I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 270 Chapter 271

"let me go!"

Yuhuo, whose waist was bound by the tentacles of the octopus, struggled desperately, the bandages on his body began to loosen and slip off, revealing the scales hidden under the bandages.

"Although it's almost inseparable, let's test it with Penglai jade branch first."

Pharmacist stretched out his index finger and pushed the round glasses on the bridge of his nose. With his left hand, he pointed like a knife, and with a light stroke, his fingertips cut Yuhuo's cheek with a distance of half an inch.

"Woo!" Yuhuo narrowed one eye in pain, and a line of blood emerged from his cheek.

Pharmacist pocketed the other hand and touched it back, and took out a jade branch that was carved like a ruby ​​agate, and then spread his left hand, a few drops of bright red blood rolled down and dripped on it.

The next moment, the Penglai jade branches were in full bloom, and the branches shook rustlingly, looking very miraculous.

"It really is the blood of the mermaid! I finally found it! This is the Penglai Island where the mermaids inhabit.

Pharmacist Dou cheered up and burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hirota Turio looked at his companions, most of them were already petrified by the sudden scene, lying on the ground trembling.

The tentacles of the octopus writhing in the sea like the legendary giant monster of the North Sea are thicker than the anaconda Hirota Turio has seen, and with just a slight twist, it may be able to crush the bones of a person's whole body inch by inch.

Yuhuo, who was entangled by the tentacles of the octopus, couldn't help showing pain on his small face.

"Let go, girl, let go!"

The foreign white girl didn't know where her courage came from, so she stepped forward and read a series of squeaking English to the pharmacist.

"Mr. Hirota, what is this foreign lady talking about?"

Hirota Turio could only bite the bullet and translated:

"She hopes you can let go of Miss Yuhuo, Doctor Yaoshidou. Miss Yuhuo saved our lives...Doctor, why did you arrest her? Is there some misunderstanding?"

"I'm really sorry that I accidentally got you involved. If it wasn't for me holding a Penglai jade branch on the passenger ship, you wouldn't have the fate to see Penglai Island."

Pharmacist glanced at Hirota Tulio and the foreign woman, and said calmly.

"I won't embarrass this half-demon too much. Oh, it's Miss Yuhuo. I need her as a guide to take me to find the medicine of immortality on Penglai Island."

After saying these words, the tentacles of the octopus entangled with the fishing fire and retreated into the sea, Medicine Master also made a gesture to leave.

"You are illegally detaining and kidnapping..."

Before the foreign woman could say a few words, Tulio Hirota covered her mouth and gave her wild winks.

Sure enough, she is a woman from the United States, and the hearts of the Virgin Mary are so overflowing that I still don't understand the situation clearly.

Miss Yuhuo is their savior, and Hirota Turio would not mind helping Miss Yuhuo if he could, but it is obvious that Doctor Yaoshidou had premeditated it, so it is better not to disobey him.

Moreover, Hirota Turio also needed an insider like Yao Shidou to help them leave the island.

"Doctor Pharmacist Dou, please wait a moment..."

Hirota Turio yelled impatiently, fearing that Yao Shidou would leave just like that.

At this moment, I saw a brilliant and sacred white light, like a shooting star, coming from the center of Penglai Island in an instant.

It is a demon-breaking arrow with a flashing halo.


The arrow sank into the sea impartially, and the brilliance of spiritual power suddenly exploded in the sea area with a radius of tens of meters, almost blinding the eyes.

When the light dissipated, the sea surface had returned to calm.

The giant octopus tentacles dancing wildly among the demons, and the pharmacist's pocket have all disappeared, only the waves lapping the beach under the action of the tide.

"Is he dead?" Hirota Turio couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Suddenly, a palm covered with blue scales came out of the sea and grabbed the reef on the shore, and then a purple-haired girl climbed up from the sea.

"Miss Yuhuo, it's great that you're fine, huh?"

Under the moonlight, Yuhuo's face, arms, feet and other places that had been bandaged before were covered with bluish-white fish scales!

Not a skin disease or a wound, but fish scales.

Hirota Turio and the others were taken aback, and some even took a few steps back with a look of fear on their faces.

Is Miss Yuhuo a human being, or a monster like a monster? !

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Yuhuo's expression darkened, and he subconsciously hid his scaled arms behind his back, but the scales on his face and legs couldn't be hidden no matter what.

"God bless! You're fine!"

The foreign woman hugged Yuhuo excitedly, with tears in her eyes.

Yu Huo's face was full of astonishment and a little shy, but he didn't break free from the foreign woman's embrace.

Good Job!

Hirota Turio couldn't help giving the foreign woman a thumbs up. The Virgin is still useful at this time, and she doesn't mind Yuhuo's inhuman features. She stepped forward and gave a big hug, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere of suspicion before. .

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Miss Yuhuo, although your appearance is a bit special, it's not a big deal. And you saved us, you are a kind person, aren't you?"

After a brief shock, Hirota Turio came back to his senses and spoke sincerely.

It's not like he's playing tricks on the occasion to greet him deliberately, it's quite a bit from the heart.

Although Miss Yuhuo has fish scales on her body, she is not ugly, on the contrary she has a bit of strange beauty.

For modern people with a variety of sexual desires, there must be such a thing as a good woman.

Besides, modern people are also well-informed, even the African version of the black mermaid is popular in Europe and the United States, and Miss Yuhuo is honestly unremarkable.

"You are a little different from the people in the village." Yuhuo said with a complicated expression.

Hirota Turio immediately understood the reason why Yuhuo lived alone.

In that village, even the blacks and whites were treated as monsters and yelled to be beaten and killed. A girl with obvious inhuman features like Miss Yuhuo was naturally excluded.

"Miss Yuhuo, is this really Penglai Island?"


Hirota Tulio and the others looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.

They have always used various reasons to deny everything they saw on the island, but the facts speak louder than words, whether it is the huge octopus tentacles that look like a giant monster in the North Sea, the arrows falling from the sky, or the fish-scaled Miss Yuhuo in front of her eyes. , can prove that they set foot on a mysterious land.

"Miss Yuhuo, how can I..."

"not good."

Yuhuo looked at the thatched hut destroyed by the octopus' arms and legs, and then raised it to look at the night sky, with a nervous expression on his face.

"It's evening, you can't stay here, I'll take you to the village for the night."

"Miss Yuhuo, although the house is gone, the weather isn't too cold. Let's just make do with it for one night, so there's no need to bother." Thinking of that weird village, Hirota Tulio resisted a little.

"That's not the case. Penglai Island is dangerous in the wild at night. Only the village is safe. I can't protect all of you." Yuhuo said seriously.

"What danger is it? Is it a beast?" The long-haired woman asked stupidly.

"It's a monster. There are many monsters inhabiting Penglai Island. You have already seen it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, Hirota Tulio frowned, and then asked tentatively:

"Miss Yuhuo, are you talking about that giant octopus?"

"That one is not a monster from the island, it should be driven by that outsider."

Yuhuo shook his head: "I'm talking about the 'Sea Demon' that overturned your ship."


Hirota Turio looked at the young man.

The young man's expression changed. When the boat capsized, he did indeed vaguely see some huge object made of sea water. He thought it was a sea wave, but he didn't expect it to be a monster called 'Sea Demon'?

Several people showed fear on their faces.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, under the leadership of Yuhuo, a group of people rushed along the beach towards the village.

On the other side of the beach is the primeval forest. Under the shroud of night, shadows flicker, as if something is hiding in it, there are rustling noises from time to time, and occasionally there are beast-like whistles coming from the forest.

Thinking of the monsters inhabited on the island that Miss Yuhuo said, they couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

To embolden him, Hirota Turio laughed and eased the tense atmosphere.

"Haha! Miss Yuhuo, what was that arrow that fell from the sky before? It wiped out the octopus monster and... all at once. It's really powerful!"

The others also cheered up and pricked up their ears.

Indeed, the meteor-like arrow of light, after blooming, was as bright as day, instantly calming the sea waves, making everyone still remember it.

"It's the magic-destroying arrow of Miko-sama."

The admiration in Yuhuo's eyes was beyond words, and he said in an exclamation tone:

"That octopus is a monster from the outside world. When it landed on the island, it must have been sensed by the witch, so it shot the demon-destroying arrow from the spiritual peak in the middle of Penglai Island."

"Master Miko..."

Hirota Turio can't help chewing this word. Although his ancestors have immigrated to Brazil for hundreds of years, there are also shrines built in the Japanese settlements in Brazil, so he is no stranger to this kind of clergy with a very Japanese style. .

When they were in the village, the villagers and the old village head also looked devout when they mentioned the Mistress, which showed that her status on Penglai Island was obviously extraordinary.

"That priestess, no, is the respected and holy priestess, the most prominent figure on Penglai Island?"

Unknowingly, Hirota Turio also accepted Yuhuo's argument and believed that this was Penglai Island.

"Aren't there immortals on Penglai Island in the legend?"

Hirota Turio glanced at the young couple, and they nodded repeatedly, expressing that they were right.

"I don't know about that. I've been on the island for three hundred years, and I've never seen a fairy. It's the witch who has always protected us." Yuhuo replied.

"Three hundred years!?"

Hirota Turio and the young couple were stunned, while the foreign woman and the black Antonio, who knew little about Japanese, were a little puzzled, wondering why they reacted so violently.

The foreign woman couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Hirota Turio what they were talking about.

Hirota Turio responded with a few words casually, and asked impatiently:

"Miss Yuhuo, you said you are three hundred years old?"

Isn't that an old woman who lived from the Edo period to the present?

Hirota Tulio looked at Yuhuo in disbelief, seeing her slightly immature face and white and smooth skin, he said that she was about the same as a high school student, how could she be so old.

"Can't you humans live to be two hundred years old? What's the fuss about that?"

Yuhuo asked back with a strange look on his face.

Miss Yuhuo is indeed not an ordinary person.

Hirota Turio couldn't help but smiled wryly. He recalled that the old village chief claimed to live more than two hundred and thirty years ago. At that time, he thought it was the old village chief's dementia and nonsense.

It doesn't look like a lie now.

In Miss Yuhuo's perception, the fact that human beings can live beyond two hundred years should be the general situation of the villagers on the island.

The villagers on the island can live to be two hundred years old. Is it worthy of the legendary overseas fairy mountain Penglai?

The young couple was peeking at the fishing fire secretly, their eyes were fiery and veiled, they whispered in a low voice, uttering words like 'mermaid' and 'eight hundred bhikkhuni' from time to time.

"Miss Yuhuo, you may not know that we modern people, or people outside the island, are lucky if we can live to be a hundred years old." Hirota Tulio spread his palms and explained helplessly.

"Then do you want to consider staying on Penglai Island? As long as you live on the island, you may live to be two hundred years old."

Yuhuo turned his head, tilted his head and looked at him, with a hint of expectation in his tone.

For a moment, Hirota Turio's heart skipped a beat.

But he quickly came to his senses. Although Penglai Island is picturesque and beautiful like a fairyland on earth, it is a wild place without water, electricity and internet. Sightseeing is okay, but if you want to live in this kind of place for a lifetime, how can you accept it.

Hirota Tulio is just a young man in his twenties, not an old man who is dying, and life is not something he longs for.

Besides, there may be monsters and other dangers lurking in Penglai Island.

Hirota Turio looked distressed, racking his brains to find a suitable reason to shirk.

Seeing his expression, Yuhuo immediately understood, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he said with self-pity:

"Yes, you have family and friends outside, how can you stay on this island?"


Hirota Turio scratched his head in embarrassment.

There were no accidents along the way, and during the conversation, they finally arrived at the entrance of the village.

There is a bonfire on each side of the gate of the village, and several militiamen are guarding it.

"Let's go here. It's not good for the villagers to see me. This is also within the barrier, and monsters will never get in."

Yuhuo took one last look at the group of them, and his figure escaped directly into the darkness.

"Also, if you want to leave, you must go to Miss Miko as soon as possible. If you stay on Penglai Island for more than twelve hours, you will never be able to leave again."

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