I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 287 Chapter 288 Supernatural Countermeasure Headquarters

A modern-style white granite building with a raised pyramid in the middle stands in Chiyoda District, Tokyo.

This is the central hub of Japanese politics, the Diet Building, with the House of Representatives on the left and the Senate on the right.

Mineko Yuki, who was an intern at the police academy half a month ago, sat beside the chief of police with a cautious expression, accepting all kinds of strange eyes from all directions, barely maintaining a stiff smile on her pretty face.

This highest-level closed-door meeting has been going on for three consecutive days since the second day of the Battle of Sapporo City.

All the attendees were big figures who could shake a party by stomping their feet, more than half of the forty-seven prefectural governors, heads of local police headquarters, members of the House of Representatives, and most of the cabinet ministers.

Even on the first day, Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito, who was the first in line to succeed, listened briefly for half an hour.

Maybe it was boring, and I never attended again after that.

The Metropolitan Police Department received a notice letter from A Fei from Adachi District, and there was a lot of panic. For the sake of safety, half of the people were arranged to attend the meeting through electronic conferences elsewhere.

The fate of life is really unpredictable, and Mineko Yuki never imagined that a commoner like himself, whose ancestors were all born as petty citizens for three generations, would sit in the National Assembly Hall one day.

Although the constitution was revised under the auspices of MacArthur after the war, it did not destroy Japan's original political ecosystem, but instead strengthened hereditary politics and small regionalism in Japanese politics.

Taking 2021 as an example, among the members of the House of Representatives, there are 153 hereditary politicians and former parliamentarian secretaries, and 144 former local councilors and heads of autonomous bodies, which together account for more than 60% of the seats in the House of Representatives.

As one of the only three newly born transcendents under official control, Mineko Yuki was also brought to this meeting.

Yuki Fengzi is one of the achievements displayed by the Metropolitan Police Department.

To some extent, it can be regarded as the glory of the ancestors, but being looked at by these big figures with the eyes of rare birds and animals, Yucheng Fengzi's heart is also inexplicably angry, and his anger value continues to rise.

What made her feel even more restless was that she heard that Senior Uchiha Senmen was suspended for review. If this is the case, what is the point of entering the Metropolitan Police Department by herself.

Is there any way?

Glancing at the police chief sitting aside, Mineko Yuki muttered to herself.

Yuki Mineko has a quick mind and is clearly aware of her own value. As long as the bottom line is not touched, even some excessive requests will be satisfied by the Metropolitan Police Department.

After the closed-door meeting was held intensively for three days, it was gradually coming to an end.

"After careful consideration, it has been formally decided to separate the Fourth Division of the Criminal Department and the Fifth Division of the Ministry of Public Security from the police system, and use this as the core to establish the 'Supernatural Countermeasures Headquarters'."

The professional bureaucrat standing on the stage read the speech clearly.

After the Ascension War in Sapporo broke the sky, it was no longer the first stage of claiming that nothing happened.

The establishment of the Supernatural Countermeasures Headquarters is also imperative.

Although it may not be useful, in this moment of panic, the citizens must be convinced that they are protected.

"Under each police headquarters, supernatural search sections for search, early warning, and emergency response are set up, and they are unified and dispatched by the supernatural countermeasure headquarters."

Regarding this matter, the Ministry of Finance has been arguing with the governors of various prefectures and counties for most of the day.

Without him, building a new department from scratch requires manpower and a lot of money.

All provinces and counties hoped to allocate funds directly from the Ministry of Finance, but these days, the Ministry of Finance has no surplus food, so it naturally refused.

At the end of the bargain, the local police headquarters mobilized manpower, and the Ministry of Finance released funds according to the local financial situation of each prefecture and county.

The governors of various prefectures and counties are not satisfied with this, but with the lessons learned from Sapporo City, coupled with the spectacle of the blood moon, the number of monster attacks in counties across the country has surged, and they can only hold their noses and bear it.

The finance minister's face was as ugly as if he had stepped on dog shit.

Now that the Nikkei index has been cut in half, where can you make such a large sum of money?

There is really no other way but to suffer the common people even more.

"As for the head of the Supernatural Countermeasures Headquarters—"

The police chief's eyes were fixed, and then he sighed.

Because of Section Chief Akagi's backstab at the critical moment, the Supernatural Countermeasures Headquarters, which forcibly merged the Fourth Investigation Section and the Fifth Public Security Section, was inevitably taken over by the pro-mi faction.

Well, even if there is no such scandal, with Mi Fang's strong position and influence in Japan, it is likely to be the case in all likelihood.

When discussing the candidates for the head of the Supernatural Countermeasures Headquarters, some councilors who had watched too many Hollywood superhero movies or Japanese special dramas whimsically suggested that a new supernatural person should be appointed.

It's up to the authorities to create a superhero, which is supposed to be able to calm people's hearts.

It was rejected immediately.

Among the three superhumans currently in official hands, Doctor Satomi has no combat ability, and his healing ability is crucial to the human experiment in Yokosuka Port, and Lieutenant General William holds it tightly in his hands.

And Mineko Yuki is a female stream, but an intern at the police academy, too young to have any meritorious service.

As for the hero Tosu, who is the most powerful among the three, his extraordinary ability is really weird, the sorcery that strips his face and heart, and those black tentacles reveal evil from the inside out.

Who knows if the extraordinary inheritance obtained by Hero Tosu comes from some indescribable evil god.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department doesn't care about the good and evil of supernatural powers, compared to Yuki Mineko, who was born in the police academy and obtained supernatural powers from Toad Immortal Jiraiya on Mt. Myogi, the Metropolitan Police Department is much more wary of Hero Tosu.

The person who was brought to the National Assembly Hall was Mineko Yuki who had a clean background. After all, Hero Tosu might be a time bomb. How could he be brought to such an important place?

Just when the candidate for the Supernatural Countermeasure Headquarters was about to be announced, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a person shouted in panic:

"Mount Fuji, Mount Fuji erupted!"

There was an uproar in the audience.

"No, it's youkai! The youkai who were sealed in Mt. Fuji have escaped!"

The person who came to report the letter was out of breath and gasped for breath for a long time before he hurriedly explained the cause and effect.

The big shots at the meeting looked at each other. Although they didn't understand what they heard, their expressions didn't improve.

Even if it wasn't a volcanic eruption, the appearance of youkai on Mt. Fuji is terrible news. Could it be that the catastrophe in Sapporo is going to be repeated?

What the hell has happened to this country? It can't be a real pill.

After the extraordinary war in Sapporo, many rich people saw that the situation was not good and fled the country with their capital. Even their governors and congressmen, if they were not reluctant to bear the power in the country, some of them might want to run away.

Now it seems that it is better to moisten it, right?

With their wealth, they can continue to be happy in any country they go to.

Suddenly, several people in suits were pale and sweaty, and hurriedly trotted towards the police chief.

The Superintendent of Police frowned.

He recognized that these people were employees of the Imperial Household Agency.

They ran to the police chief's ear and whispered something, and the police chief's face suddenly turned ashen.

"His Royal Highness is also on Mount Fuji?!"

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