I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 195 Chapter 197

"Damn! Tosu, what kind of monster are you?!"

The smooth and slender black tentacles tied Brother Ku in five ways and wrapped them around his limbs and neck. Brother Ku struggled desperately and wanted to cut the tentacles with a Mitsubishi saber.

But the more he struggled, the tighter the black tentacles would soon be entwined, Brother Ku would soon be unable to move.

"You've all seen it, even your boss is no match for me! Hurry up, you guys, the police are coming soon!"

Kamen Rider yelled at the other Yakuza of the Matori group, but there was a bit of sternness in his voice.

The Yakuzas were all shocked by the hand shown by the masked weirdo, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and all had a very absurd sense of unreality.

It's enough nonsense for a weirdo in a ridiculous special suit to come out halfway to fight for justice.

And this weirdo was not as simple as a psychopath, he was able to eject weird and disgusting black tentacles from his body, and easily subdued Brother Ku, the strongest fighter in the group.

All of a sudden, all Yakuza didn't dare to act rashly, but all looked at Brother Ku.

"You are not Kamen Rider Dragon Knight at all..."

Yakuza, who recognized the origin of the Kamen Rider suit for the first time before, muttered a few words in a low voice.

Using black tentacles to attack, this style of painting is too different from Kamen Rider, even the blackened Kamen Rider is not so ghostly, could it be the evil version of Kamen Rider?

Kamen Rider also followed Yakuza's eyes and looked at Brother Ku.

Brother Ku had already been strangled by the black tentacles that were tightening more and more tightly around his neck, making it difficult to breathe, his face was flushed red, his eyes were protruding, and he was making hoo hoo noises.

Kamen Rider was also startled when he saw this.

He didn't want to really become a murderer.

"Get out of this house quickly, do you understand?"

Kamen Rider flicked the fingers of his left hand, and the black tentacles tied around Brother Ku's neck loosened slightly, but the other tentacles that controlled Brother Ku's body were still tightly entangled on it.

"Ming...Understood, let's go now."

Brother Ku panted heavily, his face turned pale, and he nodded repeatedly.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Now no matter what Tosu Hero says, he will do it.

But Kamen Rider didn't trust Brother Ku so easily. He controlled a black tentacle to pry open Brother Ku's palm, snatched the Mitsubishi saber, held it in his right hand, and said to Yakuza:

"Quickly give my wife...untie the mother and daughter of Tosu and let them come here. If that's the case, I'll give Brother Ku back to you."

"Do as Tosu says!" Brother Ku snapped.

"I'm not Tosu, I'm a passing Kamen Rider!"

"Yes, yes, Tosu, you are right."

The younger brothers of Liushen Wuzhu can only let them go obediently according to the orders of Kamen Rider and Brother Ku.



The two women who survived the catastrophe, after regaining their freedom, ran towards Hero Tosu with tears in their eyes.

"I am not Tosu, but a mask..."

Kamen Rider explained weakly, but looked at the two terrified women, his heart softened, and he still didn't say anything.

"Tosu, you can let me go."

"If this continues, the police will arrive soon. At that time, the fact that you killed the young master will also be exposed! You will also go to jail, and revenge from the association will follow."

Brother Ku kept his head low, with a flattering expression on his face, and then swore an oath:

"As long as you let me go, I promise that I will never come to bother you again! I will take care of the young master's bones, and I will also help you get rid of the troubles in the club, as long as you spare my life! "

Hero Tosu under the Kamen Rider helmet had a look of hesitation on his face.

Of course he would not believe the bullshit of the gang.

However, after the truth of accidentally killing the young master of the Matori Group was exposed, there are only two options for the present. The first is to surrender to the police, and then ask the police to protect his family.

But can the police in Shizuoka protect Tosu Hana Zero and the child's mother?

After being imprisoned, Hero Tosu's family will fall apart, and Linghua will also bear the stigma of being the murderer's daughter.

The other way is to pack up and run overnight, and move from Shizuoka to other places in Japan, anonymity.

The Matori group is only a small force in the Aoi District of Shizuoka Prefecture. As long as they escape to other places, they should not be able to catch up.

This way, the whole family can stay together.

Hero Tosu is naive.

As for the idea of ​​killing Brother Ku, Hero Tosu never thought about it.

After killing Brother Ku, there are still four Yakuza here. Do you want to kill them too?

He has been law-abiding for forty-seven years, and he has never even fought with anyone before, and the young master of the Mato group was just killed by mistake.

It is really difficult for an honest and responsible office worker to make up his mind to kill so many people.

"Let's go, don't come here again!"

Hero Tosu carefully protected the mother and daughter Tosu behind him, flicked the dozen or so black tentacles protruding from his left wrist, put Brother Ku on the aisle, and untied all the black tentacles on his body.

However, Hero Tosu still did not relax his vigilance, a dozen black tentacles were dancing in the air.

Just looking at it gives me goosebumps.

"Husband, what's going on here? And what's going on with these things that look like octopus tentacles?"

Hero Tosu felt the cloak being pulled from behind him, and saw his wife shrinking nervously behind him, and asked,

"I'll explain to you later, mother of the child."

Hero Tosu originally wanted to use the camouflage of the Kamen Rider suit to hide the accidental killing of the young master and the body mutation from Hua Ling and the child's mother.

But the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and there will be no eggs in the nest. Whether to surrender to the police or choose to flee to the end of the world, you have to discuss it with Hua Ling and the child's mother's family before making a decision.

"My child's father, I believe in you!"

Hero Tosu's wife looked at the black tentacles protruding from under the Kamen Rider suit, and said in a firm but gentle tone.

"Hurry up and leave!"

Fiery emotions surged in his heart, as if they were about to burst out, Hero Tosu suppressed the tears in his eyes, turned his head and shouted.

"Okay, okay, let's go."

A murderous intent flashed in Brother Ku's eyes, and then he walked obediently outside.

The moment he turned around, and then covered his body, he took out a Black Star pistol from the inner lining of his jacket in a flash.


Hero Tosu looked down in disbelief, and saw a blood hole in his chest and heart, with blood gurgling out.


The body fell heavily to the ground like a headlong onion.

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