I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 388 Chapter 389 Dance of Early Fern

Strong winds from all directions mixed with the sandstorm swirled violently, forming a huge whirlpool. Mortal eyes could not penetrate the storm wall, but they could see the blue sky and scorching sun above their heads.

The direct sunlight looks like a stairway to heaven, creating an extremely sacred atmosphere.

However, no one at the scene looked relieved or relaxed. Instead, they stared ahead with bated breath and fear.

The god with a ferocious and ugly jackal head, from the neck down, is a strong and powerful body that is three meters high. Every muscle and every curve is like being carved by a skilled craftsman. It is a physique that no human can possess.

At first glance, people feel like they are seeing gods, which is so scary and so fascinating.

However, just like the returning mummy sacrifice, the skin was like dust, dull and white, without any luster.

"Set, the god Set!"

Although Anubis, who is also a god in the body of a wolf in ancient Egypt, is more widely known around the world, Seth, one of the Nine Pillar Gods, is also known to everyone in this land.

Through the characteristics of his ears, mouth and nose, as well as the flying sand and rocks and storm when he appeared, everyone was sure of his true name.


The ancient Egyptian god of storms, deserts, and seas, the incarnation of all natural disasters in opposition to the oases, black earth, and Nile that the ancient Egyptians loved, the god of destruction that makes everything dry and barren.

Set, who was so brutal and ferocious, naturally derived the priesthood of strength and war.

The family of the famous Pharaoh Ramesses II has believed in Set for generations, and the name of his father Seti I is a derivative of Set.

During the Nineteenth Dynasty, the ancient Egyptian Empire, under the command of Ramses II, reached its peak of military expansion, and the worship of the god Set by the martial nobles reached its peak.

Everyone at the scene was terrified.

Seth is an extremely violent evil god in mythology, and the oppressive feeling emanating from his body makes human instincts tremble uncontrollably. The two sides tremble and almost fall to their knees.

Jeanne also felt as if she was facing a powerful enemy, looking at the evil god awakening in the body of the mummy sacrifice.


Seti's chest was hung with the Egyptian cross Ankh, which symbolized life and resurrection. The jackal bared its teeth, moved a few times, and suddenly let out a weird howl.

Except for Jeanne and a few corpses with artificial supernatural beings, everyone else couldn't help but groaned, their faces turned pale, and blood flowed from their mouths and noses, as if their hearts were grabbed, and they almost suffered a cardiac arrest. .

"After being killed by the damn Horus, how many thousands of years have it been since I walked freely and freely across the earth like now?"

Seth stuck out his tongue greedily, swallowing large mouthfuls of air, but his tongue was not the bright red color of humans or beasts, but the earthy gray color of decay.

"Jie Jie Jie, the mortal world, the breath of the living, I am finally resurrected!"

What came out of the setter's mouth was not even ancient Egyptian, but chaotic syllables like howls of wild beasts. But after the screams filled their ears, everyone at the scene was able to understand what he meant.

Such an incredible thing can only be explained by the power of gods!

After Seth sniffed the air for a few times, his dark eyes swept over everyone's bodies with malicious intent, his fierce light shining brightly.

"What's going on? There's something wrong with my divine body! Damn it, that outland woman... I'm going to kill her!"

Suddenly his expression changed, he cursed inexplicably and became even more angry.

"With a body like this, even the sweet flesh and blood cannot taste it. There are so many sacrifices placed in front of you, but you can't enjoy them. It's really hateful!"

He actually wanted human sacrifice, and he was indeed a ferocious god who drank hair and blood.

Jeanne's eyes turned cold.

God Seth turned his eyes in a circle, showing little interest in ordinary people. Finally, he stared at the Holy Lady and grinned:

"Outlander woman, you have an aura similar to Imhotep's. It just so happens that I have just been resurrected and haven't built a temple yet. Come and serve me as my priest."

Imhotep is the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and healing.

Seeing that Jeanne was unmoved, Set God waved his hand, and the SEALs who had been shot by sand bombs stood up unsteadily in front of the horrified eyes of others.

"Outlander woman, I will promise you eternal life." God Seth said aloofly: "God never lies to mortals."

The miracle of resurrection from the dead is happening again!

The eyes of those present were filled with enthusiasm, and their greed overcame their fear. If one could really gain eternal life, being a lackey for a dog would not be unacceptable.

"What do you want to do after you are resurrected?" Jeanne asked coldly.

"My priest, there is no harm in telling you."

God Seth's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said with a ferocious smile:

"I will raise hurricanes and seawater, so that the city of Anu (Cairo) that worships Osiris will suffer a worse fate than the small city in the north. Only by sinking it into the sea can the hatred be relieved."

"A small northern town, you mean Derna City?" Jeanna's expression changed.

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"

Seth's dog laughed wildly.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear, recalling the natural disaster that shocked the world a few days ago. The terrible Mediterranean hurricane brought rainfall and seawater back, destroying half of the city of Derna.

Not long after, Seth returned to this land.

Could it be that this is not a coincidence, but a natural disaster caused by Set, the god of storms? !

"The ancient Egyptians called the sea Seth, did not eat sea fish, and even called the salt the foam of Seth..."

After all, not long after graduation, the reporter quickly dug out the content of the ancient Egypt elective course.

As the god of fertility and the underworld, Osiris has always been closely associated with the Nile, the mother river of the ancient Egyptians. The drying up of the river represents its death, and the flooding of the river is a symbol of resurrection.

From a mythological perspective, Seth's murder and dismemberment of Osiris is a metaphor for the Nile's drying up due to drought.

In addition to drought, the enemy of the Nile River is the intrusion of sea water.

The ancient Egyptians had a primitive and sacred fear of seawater that could neither water crops nor be drunk. In their world view, seawater was as useless as sand in the desert, and would bring disaster to everything. Everything was put under Seth's name.

Thinking about it this way, it’s really scary to think about it.

Cold sweat couldn't stop rolling down the reporter's forehead.

The black photographer didn't put much thought into it. Instead, he held up the camera fascinatedly and captured every move of God Set.

Jeanne's face looked uncertain, but she didn't respond for a long time.

God Seth was calm and confident, as if he didn't think anyone would reject God's kindness.

"Lord Seth!"

The commander of the special forces took the courage to take Angelica and several other artificial supernatural beings and took a step forward and said flatteringly:

"Sir Seth, on behalf of the US government, I am very willing to cooperate with you. If you don't mind, all four of them can be dedicated to you."

The secret operation of the Maid of Orleans involves many departments, and I don’t know how many people in the country are paying attention at the same time.

In particular, there have been extraordinary events of great importance such as the resurrection of the dead and the arrival of gods. Countless big figures in the Pentagon and the White House have been online and are paying close attention.

The commander has received instructions from the mainland, and reinforcements have been assembled on the road and will arrive soon.

He was asked to delay for a while, and it would be great if he could draw Seth to the side of the American government.

Anyway, they are just a few experimental bodies that are about to be scrapped. Wouldn't it be nice if they could please Seth.

"How dare you try to deceive me with this half-dead fake!"

God Seth's dog's nose twitched a few times, and then he became furious.

"Death to the blasphemer!"

Without giving the commander a chance to quibble, Seth opened his twisted and ugly mouth, and spat out a tornado of sand and dust dozens of meters high, which struck towards them with extreme coldness.


So fast!

Jeanne was horrified. The dust tornado that rose from the dragon and snake land had already arrived in the blink of an eye.


After the wind and sand passed, only four jagged figures were left standing there.

The bone armors on the bodies of Angelica and other artificial supernatural beings were covered with dense marks of slashing and axe-cutting, and even some of the bones were cut off directly. So, as mortal special forces, there was no way they would be spared.

The sand dunes behind him were covered with blood and broken pieces of flesh, and were stained red.

Jeanne couldn't help but swallowed and clenched her fists.

Even if she had extremely strong physical recovery ability, there was no guarantee that she would survive such a devastating sandstorm.

Is this the power of the gods? It is completely different from the previous bald priest.

After seeing the god Seth kill so violently and easily kill a group of heavily armed special forces, ordinary people who coveted the eternal life and resurrection power promised by Seth also woke up from a dream and backed away in fear.

"Pierre, stop shooting, hide now!"

The reporter guy pulled the black photographer’s cuff and said.

"Do you know how many people are watching our Twitter channel now? This kind of opportunity only comes once in life, how could I give up halfway!"

Although the black photographer was extremely fanatical and did not care about life and death, at the critical moment of life and death, the reporter broke out with unimaginable strength and forcibly pulled him aside to hide.

Because of the barrier of the Storm Wall, all the surviving civilians could only hide in the corner, looking at God Seth and the Saint Lady in the middle of the sand with trepidation.

"Outlander woman, how are you thinking about it? I am kind enough to give you enough time to think about it."

God Seth waved his hand pretending to be generous, and the soldiers who were pulled up again swung their limbs and behaved like living people.

"Eternal life is something that every mortal dreams of."

Jeanna raised her head, a look of determination appeared in her eyes, her figure blurred, she flashed in front of a soldier, and kicked out.

The resurrected soldier was immediately torn into pieces, billowing gravel flowed from his wounds, and he could no longer get up.

"The so-called eternal life..."

Jeanne pointed at the other zombie soldiers with her index finger, and raised a hint of disdain and ridicule at the corner of her mouth:

"Just become like these dead people?"

The so-called resurrection of the dead is just a trick played on corpses.

It was completely different from the return of the mummy that Jeanne had witnessed before.

"No, your body, potential and strength are far greater than these mortals. You will become more powerful than you are now."

Seth shook his head and let out a howl of unknown meaning, which sounded cold and cruel to Jeanna's ears.

"What a pity, I don't want this kind of power at all." Jeanne snorted coldly.

"I gave you a chance to choose."

God Seth's dark eyes looked directly at the Holy Lady, revealing his sharp white canine teeth.

"He is a really bad god who buys and sells by force."

Seth's eyes were sinister, and he stopped making strange noises like wild beasts. He stretched out a hand and grasped it a few times.

The pile of sand in front of me is like an ocean current, flowing smoothly and swirling, and rolling like a wave, rising higher and higher, almost to the sky.

Quicksand waterfall!


As Seth pressed down with his palm, the waves of sand that covered the sky seemed like a flood that burst a dam, violently impacting Jeanne, trying to swallow her up.

Jeanna couldn't help but feel a bit bitter when she saw this. There was a wall of storm behind her, and the space for moving around was greatly compressed.

"You guys run away!"

At this moment, Jeanne saw Angelica and four other artificial extraordinary beings, but they were dumbfounded in front of Shalang, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Angelica turned her face, her empty eyes seemed to have lost her soul, like an artificial doll waiting for an order to be input.

The order was wrong. Angelica turned her head away without saying a word and remained motionless.


Miss Jeanne was so angry that she didn't retreat but rushed forward.


The flowing sand waterfall pressed down and swallowed the five people together.

The yellow sand rose up all over the sky, and the smoke and dust filled the field. After it dispersed a little, Jeanne was already touching Angelica, and at the same time, the gravel was submerged up to her neck.

"I'm going to sink you 200 meters below and lock you up."

Seth licked his dry lips and looked down at several people.

"Afterwards, sand will pour into your seven orifices and fill your internal organs. At that time, you will be able to follow me and gain eternal life."

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"


Jeanne's eyes widened, veins popped out on her forehead, and she opened her mouth, obviously unable to say anything good.

Seth saw an opportunity and was the first to sink her and Angelica into the sand, then the second, and the third...

After everyone was buried in the sand pit, Seth turned around and was about to leave.




Countless sharp snow-white bone spurs suddenly sprang out from the sand, rising up like a forest and a fern. Before Seth could react, his waist and abdomen were penetrated by the bone forest like swords and halberds. Half of his body exploded and he was hanging. In mid-air. (End of chapter)

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