I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 219 Chapter 220 Yin and Yang unite, everything is happening!

After the Wakasawan evil spirit invaded the body of the little octopus, it turned into a half-human half-fish appearance.

"Mermaid, Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni..."

Mr. Mori couldn't help thinking of the mermaid legend that was widely spread in Wakasa Bay.

What, octopus is not a fish?

In what age, Disney has launched the black mermaid version of African pond fish, and imagined that mermaids are all fair-skinned and beautiful with a beautiful big fish tail, and mermaids can also be octopus mermaids!

"Spalasi! So beautiful!"

Professor Sanze stared frantically at the product of the fusion of the Wakasa Bay evil spirit and the little octopus monster. From the naked Miaoman upper body to the octopus tentacles with thick and thin arms covered with suckers, they are all full of temptation and charm.

"After Type B is possessed by Type A, there will be such a miraculous reaction. Mr. Mori, hurry up and recover this new experimental product, I can't wait to conduct research!"

"Don't be impatient, Professor Sanze. The result of this experiment is unexpected. We should carefully judge the danger of the experimental product..."


Amidst the murmur of the rustling seabed from the communicator, there was a muffled bang.

On the screen of the console, I saw the newly born 'Suzuki Junhui' lift up an octopus tentacles, and knocked heavily on the glass of the water tank.

"There is an entity! The experimental product has an entity, and is not an invisible thing like the evil spirit. This is a major discovery!"

Professor Sanze yelled excitedly, almost glued a pair of eyeballs to it.

Having an entity means that research methods such as anatomy and blood tests can be used!

The product of the fusion of monsters and evil spirits, in the Metropolitan Police Department, no, in the whole world, it is a field that no one has ever set foot on!

As long as I seize this opportunity and produce some results, I will definitely become famous and shock the expert group.

"If the experimental product has a physical body, it will be easy to handle. This special water tank is made of 200mm bulletproof glass, and it cannot be pierced even with a sniper rifle."

Mr. Mori's eyes flickered, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

"It is impossible to break, absolutely impossible to escape!"

But before the words fell, an incredible scene appeared!

The octopus monster's face, which was the same as Suzuki Junhui's, was suddenly torn apart, and a dark red halo penetrated from under the cheek.

The ominous and strange blood light became thicker and thicker, and even condensed into substance. It covered the face like a mask, and it continued to spread downwards, covering the whole body!

"What's this!?"

Everyone on the scientific research ship was stunned.


The next moment, 'Suzuki Junhui' raised his palm, which was completely covered by the dark red coat, and slammed it on the thick glass wall, causing the water tank to shatter like foam.

"Oops, it's going to run away!"

Professor Sanze suddenly blushed anxiously.

Although it is not clear whether 'Suzuki Junhui' is an evil spirit or a monster, it is obviously an aquatic type from its physical appearance.

In the vast and boundless sea, trying to capture such a human-sized marine monster is almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

The console screen went black.

"What's going on? Did the equipment malfunction again, or was the camera on the submersible destroyed by the experimental product?"

No, Professor Sanze immediately noticed something was wrong.

The black screen of the display is not a black screen such as a power outage or a network outage, but an image similar to dark clouds rolling and densely covered.

"That monster seems to spit out ink from its mouth, like a cuttlefish." Mr. Mori said with some uncertainty, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Could it be that it wants to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to escape?"

Just here, another staff member of the console exclaimed:

"Mr. Mori, the sonar scan shows that something is rapidly approaching our ship! The distance is 100 meters!"

Could it be that the monster not only did not escape, but took the initiative to attack the scientific research ship?

"The size of that unknown object..." The staff froze for a moment, their voices full of panic and hesitation. "More than fifteen meters!"

Fifteen meters! ? That's bigger than a humpback!

Have a bad feeling.

This uncontrollable anxiety and sense of crisis caused a drop of cold sweat to appear on Mr. Mori's dark face.

It is impossible for a whale to attack them suddenly in Wakasa Bay, it can only be that monster!

But 'Suzuki Junhui' was only one person tall, how could it suddenly swell into a behemoth more than ten meters long?

"Quick, quickly hide in the cabin! Also, ask the missile boat behind to prepare..."

Section Chief Mori swallowed his saliva, quickly reacted, and shouted.


The scientific research ship shook from side to side as if it had hit a rock, and the staff standing on the deck couldn't stand still and fell to the ground one after another.

The staff member before hugged the corner of the console, raised his head to look at the screen, and let out a heart-piercing scream:

"That... that, it's under our boat now!"

There was no need for his reminder. Section Chief Mori and Professor Sanze on the deck both saw that an octopus tentacle ten meters long and thicker than a wine barrel protruded from the sea surface!

The huge octopus tentacles full of suckers whipped on the deck like a whip, and the whole scientific research ship trembled violently a few times.

The console and other operating facilities on the deck were destroyed a lot under this wave of attacks, leaving them in a mess.

Not only that, there were also a few unlucky people whose heads were smashed by the tentacles, and half of their bodies collapsed. Seeing that they were dead, there were even more people who were affected and were bleeding.

As long as it is rubbed by the tentacles, it will either die or be injured!

Mr. Mori was lucky enough to survive the first wave of attacks unscathed. Before he could take a breath, he saw a huge octopus tentacles protruding out, wrapping up Professor Sanze.

"Ah, help—!"

Professor Sanze only let out a few wailing wailings, and was twisted by the tentacles in front of Mr. Mori, like a frog being run over by a car, with his internal organs squeezed out.


Blood was splashed all over Mr. Mori's body and face, he trembled a few times, and then rolled and crawled to escape into the cabin.

At this moment, another giant octopus tentacles climbed up from the bottom of the sea, slammed heavily on the deck, and then swept over aggressively as if cleaning the deck.

Section Chief Mori turned pale, subconsciously pulled out the gun, and then froze.

What is the use of a small pistol against such a behemoth?

In the desperate eyes of Mr. Mori, he was smashed to pieces by the giant tentacles, vomited blood, and was swept into the sea.

Tentacles protruded out of the sea one after another. Under the torture of several terrifying octopus tentacles, the deck was quickly swept away, and everyone was slaughtered!


On a missile boat behind the scientific research ship, the captain of the American country watched with a bit of excitement that the octopus and sea monsters were killing the scientific research ship.

"Tell me, are we here on an extremely cold set? Or are we filming Pirates of the Caribbean? Why is there such a deep-sea giant monster!"

"Sir, what should we do now!?" asked the American sailor on the missile boat.

"Fire! Kill this giant monster of the deep sea!"

The Pegasus-class missile boat they are currently riding on has a displacement of 239 tons. The main weapon installed on the gunboat is a 76mm Otto naval gun.

"But, we are performing an escort mission, will we accidentally injure the people on the scientific research ship?"

"Just some Japanese."

The captain made a decisive decision and urged:

"Let's look at that giant monster of the deep sea. How many people can survive after making such a fuss on the deck? Obey the order and fire!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Pegasus-class missile boat first opened the distance, then adjusted its direction, aiming the naval gun on the ship at the octopus head exposed on the sea.

"Boom boom boom—!"

The 76mm small-caliber naval gun has a high rate of fire and fierce firepower, continuously ejecting lines of fire from the muzzle.

The power of the naval gun is naturally not comparable to that of pistol bullets, and a few shells are about to blow off the giant tentacles.

There was also an armor-piercing extended-range bomb that blasted into the reef-like head of the octopus sea monster exposed on the sea surface, blasting out a big hole with bloody flesh.

"Whoa whoa—"

The sea surface vibrated violently, the sea water bounced like jumping beads, and the giant octopus let out an incomparably sharp cry like a woman or a baby.

Another five or six huge tentacles popped out from under the sea surface, and the octopus sea monster randomly used its tentacles to stir the sea surface upside down, causing waves to shake the huge scientific research ship violently.

Watching this scene, the captain couldn't help but turn pale.

The lethality of the 76mm naval gun against the octopus and sea monster is not insignificant, but it still lacks the final blow.

Now the sea monster has been completely enraged by them. If it cannot be completely eliminated, even if the Pegasus-class missile boat has a maximum hydrofoil speed of 48 knots in the vast sea, he will feel uneasy.

"Fire the Harpoon!"

The captain gave an order, and the other sailors on board were quickly ready.

The tail of the Pegasus-class missile boat is equipped with 2 AGM-84 anti-ship missiles with 4 joints.

In the smoke, an anti-ship missile dragged flames and lifted off from the missile boat.

Under this distance, it is impossible for the anti-ship missile to miss, and it flew over in the blink of an eye, hitting the head of the octopus sea monster.


The octopus sea monster was directly blasted by the anti-ship missile, and flesh and blood flew all over the sky, covering the deck. Those giant tentacles instinctively twitched a few times, and then remained motionless, floating up and down on the sea.

"Good Job!"

The American officers on the gunboat all cheered.

"Draw the boat over and see if there are any survivors."

Most of the octopus sea monster's head was blown away. Under such circumstances, the captain obviously didn't think that the monster had a chance of surviving.

The missile boat with the Stars and Stripes sailed steadily towards the scientific research ship, and a half-meter-long off-white tentacles drifted past the hull.

After getting close, there are pieces of fried octopus and sea monster all over the sea.

"What would the meat of the giant monster of the deep sea taste like? It should be similar to squid."

The captain wanted the sailors to salvage some, but looking at the remnants of the lying octopus and sea monster on the deck of the scientific research ship, there were at least a dozen tons of them, so he gave up the rotten meat floating on the sea.

Suddenly, the captain and sailors were surprised to find that the pieces of octopus meat on the sea surface began to disintegrate, disappearing little by little.

Not only that, the remnants of the octopus sea monster leaning on the scientific research ship and the few giant tentacles hanging down also began to turn into ashes, drifting away with the sea wind, or dissolving in the sea.

The remnant body of the octopus sea monster dissipated within a few breaths.

Among the ashes, a woman's delicate face suddenly appeared, and then the body.

The woman has long black hair as thick as seaweed, and below the waist are twisting octopus tentacles.

'Suzuki Junhui' stared at the missile boat expressionlessly.


'Suzuki Junhui' had a ferocious expression on his face like a beast, and let out a terrifying roar when he looked up to the sky.

The flesh on the face was cracked, and the bloody light escaped from the cracks, turning into a dark red coat, covering the upper body from head to waist again, exuding an ominous and terrifying aura!

"Quick, evacuate!"

The gunship turned around and was about to distance itself, but it was too late.

A few octopus tentacles twitched on the deck of the scientific research ship, and "Suzuki Junhui" rose into the air like a cannonball, leaped tens of meters of sea surface, and smashed heavily on the gunboat.

'Suzuki Junhui' put his hands on the ground, the tentacles of the octopus on the lower body stretched its teeth and claws, and a violent and terrifying aura enveloped the entire missile boat.

Seeing this monster whose face was covered in ominous blood, the captain's complexion changed drastically, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

He and a few sailors quickly took out their pistols or assault rifles and fired at 'Suzuki Junhui'.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless bullets tore off pieces of the red energy coat on 'Suzuki Junhui', but it was immediately filled by more red light gushing out from the body.


'Suzuki Junhui' was in pain, and let out a terrifying roar that was not human!

It was as if a thunder had exploded in the sky. The eardrums of the American sailors were buzzing and painful, and some even passed out on the spot.


With the captain's eyes tearing open, "Suzuki Junhui" raised two claws that were not so much human hands, but beasts, and smashed towards the missile boat with all his might.

The 40-meter-long Pegasus-class gunboat had a big hole torn in its bow!

The sea water rushed in frantically, and the gunboat sank head-down into Wakasa Bay, and none of the more than twenty American sailors on board were spared.

After annihilating everyone on the scientific research ship and the missile boat, 'Suzuki Junhui' continued to be covered in a dark red coat, floating on the sea in the shape of a wild beast.

With a "plop", a gray toad suddenly jumped out of the sea.

The toad opened its mouth, first stretched out a right hand, and then Naruto Uchiha crawled out of the mouth of the toad.

"I see, I finally understand the true colors of monsters and evil spirits..."

"Yang Dun, Yin Dun..."

"The unity of yin and yang, the myriad phenomena!"

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