I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 154 154 The Allegiance of the Punished, Dragon in the Moon Sea (5K)

Chapter 154 154. The loyalty of the prisoner, the dragon in the moon sea (5K)

Since the baron has officially surrendered to Cloya, Cloya's attitude towards him will certainly be a little different.

The wizard ordered people to send food, including bread, milk tea, and exquisite pastries made with milk - these things were taught by Robert. As a former knight, he really knows these things too well.

Sweets can make people happy and replenish energy, which is most suitable for the current conversation time.

Cloya sat casually aside, picked up the milk tea, took a sip gently, and the sweet taste immediately filled the whole mouth.

The mellow aroma of rock goat milk mixed with lily of the valley petals is both mellow and light. Drinking a sip of such milk tea in cold weather is really comfortable.

He narrowed his eyes happily, looked at the baron, and asked: "What are your plans next?"

Hearing Cloya's question, the baron immediately put down the bread, sat up straight, and replied: "According to the laws of the Kingdom of Norant, the lower-ranking can challenge the higher-ranking to get promoted.

I plan to challenge Viscount Bernal and get his territory and title."

This is obviously something he has thought about for a long time.

His eyes were full of burning ambition, and his tone was also excited: "I have been preparing for a long time to challenge him.

My subordinates, weapons, and my own strength should not be able to fail."

"Oh." Cloya took another sip of milk tea and continued to ask: "What level is the viscount himself? How many extraordinary people are there under his command?"

"The viscount himself is a second-level knight, and he has thirty first-level knights under him."

Obviously, Kemoye had already investigated it, otherwise he would not have blurted it out directly.

"Second-level knight, thirty first-level knights."

This number is much less than he imagined. A viscount, is there only this much combat power?

That's the viscount.

It stands to reason that the territory covers tens of thousands of hectares, and he should have at least a hundred first-level knights and a dozen second-level knights, not to mention hundreds.

He felt that the apprentices of mages and knights he had trained could overthrow the Viscount's territory if they rushed forward.

If he did it himself, the other party would probably not last even half a minute.

Kloya curled his lips in disdain: "If you can control the thorns, you should be able to beat him easily."

"Why does he have so few extraordinary people under his command?"

The baron said: "He has just become a viscount not long ago, and has not had time to manage his territory well.

And... I heard that he doesn't have a complete knight training method."

"That makes sense." Kloya thought: "Without a knight training method, the knights can only rely on their own understanding."

"You only talked about his extraordinary people just now, not the army. Do you not care about these things?"

"No! "

The baron shook his head and explained: "You don't know, sir, such a challenge between a low-ranking person and a high-ranking person will only be decided between extraordinary people.

It will not involve the armies under their command.

This is the law of the kingdom. "

"Ha, this law is really special. "

Kloya had never heard of these things and wondered: "If the army is not allowed to be used, what is the use of the army under the lord?"

In his understanding, the war between lords and nobles should be a battle of the number and quality of the army under their command and the sophistication of weapons and armor. In the end, it turned out to be a fight between lords?

Even if it was a general against a general, it would not be played like this.

No wonder the quality of the army here is so poor. They only care about the extraordinary people and do not improve the ability of their own army. Isn't it really bad?

The baron scratched his hair and replied, "These are the laws and rules set by the king himself, and there are instructions from the church."

"The church?" Kloya narrowed his eyes, "They won't say that a large-scale war will affect the people at the bottom, so they don't allow it?"

"It's similar to what you said, Master."


Kloya shook his head.

He knew about the church. The most powerful thing about them is the training method of holy warriors and paladins. Although not everyone is a transcendent, their combat ability is also extremely exaggerated.

If low-level transcendents are surrounded and beaten by such an army, they will definitely die miserably in the end.

Don't let the nobles of the Kingdom of Norant care about their troops, but you have an extremely elite army...

Wouldn't it be possible to do whatever you want?

This kind of thing can be seen with a little thought, can't the king see it?

Or is this a promise made under forced circumstances?

Kloya thought about it for a while and didn't care too much.

The matter was too far away from him, so he didn't need to care so much. Besides, for now, such rules were good for him.

This would also make it easier for him to do some small things.


Now he had enough resources, so it was completely possible to train a combat mage group or a knight group.

Besides, he was a mage and was not in the administrative system of the kingdom. What did the king's orders have to do with mages?

He would definitely train his army. It was unimaginable how powerful a completely off-duty, disciplined army could be.

And now that he is a fourth-level mage, he can pay a little attention to the Mage Association. Isn't the mentor of the mage who murdered "him" also a fourth-level mage?

With so many cheats at his disposal, if he couldn't easily round the opponent and flatten him, he might as well find a tofu and kill him.

However, before taking revenge, you still need to get to know Estner first. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

He will take back everything that belongs to him; he will definitely take revenge on those who deserve revenge.

After a brief thought, he came back to his senses and said to the baron: "I will let my mages and knight apprentices help you, and you can take control of the viscount's territory as quickly as possible."

Kemoye was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you, Lord Croya!"

If he was 90% sure before, now he is absolutely 100% sure.

Croya waved his hand: "You're welcome, I need you to help me find out what's going on outside. Try your best to recruit as many nearby barons as you can.

What I ask of you is to at least completely control the territory around Hanjiao Island.

Then you just expand outward.

You can feel free to expand, and I will provide you with the supplies and manpower needed for logistics. Don’t worry about other things.

If you find any magical beasts or magical plants, just send them all to me. "

There were some things that were inconvenient for Croya to do, but there weren't that many things for Kemoye to do.

He planned to gradually train Kemoye and push him to the front of the stage, and he would secretly control it. Unless he encountered something that Kemoye could not solve, he would not take action personally.

"I understand, my lord."

Baron Kermoyer was extremely excited.

With the help of Master Mage, he couldn't imagine how smooth he could be.

‘How about magic beasts and magic plants... Why don’t you hand over the magic beasts and magic plants in the territory to Croya-sama to raise. ’

The baron was thinking, and suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "Sir, in the forest next to my territory, there is a group of first-level magic beasts, sugar-eared rabbits. Do you want them?"

"Sugar-eared rabbits?" Croya was curious: "What's so special about them?"

"Their ears can be popped off and taste like candy."

"There are also such wonderful magical beasts. Of course I want them. As long as they are magical beasts and magical plants, I want them all!"


The baron nodded in agreement.

He has decided to find more magic beasts and magic plants, and will send the first batch when he returns. He just needs to expand with peace of mind.

In the next period of time, Croya discussed some things with him before getting up and leaving.

He planned to eliminate the torturers and knight apprentices in one go, and then send them out.

Then just wait for your men to move things to the island for you.

A few minutes later, the upper level of the castle.

Croya looked at the victims who were brought over and smiled slightly: "Is your life pretty good?"

The victims vaguely knew why Croa called them here - they had already met Mir, who could actually control magic!

You must know that for them, becoming a mage is almost an obsession.

And now...this wish is within reach.

They couldn't wait to meet Croya.

"It's all managed well by Master Mage."

It was Ott who still spoke on their behalf. This tall man who looked like a warrior looked at Croya and got straight to the point.

"Sir, we are willing to serve you as our master."

This was the second time he said it. He didn't kneel down as grandly as the first time. He just spoke like this, but the credibility was obviously not the same.

"What can you come up with?"

Croya said calmly: "To make you look like normal mages, I need to pay a very expensive price.

Besides, rather than training you, I think it would be better to give resources to the apprentices under my command. "

This sounded true to the victims - it would allow them to become mages, and they couldn't believe what the price would be.

Even the archbishop of the church and the archmage of the Mages Association were unable to do it back then. What price would the lord in front of him have to pay?

Are they...worth the price?

Besides, everyone knows that compared to giving resources to outsiders who have just arrived, it is definitely better to directly train your own subordinates from childhood.

During this time here, Croya has been deliberately ignoring their identities as torturers, making them feel that they are nothing special.

The effect of this is indeed very good. The people on Hanjiao Island didn't feel anything at all when they saw them, they just felt that they were a little special.

There is no other reason for this. They see too many of them. Whether they are magic plants or mage apprentices, they often appear in their daily lives.

In addition, Croya himself is an extremely powerful mage. With such a comparison, other mages are completely inconspicuous, let alone some of the victims.

At first I was curious about it, but then I became less and less concerned about it.

After hearing Croya's words, several victims bit their lips and turned a little pale.

Ott sighed softly.

"Sir, since you are willing to let us here, you must have an idea."

"We are willing to dedicate everything to you, and only you are willing to accept it and can solve our problems. Our lives belong to you."

He took out an ancient parchment contract from his underwear and bowed to Cloya.

Cloya glanced at the contract and saw the runes and names made of blood on it... It was the master-servant blood contract.

As long as Cloya left his own magic mark on it, the person on the contract would never leave him before his life came to an end and his soul decayed.

"You actually carry your own blood contract with you."

Cloya waved his hand and the parchment automatically flew into his hand. He lowered his head and took a look.

"Oh, this is the miner's contract of the Yavana Holy Mine."

After a few glances, a flame rose from his fingertips and directly rolled up the parchment. This magical parchment could withstand the erosion of time and most magic, but it could not resist his power.


The dim parchment quickly turned into a pile of ashes in the three-color flames, and it completely disappeared with a slight breeze.

The prisoners' eyes widened immediately.


This thing is made of the sheepskin of the golden goat, which can withstand most magic and sword slashes. They wanted to destroy the contract, but they couldn't do it.

And now it's gone!

They watched the parchment completely dissipate, and they felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts, which was surprise, shock, and a sense of relief.

"The contract can only bind your body." Kloya looked at them: "And what I want is your complete loyalty."

Now he no longer needs to rely on the contract.

How much loyalty the contract brings... is always skeptical.

Moreover, the existence of this contract is probably a thorn in the heart of these prisoners, and it is a past that can never be shaken off.

The prisoners looked at each other and knelt down in unison:

"... Sir, since you are unwilling to accept our contract, let time prove it for us."

"We are willing to serve you as our master!"

This was the third time he said it, and Cloya finally smiled - at this moment, he finally felt that the music in these guys' hearts had changed.

That was the music called loyalty.

He looked down at the prisoners and nodded gently:

"Then let time prove it for you, I am looking forward to it..."

"Now you have to sleep, and everything will be fine after you wake up."

The mage waved his palm gently, and the soft music and magic power poured into their ears and bodies. Even the most powerful consciousness could not resist his power.

In just a few seconds, they suddenly lay down crookedly.

"Hehe, your magic power belongs to me."

Cloya looked at them and began to check the scars on their bodies. Since he had experience before, this time was of course very smooth.

He played the gopher harp, transmitting the soft and elegant melody into their wounds, communicating with the space crack.

The space crack felt this power and actively transmitted the magic power, while it absorbed Kloya's magic power and even transmitted some pleasant consciousness.

Seventeen people, the scars on their backs flowed out a steady stream of magic power at the same time.

The vast amount of magic power gathered into a blue river, flowing beside Kloya, and finally gathered in the Void Moon God Tree.

This time... it didn't just light up a branch, but gradually lit up the trunk!

The surface of the trunk of the Void Moon God Tree lit up with extremely complex patterns, like words, densely packed, covering the lit position.

The sea within a thousand miles has come to life, the waves are surging, and it seems that there is a soft and ethereal mermaid song echoing.

The clear blue-purple magic illuminated the sea, and in the sea, it was shaping, or creating a kind of life...

Kloya couldn't be distracted, so he could only take a look and continue to focus on playing the gopher harp.

He wanted to see if he could communicate with the space cracks in the scars of these people through his consciousness.

But the result was not as he expected.

Although the space crack was enjoying it, it had no intention of paying attention to Kloya at all.

After about ten minutes, it finally sprayed out some ether magic moss and then completely closed, no longer paying attention to Kloya's magic.

"... Why do I feel that these magic mosses are a reward for me?"

Kloya had an inexplicable feeling.

This guy was like a tip after enjoying a massage parlor. The number of these magic mosses was obviously more than before, and it was given by it on its own initiative.

This shows that this space crack may really have consciousness.

"But it didn't work in the end, and I don't know if more communication will work."

Kloya shook his head helplessly and let go of his hand.

After the Gopher Harp landed, it turned into Gopher Wood, and walked on its own roots, running to the magic field nearby to take root.

He stood up and walked to the crystal bottle where the Void Moon God Tree was placed, stared inside, and muttered to himself:

"Giving birth to life... So you have this ability?"

Although he was very curious about what kind of life this could give birth to, it was not completely formed after all.

And he wanted to strike while the iron was hot and implant the magic field vines into these people, so he put it aside for the time being and planted vines for the prisoners first.

This time, the process was of course quite smooth, and it was done very quickly.

He also directly awakened the prisoners.

"You give it a try."

He didn't say much, just let them give it a try.

The prisoners immediately began to mobilize the magic power in their bodies, and the result was really smooth, and they were able to cast magic.

"Ah, I can cast magic!"

"Master Mage!"

"I am also a mage!"

They cheered and hugged each other with tears. This feeling of fulfilling their long-cherished wish really made them unable to control themselves.

Kloya made them happy for a while, and then clapped his hands.

After hearing the sound, they quickly quieted down.


Several people looked at Kloya with warm and grateful eyes.

"Mir has the magic book I gave you. You should study it carefully. After three days, I will arrange for the apprentices to go out for training.

You just follow them and ensure their safety."

After giving the order, Kloya waved his hand to signal them to leave.

Of course, they didn't dare to neglect it. After saluting, they left quickly. After leaving the laboratory, they jumped three feet high, obviously very happy.

Kloya, who saw this scene through the "surveillance" of Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang, shook his head and didn't care much.

He had already set his eyes on the crystal bottle.

Inside, a small figure was gradually taking shape.

The slender neck, the body covered with moon-white scales, and the huge wings...

It was a dragon, a beautiful and dreamy silver dragon.

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