I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 240 Chapter 241 Three Things

The day after the fire broke out in the Ai Neighborhood Slum, which was also the last day of the May Golden Week, Hero Tosu came to Osaka General Hospital with a bulging black backpack in his hand.

Under the haggard and pale human skin mask of Hero Tosu, several blue veins protruded like living things, and he crouched on the ground covering his face.

"Killed, killed, I killed again!"

Not only the little bosses of the two violent gangs, but also set fire to the Yakuzas on the first floor who were knocked out by him.

In addition to the members of the Matori group who were killed in Shizuoka City before, now I have more than twenty lives in my hands, and I can't count my hands and feet!

Hero Tosu's left hand was digging at the human skin mask on his face with five fingers. He was so strong that he almost tore off the human skin mask!

Tears flowed down from his eyes unstoppably, Hero Tosu looked at the tear stains on his hands, which faintly turned into bright red blood stains, which were the marks left by those killed by him.

I used to be an urban office worker who hadn't even killed a chicken, but now he has become a ruthless executioner and murderer.

How many people must be killed and sacrificed to the evil god before it can be satisfied? !

After another massacre, Hero Tosu seemed to be able to feel the evil power given by the evil god growing in his body, and the stronger and stronger power of the evil god was also eroding his will until he fell into the bottomless abyss , until it is beyond redemption!

Rather than end up like this, it's better...

What Tosu Hero felt in his heart at this moment was not only extremely strong self-loathing, but even the idea of ​​suicide.

But thinking of Tosu Hanazero and the child's mother, although they had only parted for a few days, thinking that there would never be a chance to meet again, Tosu Hero was in so much pain that he couldn't help himself.

"Woo woo woo..."

The cry of Hero Tosu attracted the concern of a nurse passing by in the hospital. She stopped and asked with concern:

"Sir, are you all right?"

"Sorry, I lost my temper and caused you trouble."

Seeing the embarrassment of the young nurse who was about the same age as his daughter, Tosu Hero was also a little embarrassed. He wiped his tears, stood up from the ground, and forced a smile at the nurse.

"Sir, come on, it will definitely get better in the future."

The nurse sighed. She had seen too many joys and sorrows in the hospital. A big man like this broke down and cried bitterly on the ground. It must be because of his family and not for himself.

But she can't do anything, she can only say a few words of encouragement and encouragement without money.

"thanks, thanks!"

Hero Tosu sent off the nurse with a somewhat cautious look.

Hero Tosu thought of Mamiya Moribe who had not yet passed the critical period in the ICU ward, he sighed, and the guilt surged in his heart, dispelling the idea of ​​committing suicide before.

Obviously he wanted to protect his family in place of Shoubu-kun, but he couldn't do it himself.

He couldn't even find the prisoner. The only thing he could do was to use the ill-gotten gains looted from the gang as medical expenses for Mamiya Shoubu.

When the money was handed over to Moribe Mamiya's mother, Reiko, she should have left Osaka and continued to flee.

Hero Tosu walked along the aisle of the hospital towards the appointed place. He had already called Reiko before and told her to come and get the money.

Turning the corner, as expected, I could see a woman with haggard makeup, waiting restlessly.


Seeing Hero Tosu, Reiko's eyes lit up, her face full of uneasy emotions.

"Hmph! The medical expenses that Shoubu Zhengong needs are all in it."

For this woman, Hero Tosu didn't like him at all, and he didn't give her a good face at all, so he threw the heavy black backpack at her feet.

Reiko quickly opened the zipper of the backpack, and inside were bundles of Fukuzawa Yukichi, some of which were even stained with blood.

"Yes, sorry."

Lizi looked at the astonishing amount of banknotes inside, she was dumbfounded at first, then she said in a whisper with shame on her face.

"Don't tell me you're sorry." Hero Tosu said coldly with a straight face, "You are sorry for Moribe-kun, Moribe Mamiya, and that other child."

After another massacre, the evil spirit of Tosu hero also increased.

Lizi couldn't help but shuddered, her face turned pale, and tremblingly said: "I'm sorry..."

"Didn't I say that? Don't say sorry to me, what's the use of saying sorry!" Hero Tosu frowned and threatened.

"And I'll come back to check in a few days. You need to spend every cent of the money on the treatment of sister Zhen Gong. If I find out that you have misappropriated it to yourself and that concubine, I will let you understand It tastes worse than death!"

It's really just intimidation.

Hero Tosu doesn't know how long his disguise can deceive the police. In addition to what he did in the slum of Ai Neighborhood last night, the police may soon come after him.

The current Osaka prefecture is a wrong place, and it is no longer suitable to stay for a long time.

Based on what Hero Tosu observed in secret, although this flirtatious woman is ungrateful to Lord Shoubu, she still has a certain amount of true affection for her two daughters, so she shouldn't disregard their life and death, and commit suicide. escape.

"sorry Sorry……"

Lizi is like a repeater at the moment, she won't say anything except sorry.

Hero Tosu was extremely bored and was about to yell at him.

At this moment, he keenly discovered that the doctors, nurses, and cleaners who were walking up and down the hospital aisle, seemed to be actors at the end of the curtain, had disappeared at some point.

Hero Tosu immediately became alert.


Several nearby wards were pushed away, and a group of black suits filed out.

"Mr. Tosu, good morning! Our Metropolitan Police Department has been waiting for you for a long time."

Standing in the crowd, the leader, a middle-aged police officer wearing glasses, elegant and handsome, with an outstanding appearance, took out a police card, and nodded respectfully to Hero Tosu.

Hero Tosu quickly turned his head and looked back, and several black suits also appeared on the circuit, blocking the aisle tightly.

Now he has become the turtle in the urn.

"You! You actually called the police!"

Hero Tosu glared at Reiko.

"I'm sorry." Reiko held the backpack full of banknotes tightly in her arms, and lowered her head, not daring to look at Hero Tosu.

"Please don't blame this lady. We came to ask her to cooperate with us." The middle-aged police officer said politely with a kind and sincere smile.

Hero Tosu glanced at the name on his police ID.

Uchiha Senmen!

The Metropolitan Police Department searched the fourth section, and the police rank was police inspector.

"You guys, finally... are you here to arrest me?"

Hero Tosu looked around in a panic, and said shyly.

Although the men in black suits didn't draw out their guns, many of them put their hands on the back of their bulging waists. If there was any change in themselves, they would probably draw out their guns in the next second.

Although I said that I have more than one heart now and I am not afraid of bullets, but with so many police officers back and forth, it is not that simple to escape.

If you use the power of the evil god, it's not like you can't rush out...

The body was tense, and under Tosu Hero's robe, black tentacles that already had some grudges came out of the wound, making rustling and rubbing sounds.

But in this way, blood must flow like rivers!

After the killing intent flashed in Tosu Hero's eyes, hesitation and struggle remained.

For those Yakuza who are not guilty of death, Tosu hero can't do anything cruel, so is it necessary to kill innocent police officers? After the killing, his whereabouts have been exposed. Even if he escapes from the hospital and Osaka Prefecture, can he still escape from Japan?

Hero Tosu felt powerless at the thought of becoming an enemy of the entire state apparatus.

Moreover, since the Metropolitan Police Department came to the door, they accurately reported their own life while wearing a human skin mask, indicating that their fake death disguise has been seen through. If they resist, will Hua Ling be implicated? With the child's mother?

Hero Tosu was not a decisive person in the first place, and the more worries he had in his mind, the more his courage to fight to the death was weakened.

"Mr. Tosu, maybe you have some misunderstanding." Uchiha Xianmen's attitude was very friendly. "Although our Metropolitan Police Department has been tracking down your whereabouts, it is not to arrest you, but to communicate and cooperate with you."

"Exchange and cooperation?"

The Tosu hero was dumbfounded.

"That's right."

Uchiha Xianmen pushed the black-rimmed glasses and smiled.

After arriving in Osaka Prefecture at noon yesterday, he asked the police officers from the No. 4 Search Section who came to support him to take over the public surveillance network of Osaka Prefecture. Starting from the Osaka Prefecture Subway Station, he quickly screened the surveillance videos along the way.

Hero Tosu changed from an ordinary person to an extraordinary person only by coincidence, unlike those extraordinary persons from other worlds who have the ability to teleport, and are invisible under the surveillance video of the streets and alleys .

The staff of the Metropolitan Police Department worked overtime and overnight shifts to investigate, and soon locked the location of Hero Tosu and his whereabouts after arriving in Osaka Prefecture. Even the phone card he newly bought in Osaka Prefecture has been in the supervision room of the special task force of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Mr. Tosu, you may be concerned about disputes with the Matori-gumi, a designated violent group in Shizuoka City, so you... avoid the limelight." Uchiha Senmon lightly turned the page on absconding in fear of crime.

After Shizuoka City confirmed that Kamen Rider is Hero Tosu, the interpersonal network and mental model of Hero Tosu were quickly established. For such a new superhero with a clean resume and a deep bond with his family, the expert group's suggestion is to make friendly contact as much as possible and adopt a gentle policy for inclusion.

Uchiha Xianmen also deeply agrees, he is also very aware of Tosu Hero's concerns and weaknesses, and cuts to the chase.

"After investigation by our police, Mr. Tosu is just a legitimate self-defense to protect his family. Our police have no intention of arresting Mr. Tosu."

"But, I didn't just kill the Matori-gumi...yesterday, I also...killed a lot of people for money..." Hero Tosu's face was full of pain.

Uchiha Senmon turned his head and looked at the backpack full of banknotes in Reiko's arms, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Hero Tosu set fire to the branch of Hongdao Club last night, so naturally he couldn't hide it from him. Even Hero Tosu's purpose of stealing money was cleared up after interrogating Reiko.

"Everyone withdraw, I want to talk to Mr. Tosu alone." Uchiha Xianmen ordered.


"This is an order! Everyone is waiting at the gate of the hospital." Uchiha Xianmen resolutely said.

Isn't he afraid that I will take this opportunity to escape?

Tosu Hero was a little unbelievable, but after Uchiha Senmon gave the order, the police officers in black suits scattered, and the aisle was empty.

"Mr. Tosu took money from the gang, not for his own enjoyment, but to help the seriously injured girl. This is robbing the rich and helping the poor, and it can be called a just cause!"

"But, I also killed a lot of people..."

"Murder? Can the scum of the gang be considered human? What Mr. Tosu did was to cut off the pests in the garden."

Uchiha Xianmen sneered at this, and sneered:

"Because of the existence of these criminals, I don't know how many good citizens have been hurt because of this. They toss and turn in pain and can't sleep. I believe that as long as you are a good citizen, you will definitely support you."

Hero Tosu's expression froze a bit.

The words of this Uchiha police officer are not completely unreasonable, if he hadn't obtained the power of the evil god, he would have been buried in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara long ago.

Not only that, but even Hua Ling and the child's mother will be poisoned by the Matori-gumi. If someone can destroy the Matori-gumi before it happens, I will undoubtedly regard him as a hero.

"Of course, these words of mine are somewhat politically incorrect. So I ask Mr. Tosu to keep it a secret for me, otherwise if it gets out, I may be punished by the section chief." Uchiha Xianmen said a little embarrassed.


Uchiha Xianmen's words made Hero Tosu feel better, but he was still a little bit sorry.

"Mr. Tosu, I can see that you are avoiding something, and you are a little bit self-defeating."

Uchiha Xianmen said sincerely: "No matter what you think or do, it is your freedom, but please think about your family members before acting."

"Don't leave regrets for yourself and your family!"

Thinking of Hua Ling and the child's mother, Hero Tosu's expression became more shaken.

If possible, he didn't want to wander around the world incognito and never see his wife and daughter again.

Looking at the attitude shown by the Metropolitan Police Department now, maybe we can really return to the warm and happy daily life in the past?

Uchiha Xianmen's expression is sincere and sincere, and there is a convincing force in his voice: "Mr. Tosu, if you have any concerns, you can speak up. Our Metropolitan Police Department will definitely do everything we can to help you!"

"I, I have three things that I'm worried about."

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