I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 150 150 Angels Answer Questions, Golden Notes (5K)

Chapter 150 150. Angel Answers, Golden Note (5K)

"You are very excited. By the way, thank you for the iris."

Croya shook the ring on her finger, her tone sounding like she was chatting with an old friend.

"This is a gift to you, may you be free."

There seemed to be a smile on the angel's face, and he continued: "The wood used to make the ark was Gopher wood that was 100,000 years old."

"If you can cultivate it, I can use its power to successfully open the Ark Garden."

"As you can see, my power is already very weak, and I need the power of Gopher Wood to help me recover."

"Friend, the magic plant in the Ark Garden... I am willing to give it to you as a reward."

Wow, this is such a big pie.

Among the magic plants in the Ark Garden, let’s not talk about anything else, just the two that appear now. One can eliminate dark clouds, and the other can cover up aura. Taken together, they are both very exaggerated existences.

It’s unimaginable what kind of magical plants there are in that garden. Even a legendary mage would probably break his head for these things.

Of course Croya was tempted, but he still asked first:

"Then how can I cultivate the Gopher tree after it arrives?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, of course Croya had to ask carefully. This guy must know a lot more than he does.


The angel was silent for a moment.

After a moment, his eyes turned into two mushroom-shaped haloes, with a lively look.

Croya knew that he must have been possessed by mushrooms again.

"My friend." He said: "The Ark can carry all living things, including of course the magic and magic of living things.

Back then, the Ark not only carried people, magical beasts, and magical plants... but even Titans, elves, dragons, and gods lived and worked in peace on the Ark.

All of this can be imprinted on Gopher wood.

I will create a kind of magic for you. The magic plants and monsters you transform and evolve will leave their imprint on the Gopher wood, and they will grow with your music.

And the Gopher wood itself will become your harp and your most powerful artifact.

Its music can communicate with nature, trigger the magic in the world, and make your symphony even grander, reaching the end of the starry sky. "

It's a bit confusing, but Croya knows what he means. It is probably an advanced version of the False Moon Leaf-type magic device that can accommodate his music.


Croya narrowed his eyes, feeling very strange:

"You know that I want to use gopher wood to make a harp? And... Judging from what you mean, it seems that you also know what my symphony is?"

He has long been curious about what this "Poetry of Rainbow Light" meditation method is.

"This is your longing and desire." The angel explained: "I am the central core of Kongyao Ark. No matter what kind of life it is, everyone has prayed to me for a miracle."

"I can feel their prayers and desires. This is my ability, and only in this way can I perform miracles."

"I satisfy their endless desires - with the power of the ring, all the material and magic on the Ark are nearly infinite."

"But that's just the past."

His voice was filled with indescribable loneliness, and he deliberately ignored the question of the Rainbow Poem.

Croya knew that He didn't want to answer, so he didn't press the question. Instead, he keenly noticed one word:

"What is a ring?" he asked.

"That is a treasure that represents the power of Kong Yao."

The angel just replied like this and warned seriously: "My friend, even if you are so lucky, you cannot get involved in these areas early.

Don't desire it. "

"Yeah." Croya nodded: "I'm just curious, do other types of treasures also have corresponding treasures? Then do you know what Wise Man and Movement are?"

The two kinds of suffixes I am asking about now are the suffix of Shui Yao magic, and the other is the suffix of the power given by the goddess of earth and earth.

These two things had puzzled him for a long time, and finally he had a chance to figure it out.

"That is the core circuit of Shui Yao and Di Yao. It is also a powerful magic weapon, just like the one you have in your hand."

The angel explained and pointed to the bracelet on Croya's wrist: "You are...an ancient fragment."

Hearing this, Croya touched the leaf-shaped magical device of the Void Moon on his wrist and murmured to himself: "It's so ancient."

"Is it also of water type?"

"No, its end point is Huanyao."

When mentioning Huanyao, there was a fleeting wave in the angel's eyes, like helplessness or remembrance.

But Croya kept his head down, so he couldn't see the changes in his eyes.

"I'm leaving." The light in the angel's eyes gradually faded: "Please come to me at the bottom of the lake after you get the Gopher Wood."

"Please remember... thorns are suffering, and they are also the ladder to strength."

After he finished speaking, a portal appeared behind him. He walked backwards and disappeared.

The glory disappeared, and all that was left was endless wind and snow.

Croya glanced at the direction in which he disappeared. This time he really knew a lot of secrets. It was rare that this angel didn't pretend to be dead and was willing to say so much.

"Thorns...Did Baron Kemoyer get hit by thorns again?"

He couldn't help but sigh, stood up, and went to the castle to make preparations.

About five minutes later, Rob hurriedly reported: "Sir, Baron Kemoye is here... but he was injured by that thorn again."

"I know."

He had been reminded by the angel before, so Croya was not too surprised. He just stood up slowly and said, "Take me to see it."

Rob immediately led the way and soon arrived at the Guest House.

Baron Kemoye's loyal men were guarding outside the room. Each one of them was wearing armor and had a sword at their side. Their eyes were obviously bloodshot and tired.

It's obviously been a long time.

For them, this baron is not only their master, but also their comrade-in-arms and the channel through which they can complete their class jump. I guess if I told them how many people they could kill to restore the Baron, they would do it without blinking an eye.

When they saw Croya coming, they immediately saluted respectfully.

Not only did the baron explain it, but there was also respect for the strong.

"Master Mage!"

"Sir, please save the Baron!"

Croya nodded casually: "Don't worry."

After making this guarantee, he ordered Rob to get some food and potions for these people, and then entered the room.

At a glance, he saw the armored person on the bed and... a sapling with roots wrapped in cloth placed beside it.

Its leaves are needle-shaped and look like a sapling of a coniferous tree. The color is extremely green, as dazzling as emerald.

It stays there quietly, but it attracts the magic around it all the time, just like a natural magic gathering circle, and at the same time exudes a quiet fragrance.

"Gopher wood."

There is no doubt that this is the Gopher wood that he has longed for.

The seventh-level magic plant is the most special psychic tree in nature, a powerful thing that can drive all mages crazy.

"Did it just appear like this?"

He breathed out softly, feeling that things were a little smooth this time. Such a little knight could actually get the Gopher wood.

Originally, he thought it would take a long time to get it.

"It's so beautiful."

He took a deep look at the small sapling, without staying too long on it, and came to the baron's bed.

It is better to treat the baron first. After he recovers, it will be time to collect his due reward. Anyway, he is already on Hanjiao Island, can he still escape?


After observing the Baron's condition for a moment, he frowned.

The body under this silver-white armor has been riddled with thorns, and this time the thorns don't look right.

The color of their surfaces is red, which is very strange, as red as blood.

However, it does not make people feel evil. Instead, there is an indescribable holy light. They are rooted in the Baron's body and seem to be constantly absorbing the Baron's power.

Observing their astral bodies carefully, Croya discovered that although these thorns absorbed the power of the baron, they still returned the power after filtering.

And it seems to have some resonance with the Baron's bloodline power. Inside the armor... there seems to be a deeply hidden consciousness.

Croya could barely feel it, but he couldn't communicate with it at all, not even his spiritual consciousness.

"Is it a ghost?" Croya thought for a moment and ordered King Mu Yaoqu Teng to bring the astral crystal turtle over.

Anyway, the ore over there is basically completed, so it’s okay to leave now. It’s time for me to give it what I promised.


King Mu Yao Qu Teng quickly brought the crystal turtle over.

After seeing Croya, the latter immediately came over eagerly and hugged Croya's thigh: "Master, I thought you had forgotten me!"

"How could I forget you?" Croya comforted it and pointed at the Baron: "You have the art of communicating with all things. Can you communicate with the consciousness in his armor?"

The crystal turtle glanced at the armor strangely, then went straight over, climbed onto the bed with difficulty, patted the armor with his paws, and said in a casual tone:

"Brother, let's talk?"

Croya: "..."

This is really strange, how can you, a turtle, look so much like a gangster brother?

What's even more strange is that after it patted the armor like this, there was actually a consciousness transmitted from it.

"Hmm? Huh? I know."

The crystal turtle immediately started chatting with the other party, and they were quite happy.

"You said this is your descendant?"

"Uh...are you disappointed that his power is not pure enough?"

"What, you want him to keep guarding Gopherwood?"

Because Croya was nearby, the Crystal Turtle specially passed on all this information so that Croya could hear it.

After chatting with it, Croya roughly knew what it was - a ghost from the past. Because it couldn't stand that its offspring was too weak, it used thorns to help him strengthen his strength.

And its duty seems to be to protect the Gopher Tree, and it also requires Baron Kemoye to also protect the Gopher Tree.

That's probably what it looks like.

After listening for a while, Croya said to the astral crystal turtle: "Can you let it come out?"

"Let me ask..." The Astral Crystal Turtle patted the armor again: "Brother, can you come out for a moment? My master wants to see you."

After a moment, the crystal turtle shook its head: "No, it said there is no carrier to attach to."

"Is this okay?" Kloya took out a emerald green olive leaf.

This is naturally the leaf of the Evergreen Olive Tree.

After studying it, Kloya found that this thing can accommodate almost all spiritual beings, including ghosts.

However, he would definitely be controlled by the olive elf after entering, so he certainly wouldn't say it clearly.

"I'll ask again."

This time, the Star Crystal Turtle took about two minutes, and a gray-white mist came out of the armor.

After rising, it flew directly towards the olive leaf and entered the olive leaf.

Then, the olive leaf flickered with a faint light, the leaves flew up, and the olive elf appeared, waving his little hand gently.

The gray-white mist formed a figure next to it.

It was a young man wearing silver-white armor, with gray-white hair, and extremely handsome, even making Kloya dazed for a moment.

He was about 1.8 meters tall, but his proportions were perfect. Even though he was in ghost form, his face still had a warm smile like the sun.

This smile seemed to warm people's hearts. Just looking at it made people feel comfortable. Coupled with that flawless face...

It was simply the perfect template in a knight's novel.


The knight looked at Cloya: "Are you a magician? Whose apprentice are you? Why do you have the Evergreen Olive Tree... Is it Irist?"

"Is she still in this world?"

He asked several questions in a row.

Unfortunately, Cloya shook her head: "I am the lord of the Mage Association. The Evergreen Olive Tree was given to me by Baron Kemoye. Lord Irist has left this world."

"Left?" The knight looked relieved, and then sat down on the ground.

"Fortunately... she finally left."

Kloya frowned: "You seem very happy?"

"Of course!" The knight laughed happily: "She caught me and used me as a decoration in the garden for thousands of years!!"

He waved his hands, excited:

"When I was about to enter the kingdom of the God of Death in the Hades River, she saw me and said that I was very handsome and wanted to keep me!"

"She, a madman, even fought with the messenger of the God of Death and the Angel of Death!"

It can be seen that he was really excited, and he pointed at his face and said: "Am I handsome? Why did she have to use me as a decoration..."

At this point, he suddenly covered his face and cried again: "If it weren't for her, I would have left the world with my friends long ago!"

The cry was very sad.


So Ilister is such a person.

Also, is this person a little psychological problem because he has been holding it in for too long? Although he is really handsome, he is a little funny.

Kloya complained in his heart, blinked his eyes, and summoned the modified magic crystal white mouse.

"Go." He pointed at the knight.

The white rat immediately understood, nodded its head, and emitted a golden light.

The undead are most easily dominated by emotions, but in turn, they are also easily affected by magic in this area, at least now.

Under the illumination of the white rat's happy light, the knight quickly stopped crying.

His expression changed from sadness to seriousness in an instant.

His tone also became serious, and it only took a moment for him to change from that funny look to solemnity.

The momentum on his body was also revealed.

Very powerful...

He was at least a legend when he was alive.

"Thank you for your help, mage." He pointed to the baron on the bed: "This child is my descendant. I want to help him. Please guide him on the road to the future."

"I feel the light of the sun and the rainbow of luck on you. Please burn my soul to ashes, and I can also be free and enter the world of the dead."

Kloya: "???"

Is this the ultimate face-changing king? How can he change his face so quickly? It seems that the mind of the undead is not very normal.

He had to confirm: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true." The knight took two steps towards Cloya: "I would like to see the sun again and sleep forever under the rainbow music."

At this time, he looked like a truly determined knight, and the look in his eyes was very firm, like a rock.

"...Why do you have to do this?"

Cloya was silent for a long time, looked at his face, shook his head and said: "If it is your will."

Although this guy seemed to know a lot of things, Cloya was unwilling to force it. Such a pure soul was also worth his attention.

As he said, Cloya cast the magic of symphony.

The two-color light was floating, and the red and orange light turned into flames in the music and fell on the knight.

This light from the sun has an extremely strong restraining effect on all undead, so the moment it fell, his body began to burn.

Using the soul as fuel for the flame...the result is that the soul is completely dissipated.

"Thank you, Mage."

The knight's soul gradually disappeared, but the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"I will give you one last gift."

He stretched out his hand, and a golden halo emerged from his own light, which was a small beating note.

It was composed of the flame of his soul and had a cheerful tune.

"I have heard the music of the rainbow light. It is as firm as the sun and will play forever no matter what.

There is no need to care about anything, because the sun will always shine on everything in the world at any time and anywhere.

You need to be firm, because you are the center of all music, because you... must have your own music."

This was the last voice of the knight.

His soul completely disappeared in the flames, part of it turned into golden notes, and the other part fell on Baron Kemoye.

The baron slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around with doubts, and always felt that someone very important had left.

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