I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 126 126 Gold Devouring Demon Bug, Curse of the Goddess

Chapter 126 126. Gold-eating Demonic Insect, the Curse of the Goddess

"A gold mine."

"...Is there a gold mine here?"

He couldn't believe it at first.

Gold actually has many uses in the magical world, especially raw gold stones that have not been processed.

Gold coins are actually an alloy mixed with magic power and some other metals. They are not completely pure gold.

Once unprocessed raw gold is discovered, major forces such as the Church, the Mage Association, or the Royal Court of the Kingdom will rush to mine it at an extremely fast speed and pocket it.

The fundamental reason is that gold is the most perfect mortal gold, whether it is the core of refining puppets, the core of magic circles, or other materials required for alchemical spells.

As for the more advanced fine gold, mithril, orichalcum, star iron...

Those are considered magic metals, special existences that can only appear in mineral deposits full of magic, and are far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

If Croya can have enough raw gold stones now, he can smelt them and start making his own golems and puppets.

He still had the bark of the simulated magic tree in his hand, which was the best material for making a puppet shell.

That's why he lost his temper when he saw Jin Jin.

"How much are these reserves?"

Croya took a deep breath, put his fingers directly on the ground, first moved all the ants to one side, and then began to push away the mud on the seabed through earth and stone shaping techniques.

With the crazy injection of magic power, a hole was soon "dug" in the ground, and a dark, strange long strip of material could be seen inside.

"Huh?" He frowned.

This is like magma rock after cooling of volcanic lava. There are many irregularly arranged pores on its surface, and some fine gold can be vaguely embedded in it.

Seeing this scene, he thought thoughtfully: "Could it be the gold mines brought by the volcanic eruption? There shouldn't be a lot of them."

"Well, there is a volcano in the distance. Is it what was left after the volcano erupted?"

In order to confirm whether his guess was correct, he continued to dig deeper and instilled all the magic power into the earth.

His practice during this period has almost condensed the fourth magic cyclone, so under full exertion, it has already taken an earth-shaking... prototype.

The earth was turned over by invisible forces.

Digging along the black lava rock that is five or six meters wide, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

After digging for about thirty meters, we finally dug to the bottom of the magma rock - it was a whole piece of magma rock with no edges, and it was already considered a rock formation on the seabed.

He tentatively dug around and found that the surrounding ground was all filled with this kind of magma rock.

In other words, perhaps this flat seabed was once covered by magma, but it was unknown how long it took for it to be covered with washed-in mud and various other things to form the current seafloor.

The only problem is that in such a long strip of magma, only fine gold nuggets can be seen, and no other minerals can be seen.

Although Cloya doesn't know much about this, it stands to reason that magma rocks should be very rich in minerals, including olivine, marble, and quartz.

Why are there only gold nuggets?

In this river?

He really couldn't understand the situation, but it didn't affect him in ordering the ants to mine the fine gold nuggets inside, while he sat aside and supervised the work.

Soon, the gray demon ants carried tiny pieces of gold in front of him.

At first, when he saw the gold being transported, he was in a good mood.

But as these tiny pieces of gold gradually piled up in front of him, his expression became increasingly strange.

Finally he couldn't help but muttered:

"Isn't the purity of this gold a bit exaggerated?"

He picked up one and squeezed it gently with his fingers until it was deformed. The bright golden light contained no impurities, which made people feel strange.

Can the gold in magma rocks reach this level? It stands to reason that raw gold mine stones that have not been smelted should not be so pure.

Is it really formed naturally, or is it...

"Is there something else in here that makes it like this?"

He stared at the huge magma rock with increasing confusion. He simply told the ants to avoid it, and then stretched out his fingers to press on it.

From where his fingertips touched the magma rock, red and orange magic was half on one side.

A strange magic pattern the size of a palm gradually formed.

Just like the roots of a plant, more and longer whiskers extend from the palm-sized magic pattern, and finally close up to cover the entire magma rock.

This is one of the derivative magics of the Earth and Stone Shaping Technique, the fourth-level magic Earth and Stone Breaking Technique. The principle is to infuse magic power into these magic patterns to blast huge stones.

It's similar to the principle of drilling a hole and then loading it with explosives.

"Let me see what's in there."

After the magic pattern of earth and stone fragmentation was formed, Croya poured magic power into it.

Accompanied by a loud "Boom!"

The originally huge magma rock had been broken into countless irregular small pieces, lying quietly on the ground.

"There's really something there."

He looked closer and saw some plump bugs lying inside the black magma rock.

Each of them is about ten centimeters long and five centimeters wide. They are covered with some white patterns, which are particularly clear on the gray-brown skin.

"Gold-eating worm?"

Croya knew their names through the Celestial Spirit Body Engraving Technique. This time there was no need to go to the Holy Spring Merchant Guild to buy information because he had seen this kind of demonic insect.

It's still in the book "Wendy's Travels".

A bard named Wendy saw these bugs in a mine. They would eat rough gold mine stones and then transform them into extremely pure gold in their bodies.

It is said that their habit comes from the curse of the goddess of wealth, who once invited all creatures in the world to attend her banquet.

As a result, the ancestors of the gold-eating worms were not interested in the delicacies that the goddess invited the god of fire and cooking to prepare. Instead, they began to eat the gold tables and chairs where the goddess entertained guests.

Faced with this situation, the goddess was of course furious and immediately used her divine power to curse the gold-eating worm:

You will always be on the road looking for gold, but you will not be able to devour them. Your hunger will not be satisfied and people will steal your gold!

As a god with powerful divine power, the goddess of wealth can of course easily influence a race - the protector of insects. Gods with weak divine power dare not say a word at all.

As a result, the descendants of the gold-eating worm are affected by the power of this curse. They will find gold and devour it, but they will eventually spit it out and turn it into gold with higher purity.

Of course, I don’t know whether this story is true or not, but due to the characteristics of gold-eating worms, as long as people can find them, they can find gold.

It is said that many people have become rich because of this.

It is one of the miners' favorite devil insects.

Of course, due to their insatiable hunger, there is almost no way to keep them in captivity unless they are provided with a sufficient amount of raw gold ore.

Otherwise they will make a fuss and kill themselves.

"It's a pity. If I could raise it..."

He looked at the gold-eating worms crawling around trying to burrow into the ground and escape. He habitually used the Astral Body Imprinting Technique to observe, and found in the bodies of these simple-structured worms...

A strange mark.

It looked like a standard round gold coin with the head of a goddess on it - the goddess wearing a luxurious golden crown was smiling and seemed to be gazing into the distance.

He could see the appearance of the goddess, and he could instinctively find it beautiful, but he could not recall the specific appearance of the goddess at all.

Nose, eyes, eyebrows...

But if you think about it for a moment, it's all a pile of paste.

Moreover, this head is covered in gray light, like a portrait of a deceased person.

Its outer ring is surrounded by extremely complex magic patterns. Although these magic patterns have been dimmed by nearly nine-tenths, with less than a little remaining, they still shine on the gold-eating worm's star spirit body like the sun.

It's like suppressing something.

[The engraving is completed, the curse of the goddess of wealth. 】

[At this moment, the gold-eating worm will not be able to accumulate enough metallic magic power and turn into a butterfly, running forever on the road to find gold. 】

[The goddess of wealth has fallen, and her divine power has gradually dimmed. 】

[Perhaps close but not exactly the same power can cover the goddess's eyes. 】

A familiar reminder came, just like the thick potato that had been blessed by the Mother Earth.

It's just that the object is changed to the goddess of wealth, and at the end of the prompt, methods that may be able to affect this engraving are specifically pointed out.

I don’t know if Croya felt this way, which caused the change.

The astral body of the gold-eating worm transmitted consciousness——


"End my pain."

"I am willing...to give you gold!"

The worms all conveyed a unified consciousness, and then squirmed closer to Croya, rubbing their heads on the ground as if they were bowing to him.

Croya was silent for a while and sighed softly.

"Oh, who told me to be helpful?"

He was thinking about how he could solve this problem - covering the eyes of the goddess, what about illusion? Or spiritual magic?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly clapped his hands.

"That's right! You can use this!"

Among the fourth-level magic, there is a magic called blindness, which actually makes people blind.

This blindness does not only mean that the eyes cannot see, but also the touch and hearing will be completely blocked. It is the prerequisite magic of the fifth-level magic "Five Senses Deprivation".

Is it possible to use this kind of magic to double engrave the engraving so that the goddess cannot sense it?

Now the power of the goddess's curse has been integrated with the astral body. In a sense... it can also be regarded as part of the astral body.

It can be engraved by a star spirit body!

He also had an idea of ​​the power needed to perform this magic.

You can definitely use the power of the Sky Yao chip.

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