fuji. As long as there is an invasion of foreign enemies, the alarm will be issued! And this enchantment is indestructible, even if it is a big monster Can't break through!"

The voice of the white-haired monster was full of worship.

"Hiding in the mouth of this monster is the only way to enter and exit the barrier. The monsters captured in Kyushu, Shikoku, and the central region have all been transported to the holy land in the heart of Mount Fuji."

Uchiha Naruto heard the words, and his heart suddenly became hot.

That monster codenamed Wang Jiang seems to be a big fish. Not only that, but there are many additions.

Boundary ninjutsu, this is the ninjutsu that shines in Naruto!

The most famous one is the Four Purple Flame Formation formed by Otonin, who is not even a special Jonin, in the operation to destroy Konoha. Even a Kage-level powerhouse like the Third Hokage can't do anything.

The gang of Shinobi in Konoha Village could only stare outside, helpless as they watched the Third Hokage die in battle.

Such a powerful ninjutsu would be too dangerous if left in the hands of monsters.

It is necessary for Uchiha Naruto to recycle it.

Unexpectedly, the opened barrier acts as an alarm. In order to avoid alarming the snake, Naruto Uchiha informed the wooden avatar following behind to stay outside for the time being.

The giant catfish-like monster wandered through the soil layer, and soon came to the belly of Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is an active volcano that is still dormant, with towering mountains and snow-capped peaks.

Three hundred years have passed since the last major eruption of Baoying. Under the snow, the crater was sealed by rock formations after magma condensed.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a large space inside Mount Fuji. I don't know if it is the uncanny workmanship of nature, or it was excavated by monsters. This 'tool monster' should have the ability to escape from the earth, but to dig out such a large space, Also unlikely."

Walking out of the giant catfish's mouth, Naruto Uchiha looked around and couldn't help but be amazed. The mountain wall in front of him was chiseled with knives and axes, colorful and extremely spectacular.

The space inside Mount Fuji is in the shape of a funnel with a narrow top and a wide bottom, with a height of more than a hundred meters. The ground area is four or five basketball courts, and the size can even accommodate a Statue of Liberty.

Not only that, Naruto Uchiha glanced over, and saw that on the mountain wall, there were thick cocoons entangled with white spider silk. They were of different sizes, some were only the size of ordinary people, and some were even as big as houses. .

The breath coming from the cocoon, there is no doubt that there is a monster imprisoned inside.

"Seven seven forty-nine, there are a total of forty-nine monsters!"

Naruto Uchiha counted silently, and his face was overjoyed. It was the first time he saw so many monsters.

The joy and ecstasy in his heart was no less than that of Ali Baba who opened the treasure house of the Forty Thieves.

This is the rhythm of a wave of fat!

"There are also monsters from northern regions such as Hokkaido, Tohoku, and Kanto, which have not been sent over."

"In the sacred place of Mt. Fuji, when the full moon reaches the correct position, the king will be able to gain the power to rule the country after sacrificing a hundred monsters."

"Heaven, earth, and monsters, the three major elements are assembled, and a perfect monster, no, a god is about to be born!"

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