I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 405 Chapter 406 Indra’s Arrow


An ugly jackal's head is in the eye of the hurricane, making a roar that shakes the atmosphere and trembles the earth.

The unimaginable terrifying storm exploded the land in front of Hachimangu Shrine in an instant, flying sand and rocks, uprooting the trees and twisting them into pieces, and then attacked Hachimangu Shrine extremely aggressively.

It is simply the embodiment of a natural disaster!

It's over.

Yuuki Mineko's hands and feet were cold, and a look of despair could not help but appear in her eyes.

Although we don’t know why Seth appeared in Kyoto, it is obvious that he came with bad intentions. The devastating wind disaster he caused will destroy everything along the way.

Yuki Mineko had no doubt that she would be like the Tosu hero, together with the Hachimangu Shrine behind her, like the three little pigs in the fairy tale being blown up into the sky by the storm and torn into pieces.

The previous fierce battle between the Peace Shomon and the Kagemusha had almost exhausted Yuki Mineko's chakra, and there was almost nothing he could do except sit back and wait for death.

At the critical moment, Yuki Mineko's eyes suddenly reflected a white back figure.

That back figure swelled up in the blink of an eye, its spine rose, its meridians wrapped around it, its skin and flesh covered it, and it turned into a huge, majestic purple giant as tall as a mountain.

"What, purple... Susanoo?"

Yuuki Mineko's eyes widened.

The purple Susanoo, who was more than thirty meters long, had a huge burning and beating lightsaber coming out of his right hand. He slashed against the cassock with ease, and a purple slash line shot up into the sky, directly flattening the terrifying storm.

The scene of dark clouds and raging winds, like the end of the world, was wiped out in an instant, and everything was calm.


Set, the god of storms, let out an angry howl, opened his mouth wide, and countless vacuum wind blades combined into a spiral tornado, which suddenly hit Susanoo's body.

The roar of slashing attacks was endless, but it was completely helpless against Susanoo's absolute defense.


The purple Susanoo raised his right hand, twisted the light blade a few times, and transformed directly into a purple arrow more than ten meters long, and then placed the arrow on the bow on his left arm.

After taking aim for a moment, pull your right hand and shoot!

The purple stream of light penetrated straight through the tornado, connecting the sky and the earth, and exploded Seth's dog head and the storm vortex with one arrow.

"This is the boy with the Sharingan who appeared at Yasaka Shrine..."

After killing Seth with an arrow, the purple Susanoo disappeared. Yuki Mineko could clearly see the figure of Sasuke in white and couldn't help but swallow.

So strong!

Even the S-level wind god Set is not a one-match enemy.

The divine shot that exorcised General Ping the night before was indeed his handiwork!

Today's Otokoyama Peak is devastated. After being ravaged by war and natural disasters, almost no buildings except Hachimangu Shrine have been left.

The volcanic rock that previously sealed the Pingjiang Gate was also exploded into powder in the storm.

"Ugh, my body, the lower half of my body is unconscious..."

The Tosu hero was lying on his side among the ruins of the wall, his waist down was missing, and wriggling black tentacles emerged from the fractures.

In the previous storm attack set off by Seth, the Tosu hero was unable to dodge, and half of his body was cut off by the wind blade.

"Mr. Tosu, do you... have any last words?"

Mineko Yuuki held back her nausea and took a look, then shook her head.

I don’t even know where my butt is hanging.

That is to say, the Tosu hero's body structure is different from that of ordinary people, so he can hold on to his last breath.

Even Saint Jeanne could not cure this kind of injury.

There is no hope, just wait for death.

Yuuki Mineko was naturally powerless, but the Twelve Divine Generals, who were also members of the Supernatural Police Department, could still hear the last words.

"Miss Yuuki, please stop joking... I can't die..."

The Tosu hero struggled to squeeze out a smile on his face, which was as pale as paper.

Mineko Yuki couldn't bear to tell her how hurt she was.

At this moment, the two Yu clones that had survived the storm climbed up to the Tosu hero.



The tangled mass of Yu's clones decomposed into countless black tentacles, in which a foreign body similar to a heart was beating, and penetrated into Tosu Hero's body through the gap in his body.

The Tosu Hero, who was originally so angry, regained his stability and got up.

"Fortunately, I have four lives. Even if half of them are gone, there are still two left."

The frightened Hero Tosu touched the two beating hearts in his chest with a complex expression on his face.

The Tosu hero has always been very afraid and disgusted by the extraordinary power given to him by the evil god, but now he is extremely happy. If not, he would be dead this time.

He also had a wife and daughter, but Miss Moribe Manomiya didn't take care of her. How could he die here like this?

"Mr. Tosu, are you okay?"

Yuuki Mineko tried her best to hide the strange expression on her face and asked.

Sure enough, it was just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

Hero Tosu's reputation as a 'monster' is truly well deserved.

"I'm fine. What should we do next? Contact the transcendent with the Sharingan?"

The Tosu hero naturally noticed Sasuke in white who mysteriously appeared here and asked in a low voice.

"No, he's not dead yet..."

Yuki Mineko's face was gloomy and uncertain, her eyes were staring straight ahead, and she struggled to squeeze out a few words through her teeth.

The Tosu hero immediately followed her gaze and was stunned.

Countless debris and gravel floated up from the ruins, flew all over the sky, and split into two streams. One stream gathered in the sky to form a dog head, while the other stream fell to the ground and piled up into a headless general.

"Site, Ping Jiangmen!"

Yuki Mineko couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Heishangmon, who had finally been sealed, has made a comeback, and is as immortal as Seth. What is going on?

Suddenly, Yuuki Mineko blinked, and then revealed surprise:

"Senior, let us evacuate the battlefield immediately."

"Is this okay? Won't the higher ups blame you?" The honest man Tosu Hero was stunned.

"Senior is here!" Yuki Mineko said disapprovingly.

Whether it's the resurrected Heijiangmon, Seth, or the sudden end of the white-clothed Chaofan, they are all powerful enemies beyond imagination. The current situation is as tiring as a dangerous egg. It's like a fight between gods. Run as fast as you can.


At the same time, far away in a secret room of the Chiyoda Ward Assembly Hall in Tokyo, many dignitaries from the cabinet, the royal family, and the Yokota base were nervously watching the footage shot by a drone on the screen.

"Mr. Uchiha, how can you order the Twelve Divine Generals to retreat? If the Demon Gate is lost, Kyoto may have a hundred ghosts marching at night, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

"I can't do anything about it. I have to be responsible for my subordinates."

The Uchiha Senmon's deep eyes were fixed on the white-clothed Sasuke on the screen, and he glanced at Taira Shomon and Seth who were repairing their bodies, and said in a deep voice.

"Whether it's Set or Heishangmon, this kind of immortal ability is beyond the capabilities of Yuuki and Tosu. Staying there is just an increase in sacrifice. The combat power of each of the Twelve Divine Generals is very precious. .”


"Nothing to worry about, just follow my orders!"

Uchiha Xianmen said coldly:

"And prepare a helicopter for me. I need to rush to Kyoto Hachiman City immediately."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar immediately, and the big shots who had been silent at first spoke out to dissuade them:

"Mr. Uchiha, absolutely not! Tokyo still needs you to be in charge personally!"

"Yes, even if you are the number one transcendent, what can you do against these immortal monsters?"

The Uchiha sect frowned and had nothing to say to these short-sighted insects.

After Sasuke in white appeared, the Uchiha sect had always wanted to meet this descendant of Uchiha for a while.

Originally, he wanted to personally take charge of Kyoto's Hachimangu Shrine today, but too many powerful people in Tokyo were afraid of life and death, so they forced the Uchiha Sect to stay in Chiyoda to prevent Taira Shomon's head from resurrecting.

After seeing Sasuke in white use the power of Susanoo, the Uchiha sect could no longer sit still.

This boy in white must be the third person named by Itachi Uchiha to possess the Mangekyo Sharingan!

However, this reason must not be made public. Uchiha Senmen came up with another argument that is more convincing and important:

"You have also seen the immortality of Heijiangmon and Seth. You should also have heard of this technique."

The expressions of many big shots changed.

"Taishan Prefecture Jun Sacrifice."

Uchiha Xianmen looked around and said word by word.

"The video Frank provided before showed that Seth's soul was taken away by Onmyoji Shion. Now that Seth appears in Kyoto, it is obvious that the man behind the deliberate destruction of Kyoto's Feng Shui array is the target we have been looking for, suspected to be the Abe family. Descendants’ Aster.”

That's right.

Last month in the African city of Derna, Onmyoji Shion appeared briefly and disappeared.

Less than a month later, in the thousand-year-old magic city of Heian Kyo, Heishangmon and the Nue group attacked the ancient temple of the Onmyoji Fengming Temple. Onmyoji Shion naturally became the number one suspect.

Now, Seth has also appeared in Hachiman Palace, and the mastermind behind the scenes has been revealed.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to seize the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice.

As soon as the Uchiha Sect said this, the other big shots were naturally excited.

Who doesn’t want to live forever and enjoy eternal wealth and glory?

"Mr. Uchiha, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, everyone, I am not a foolhardy person."

The Uchiha Sect was calm and composed, looking like he had a chance to win.

Whether it is the last descendant of the Uchiha clan or Onmyoji Shion, there is no doubt that they are all strong at the shadow level. In a battle of this level, the Uchiha Sect can barely protect itself.

But if you want to obtain the supreme secret art of Yin and Yang Dao, Taishan Fu Junji, how can it be possible without taking risks.

The big figures in Japan's political circles were talking to each other, weighing the pros and cons, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

"General Set Heping has repaired his body and launched an attack on Chaoren in white!"

When the Uchiha Sect heard this, his expression changed, and he looked up at the screen.

I saw Sasuke in white summoning the purple Susanoo again, shooting two arrows in a row, blasting Hei Shomon and Set.


However, Ping Jiangmen and Seth immediately reshaped their bodies with gravel, and launched a suicide attack without fear of death, exchanging lives for injuries.

"Site and Pingjiangmen are at most quasi-shadow-level extraordinary, but the immortal body after being summoned by Taishan Mansion Junji is really too tricky."

Uchiha Senmen's eyes flashed, and he formulated a strategy in his heart.

You can only use Wood Escape to forcibly seal them. Other than that, there is no better way.

The Self-Defense Force generals and high-ranking U.S. military officials present realized the danger of immortality, and their faces were covered with cold sweat.

Even if heavy artillery is mobilized to blow Pingmen and Set into smithereens, they can still come back indifferently. Judging from this posture, even if they drop nuclear warheads, it will be the same.

In this case, if such a monster enters the city, won't humans have no choice but to let it slaughter them and not even die?


"Even the Taishan Mansion Lord's Festival must have flaws!"

They looked at Ping Jiangmen and Seth who were shot over and over again but kept coming back to life. Their eyes were splitting and they gritted their teeth.

"That's pretty much the end of the show."

Naruto Uchiha controlled Susanoo and blasted Seth, who roared and set off a sandstorm, and said in thought.

After his psychic skill rose to LV5, he naturally unlocked the highest level of psychic skill, the Reincarnation of the Earth.

The Reincarnation of Evil Land is an almost perfect technique.

The immortal dust body, the endless chakra, the brainwashed immortal body and the perpetual motion killing machine can consume the energy to kill even the strongest men of the same level.

Of course, there are also ways to restrain the reincarnation of the filthy land. In addition to top-level ninjutsu such as Beitenjin and Qiudaoyu, the most common one is to use sealing techniques to seal the dead.

Unfortunately, the sealing ninjutsu on Earth is completely in the hands of Uchiha Naru.

Even if humankind's nuclear weapons can push modern civilization back to primitive society, it will be useless to reincarnate in the filthy soil.

The art of reincarnation in dirty soil plays an important role in Uchiha Naruto's subsequent plans, but if there is no way to crack the art of reincarnation in dirty soil, it will have a huge impact on the human government.

Uchiha Ming planned to create a flaw in the art of reincarnation in the dirt, cut the version, and give the Japanese government a false and weak hope.

"I am back again!"

Taira Shomon wielded his naginata and slashed down with a domineering strike. The result was like hitting an egg against a stone, unable to break through Susanoo's absolute defense.

The purple Susanoo once again drew an arrow.


What was different from before was that the arrows were wrapped with thunder and lightning, making a sweet sound like birdsong.

"Indra's Arrow!"

The arrow of Susanoo attached to the Chidori style pierced Taira Shomon's body directly and was nailed to the ground.

"It's useless, I'm immortal...well, why...can't move?"

Then, the purple Susanoo drew the bow again and shot down Set from the sky with one arrow.

"Hey, Set and Peace didn't recover this time!"

Immediately, some 'smart people' who were observing the battle noticed the difference between the two waves of arrows, and their eyes lit up:

"Could it be said that thunder and lightning can restrain the immortality of the dead?" (End of this chapter)

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