I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 17 17 Burning Sunflowers

Chapter 17 17. Burning Sunflower

The construction of the Seven Stars Divine Law Array was not as easy as Cloya imagined. Even though it was written very clearly on the parchment, it was extremely difficult for him.

The most troublesome point was the magic network of the array.

According to the parchment:

After the array is drawn, it needs to be activated with magic in one go. There must not be any stagnation or hesitation during the process, otherwise the runaway magic will destroy the already drawn array veins.

It is a huge test for the total amount of magic power and mental power.

This is simply an insurmountable gap for Cloya, a first-level mage. Even with the thirsty sea fluorescent algae as a power bank, it is not enough.

The mental power is enough, but there is no way to do it if the magic power is not enough.

He was helpless. He was already confident, but he could only build the general framework and was stuck at this step.

It was really painful.

"Even so, I still have a special meditation method, which is different from ordinary mages. If there is no red song meditation method, wouldn't it be more troublesome?" Cloya frowned.

According to his speculation, he had to at least reach the level of a Level 2 mage, and with the amplification of the Scarlet Song, he could barely reach the sufficient magic power requirement.

And his current accumulation of magic power would probably take another five or six days - it should have been there by now. It was a pity that he had been immersed in the laboratory these days, reducing the number and time of meditation, so he was stuck here.

After thinking of this, he was relieved.

It's not that I don't want to do it, but I really can't do it for the time being!

So he decided to give himself a vacation - since the mermaid came, he has been staying in the castle for a full half a month.

Every day, apart from the laboratory, he runs back and forth between the bedroom. It is still very important to relax properly.

Let's talk about it after advancing to the level 2 mage.

So, he stretched and put down the magic painting pen in his hand.

"Let's go out for a walk."

He chose to give himself a vacation and did not bring a staff. After leaving the laboratory, he first came to the sunflower field on the top of the castle.

I haven't seen it for half a month. I don't know how the sunflowers are.

After half a month of growth, the size of the sunflower has not changed much, but the golden halo inside the seed has become brighter and brighter.

It is completely different from the first wisp.

It has gradually filled the entire sunflower seed.

Kloya was eager to move and licked his lips.

"Has the taste changed? Let me taste it..."

He couldn't help but pluck another one and cracked it open. This time, the Yangyan magic inside poured into his mouth.

It was much more abundant than the previous magic.

"Now that you have magic, you should think about how to use it, right?"

He stared at the sunflower and cast a small spell called "Magic Drainage", which is basically a spell that mages use on magic crystals to quickly replenish magic.

The azure magic tentacles immediately wrapped around the sunflower, passed through the crystal-clear shell, and grabbed the golden magic inside.

Then, sucking the magic inside like a straw, the tentacles passed the magic back and injected it into Kloya's body.

It does look a bit sanity-depleted.

There is no way, the spells of the mage sometimes give people the feeling of being hysterical, and some spells are even more weird.

For example, this one, absorbing magic power gives Cloya a very refreshing feeling, even more refreshing than eating sunflower seeds directly.

The wonderful feeling of magic power directly injected into the body and rushing in the blood vessels really made him addicted - so he almost sucked the sunflower dry by accident.

When he finally reacted, the sunflower was already sluggish, the originally red petals were dull, and the sunflower seeds became crystal clear like crystal.

The Yangyan magic power inside was sucked out by him.


He quickly dispersed the magic tentacles.

No wonder the Mage Association said that this kind of spell requires a mage with extremely strong willpower to control it, otherwise he may become addicted to magic.

It's true.

Even Cloya was briefly addicted to it.

If it were the mages who had never experienced good magic, it would be like a pervert meeting a beauty.

"Hey, wait."

"If I can absorb it in this way, can I use this method to infuse magic into the magic plant?"

Curious, he directly used the magic tentacles again, this time he poured his own red magic into the sunflower.

In theory, red magic is also the magic that absorbs sunlight.

There should be no adverse reactions.

As a result, no adverse reactions occurred, but the sunflower was excited. Its flower disk trembled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it felt joy and desire for this red magic.

Cloya looked at it like this and let it go.

Anyway, the magic required for a sunflower is not much, and he can still supply it.


after absorbing enough magic, the sunflower suddenly burned, and it really turned into a torch from the flower disk to the trunk.

The blazing red flame made Cloya couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked at it speechlessly.

"You, you spontaneously combusted with just this little magic power?"

At this moment, Kroya was very regretful. If he had known earlier, he would not have tested it this way. He only had twelve sunflowers in total!

And one of them died just like that.

He felt very bitter, and he had to be careful that its flames would not affect other sunflowers.

But after it burned to ashes, Kloya unexpectedly saw a ruby-like seed in the ashes.

It lay quietly in the ashes, flashing a red light, looking like a priceless fire spirit ruby.

Inside it, Kloya felt a very special vitality and magic fluctuations that were exactly the same as his magic.

"A brand new magic plant seed?"

"Why didn't it work?"

He took the seed in his hand and looked at it carefully, but the Astral Body Imprinting Technique did not give a prompt to imprint - but this did not affect his activation of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique.

Under the effect of the Astral Body Observation Technique, the situation inside the seed was fully revealed in front of Kloya.

The red silk thread wrapped around the sunflower had turned red, and the inside of the sunflower was filled with translucent red magic patterns, which looked a bit like... tentacles.

"Has it mutated? No, how could it mutate so suddenly?"

"Is it the effect of my special magic?"

Confused, Kloya suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to transform the sunflower and chose to plant the seed in the soil.

Now I have no idea what the specific situation is.

Only when it grows up completely can I understand what the situation is.

"I hope it doesn't mutate too much."

After planting the sunflower, Kloya glanced at the distance inadvertently, and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a carriage driving towards the castle.

"Carriage? Why didn't anyone notify me?"

He frowned and turned to walk down.

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