I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 212 Chapter 213 Golden Legend? Mt. Miaomu Toad's Psychic Contract

"Sir, it's really a nostalgic title. Hahaha, but this immortal just gave you a few pointers, and it's not your teacher."

A look of nostalgia flashed in Jiraiya's eyes, he laughed a few times and said,

"Edo... now it's called Tokyo. I heard that the young girls in Tokyo are pretty and they speak nicely. It's been a long time since I went to collect materials. Ms. Kiritani, maybe soon, I need you to be the host to entertain me. .”

"Yes! Mr. Jiraiya!" Yuki Mineko nodded repeatedly.

Yuki Mineko still didn't change her words, and she also respected Zirai quite a bit.

With the addition of filters, even Jiraiya's bulbous nose is no longer as ridiculous as before.

"The next time I see this Immortal, I will definitely surprise you! The appearance of the real Immortal Toad, Jiraiya, is very suave."

Jiraiya completed a series of complicated and cumbersome seals, opened his hands, and countless crystal clear blue light spots floated in the air.

"Mr. Jiraiya, I'm really sorry for one more thing. Actually, my name is not Asuka Kiritani. My real name is Yuuki..."

Yuki Mineko thought of something, and said a few words in a cannonball manner, but before she finished speaking, she heard a shout:

"Go home!"

In the Toad Oil Pond, Yuki Mineko and the other six people who were dragged into the Mt. Miaomu dungeon disappeared.

"It's been hard work."

A black figure flew down from Hamayou Waterfall and landed beside Jiraiya.

He took off his hood, revealing a handsome face with purple snake scales, and three jades were rolling in his scarlet eyes.

It looks strange and evil.

"Where, thanks to the ontology, you cleaned up the monsters on the road in advance, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bring seven oil bottles to the end of the level smoothly."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto Uchiha and shrugged.

"Those monsters are just a piece of cake for me now. Compared to you playing Jiraiya, it's much easier." Naruto Uchiha said disapprovingly.

"And you used illusion to fool them, and it seems to be effective. They believe in the lie that Mount Miaomu is a real different world."

Whether it was the toad transformation in Mineko Yuuki's hand, or the spell that sent the seven of them back to Tokyo in the end, they were all just illusions.

Naruto Uchiha has always used the concepts of the inner world and the heavens as opposed to the present world to explain the origin of the extraordinary to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Combined with myths and legends, the mysterious side has a long history and profound heritage.

The Metropolitan Police Department was skeptical, and began to pay attention to the research of folklore, history, and mythology again.

Although these seven people are just temporary tools for the dungeon, Naruto Uchiha does not intend to erase their memories. When they wake up, they will be excellent tools for claiming.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is like Urashima Taro's trip to the Dragon Palace. Such stories of mortals straying into another world are not uncommon in ancient and modern China and abroad.

"The dungeon of the secret realm is really miraculous. Every plant and tree is fully visible, without any flaws. Compared with using my Sharingan to hypnotize me, the effect is much better." Uchiha said.

Although he can use Sharingan to fabricate a false memory to deceive these people, making them mistakenly think that he has arrived at Mt. Miaomu, but the details cannot be perfected.

If you think about it repeatedly, you will feel that the details of this experience are vague, the time is incoherent, and it is more like a big dream.

Uchiha Naruto's Sharingan is only Sangoudama after all, and he can't control the time, place, and quality as he likes like Tsukiyomi.

And the copy of the secret realm filled the puzzle, allowing Uchiha Naruto's plan to be implemented smoothly.

"The copy of Mount Miaomu has not been cleared yet, so don't be careless!" Ji Lai also reminded.

Naruto Uchiha nodded.

The giant toad statue trapped in the Yellow Springs swamp was struggling furiously in the mire, stirring up the mud flying all over the sky, almost getting out of trouble!

"Well, I see. You can come back."

Unlocking the shadow clone, Naruto Uchiha savored the past experience of the shadow clone, with a strange expression on his face.

Jiraiya's self-introduction and Kabuki performance are really embarrassing!

It seems that my acting skills are still not up to scratch, and I haven't completely let go of my shame.

At the same time, the giant toad statue rioted even more violently, and it was about to be unable to trap it when it saw Huangquanquan.

"After the ninja-level two-man team that challenged the difficulty level was upgraded to an eight-man team, the bottom boss still has some cards, and it can't be easily dismissed."

Naruto Uchiha cast his eyes on the past, and finally became serious.

Although his current combat power has far surpassed that of ordinary ninjas, there is still a gap between him and Kage-class.

The defensive power and recovery power of the giant toad statue are amazing, with rough skin and thick flesh and long blood bars. If you use LV3 fire escape to kill it, I am afraid it will be a protracted battle.

"Although it is an opponent worth fighting, I can no longer tolerate the disadvantages of becoming a fairy, so let's make a quick decision."

Naruto Uchiha touched the scales on his cheek and closed his right eye.

Once closed and opened, the three-pointed jade in the pupils has changed into a six-pointed star!

"Yan Dun, add soil life!"

With a heavy footstep on the ground, his body shot up into the sky, Uchiha Naruto flew into the air, opened his mouth and spat on his right hand, the flames coiled around his hand, and turned into a 20-meter-long sword of the flame god.

With one swing of the sword, even the atmosphere is burning!


A sun rose slowly on the ground, and then countless flames erupted, and the flames devoured everything.

After the smoke and dust cleared, only a huge crater remained where the giant toad statue was, and even Huangquan Swamp was evaporated.

There are traces of molten rock everywhere, leaving only a few scorched black stones lingering in flames, as the last trace left by the boss.

【Kingdom of Toad, Holy Land of Immortality: Mt. Miaomu (East)...】

[Strategy successful! 】

【Comprehensive evaluation: A】

【Get treasure chest*7】

In the crater, several crystal light spots suddenly appeared, flying towards Naruto Uchiha, and he caught them in his hand.

"Seven treasure chests? It's pretty good."

Naruto Uchiha showed joy on his face, looking at the little stars in his hand.

These seven light spots are like stars, exuding bright light, which is really beautiful.

Killing monsters in the dungeon of the secret realm does not get Ninja Jade, and all rewards are in the treasure box issued after passing.

The lowest evaluation of the secret dungeon is D-level, and only one treasure box can be obtained. With the improvement of the comprehensive evaluation, the number of treasure chests obtained will also increase.

The number of people recommended by Mount Miaomu was originally only two.

Naruto Uchiha insisted on forming an eight-member group, with a jōnin and seven 'low ninja' who just got chakra and couldn't even know ninjutsu. They were promoted from simple mode to hell, and the overall evaluation suddenly rose several levels.

If under normal circumstances, two jonin team up to brush the Mt. Miaomu dungeon, the overall evaluation would be C or C+.

"The next moment is to witness the miracle."

It's been a long time since I drew a card, and Uchiha Naruto couldn't help gearing up and eager to try.

He concentrated his consciousness on one of the light spots, and tapped lightly.

The light spot shattered on his palm like a bubble, ripples appeared like water waves, a white light flashed, and a simple small stone bottle appeared in Uchiha Naruto's hand.

【Toad Oil*1】

[Mt. Miaomu, one of the three holy places, can condense natural energy when applied on the skin, and is an indispensable material for cultivating immortality. 】


Naruto Uchiha showed disgust on his face.

But there was still a chance, Uchiha Minaru put away the toad oil with his backhand, and lit another light spot.

The same white light beats as before.

【Toad Oil*1】

"Don't be afraid, this is just a technical adjustment."


【Toad Oil*1】


【Toad Oil*1】

After the toad oil was prescribed five times in a row, Naruto Uchiha began to feel a dark cloud over his head.

The African chieftain was actually myself?

"Come again!"

In the shattered spots of light, there are specks of golden light shining!

Naruto Uchiha was overjoyed, and a black stick appeared in his hand.

【Fukasaku Sage's Stick】

[Fukasaku Immortal's most precious treasure inherited from the Great Toad Immortal, when the natural energy is out of balance, the body begins to change, and it can be used to knock out excess natural energy. 】

"Shh, it finally broke out, otherwise, I will have to do another copy of Mount Miaomu."

Naruto Uchiha wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and his heart was like a roller coaster, up and down.

Fortunately, he got his wish in the end. With Fukasaku Senjin's stick, Naruto Uchiha can also restore his original appearance. Don't worry about the risk of losing control of natural energy, and continue to practice the fairy mode.

"After returning to reality, we will dissolve the master-student relationship with those seven people and take back ninjutsu." Uchiha Naruto pondered in his heart.

Rare things are more expensive, if extraordinary people are like Chinese cabbage piled up for wholesale, they will lose their sense of mystery.

"Ms. Yucheng's aptitude is good, and she is quite courageous. The fire escape given to her will not be recovered for the time being. As an observation object, we will see if she has the ability to become a superhuman."

Even if the seven of them spoke unanimously and experienced the same dream, it may not be able to attract the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Ms. Yuki just rightly showed extraordinary powers, which can prove that their big adventure in Mt. Myogi is not empty teeth.

There was one last treasure chest left, and Naruto Uchiha opened it casually.

Even if it is toad oil, it doesn't matter, the more the better, after all, it will be needed to practice the immortal mode later.

The light spot shattered, and the overflowing golden light almost blinded Naruto Uchiha's eyes!

Golden legend! ?

Surrounded by glittering golden light, one could tell at a glance that an extraordinary scroll had appeared in his hand.

"Mt. Miaomu Toad's psychic contract?"


At eleven o'clock in the evening, Tokyo General Hospital.

In a ward, the curves under the white quilt were like mountains rising and falling. Mineko Yuki, who was lying on the bed unconsciously, moved her eyelids slightly, and slowly opened her eyes.

Hmm, did not recognize the ceiling.

This is a hospital? Did I travel back from Mt. Miaomu?

Yuki Mineko lifted the quilt on her body and was about to get up from the hospital bed.

"Doctor, the patient in bed 2 is awake!"

The two nurses who were packing things in the ward rushed out of the ward by themselves as soon as they saw Yuki Mineko wake up and yelled.

"Don't worry, Miss Yuki. Let's lie down first, the doctor will be here soon."

Another nurse rushed to Mineko Yuki's bed to comfort her.

"Miss Yuki, you finally woke up. You collapsed in Yoyogi Park and fell into a coma for eight hours."

"Is there any water?" Yucheng Fengzi asked dryly.

The nurse immediately brought her a glass.

Yuki Mineko raised the cup and downed the whole cup in one go, feeling like she came alive.


Mineko Yuuki pursed her lips. Everything that happened today is vivid in her mind. She went jogging in Yoyogi Park during the Golden Week, and then her soul went out of her body inexplicably and went to another world.

Miao Mushan, Lustful Immortal, Orochimaru...

All of this was so unbelievable that she was still in a dream until now.

is this real?

Or is it just her dream?


For a moment, Yucheng Fengzi couldn't make a judgment, she opened her mouth, and wanted to say something else.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and a group of doctors in white coats walked in hurriedly, crowding around the bed.

This battle shocked Mineko Yuki, almost thinking that she had some incurable disease.

"Miss Yuki."

Among the doctors, an old doctor who seemed to be highly respected spoke up.

"How do you feel now?"

"I'm feeling great, I've had a good night's sleep and my face is radiant. I can now be discharged from the hospital."

Still not sure whether today's bizarre encounter is real, Mineko Yuki just wants to go home and sort out her thoughts.

"I'm afraid it won't work." The old doctor and several doctors looked at each other.

"Miss Yuki, you passed out at the same time as six people on the northeast side of Yoyogi Park. Passers-by called the police and sent you to Tokyo General Hospital. Now that you are awake, go for an examination with our hospital, and then observe for a while .”

Another doctor on duty said:

"The police suspect that the mass coma caused by an unknown gas leak may be a terrorist attack, or it may be the poisonous and harmful gas in the Yoyogi Forest. In the morning, the police officers from the Yoyogi Police Station will also come to Ms. Yuki for questioning of."

Comatose with six people at the same time? !

Yuki Mineko's heart trembled, and she quickly asked:

"The people who were sent to the hospital with me are called Ogawarato, Taguchi Nakanori, Hamada..."

She fluently reported the names of five people.

When introducing herself, Mineko Yuki remembered everyone's names.

She judges others by herself, and considering that some people may use pseudonyms, she added:

"Is there a lady who weighs 300 catties and is about forty-five to fifty years old?"

"Well, yes. Miss Yuki, are you friends? Don't worry, all patients are not life-threatening."

Right on!

All match up!

"Does it really exist? Mt. Miaomu?"

Mineko Yuki muttered to herself with a complex expression, she looked down at the back of her left hand, her pupils shrank.

There is still a little blue and black mark on the back of the hand.

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