I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 176 176 Magic Planting Magic Array, Oak Seedling

Chapter 176 176. Magic Planting Magic Circle, Oak Seedling

After deciding to visit the Orpheus Oak, Kroya went directly to the bottom of the sea through the space magic circle, and then rode the sea dolphin to the shipwreck ruins.

In the process of rushing to the ruins, he was still a little uneasy.

After all, when he went there last time, he promised the oak tree that he would come to see it from time to time, but he only went there once.

And he only stayed there for half an hour before saying goodbye and leaving, which made the oak tree pitiful.

"I hope you don't blame me."


He suppressed his uneasiness in his heart, watching the shipwreck ruins getting closer and closer to him, hiding the star mist and three sun rings on his body.

It's better not to let outsiders see this thing casually, maybe there are people who know this robe or other existence.

Although it is hidden, the mental power and perception bonus from the robe still exist.

He looked at the shipwreck that was completely covered by the oak tree, and his expression was a little strange.

He felt that the magic power here seemed to have reached a new level, and the oak tree was obviously getting bigger and expanding.

Is this guy planning to really occupy the seabed? Or is its magic power already so strong?

Kloya didn't have time to think, because after he approached the shipwreck, the oak tree found him and conveyed a very friendly consciousness.

It was like calling him to hurry over.

The surrounding sea water even formed an air road under the stirring of the oak's terrifying magic power, and the branches of the oak tree formed a bridge, extending in front of Kloya.


This is really impatient.

"I'll go in first, you guys should wait around."

Kloya patted the sea dolphin, stepped onto the road formed by the branches, and soon entered the shipwreck.

As soon as he came in, he found that something was wrong inside the shipwreck-the cabin was messy before, but now it is clean as new, with exquisite and gorgeous elf decorations hanging on the walls, and the floor is as bright as wax.

Soft white light emanated from the ceiling and walls.

Walking here was like walking in the corridor of an elf art gallery, and it was completely different from the dilapidated shipwreck before.

This... did you have a repairing effect when you grew up, or did you miss the past...

But the elf's decorations are really beautiful. If you can take a few away, it will probably make the human nobles break their heads.

He admired the elf's decorations and walked forward slowly.

After a while,

"Friend! Human friend!"

The extremely enthusiastic voice of the oak tree sounded in Cloya's ears.

Then, the surrounding space changed directly, and Cloya was transferred.

He appeared in a garden full of colorful flowers. Not far in front of him, standing was the Orpheus oak tree. At this time, it seemed to be a little taller, and its branches and leaves became more luxuriant.

As for its magic...

It was already beyond Cloya's perception.

It had only been a short time. When I came here last time, although I felt that the power of this oak tree was very terrifying, I didn't say that I couldn't even feel it.

You know, Croa also has a robe this time!

I can't feel it...

And this kind of space transfer ability, you also have this ability? Wait, could it be that you have also learned the space transmission array?

"Friend, you have become more powerful."

Cloa sat down on the chair very familiarly, smiled slightly and asked curiously: "Why are you so powerful?"

During the two times he spent with Orpheus Oak, Croa has confirmed that this guy likes to speak directly.

If he uses the polite and roundabout way of speaking between human nobles, the other party may not understand.

"I absorbed all the remaining water of life."

Orpheus Oak did not hide: "I am trying to leave here, I want to try to sail back to my country."

"Human friend, you should also feel that the magic power in this sea area is very chaotic now. It should be those bad mermaids!"

"I can feel that nature is sad and painful because of their arbitrary driving."

An angry expression appeared on the face of the oak.

"If my old master were here, he would never allow them to do this to nature!"

The grass and flowers around him swayed with his anger, as if they were blown by a violent storm.

When he mentioned this, Cloya's heart moved.

"I know they are performing a blessing ceremony for the little mermaid, friend Oak, do you know more?"

Although the angel told him something last time, he only learned a little bit, and he wanted to know more.


After a short silence, Oak took out a book made of leaves from somewhere. He opened one of the pages and handed it to Cloya.

This is a poem.

The person who wrote this poem...is actually the bard named Wendy he knows.

The name of the poem is "Ode to All Things in the Void Moon".

In short, it describes that the mermaids have a super magic device that can control weather changes.

Through this magic device, they can not only control the changes in ocean currents and magic power in the sea, but also indirectly affect the stability of the space barrier of the main plane.

When necessary, they can even directly pray to the mermaid sea god they believe in for a favor.

Wendy saw with her own eyes that the mermaid prayed and summoned the power of the sea god. When thousands of warm ocean currents converged and the wind of vitality blew, he blessed the little mermaid.

After reading the entire article carefully, almost 99% of the content was what Kloya knew, and at most he had a brief understanding of the civilization and social system of the mermaids.

But at the end of the poem, a very important message was mentioned obscurely -

"The virtual moon gave birth, and the spiritual wisdom was everywhere, and it also symbolized the blue flower of luck and bad luck."

This sentence was abrupt like a printing error, but this thing was a collection of poems compiled by the elves. If the elves could make a mistake, it would be incredible.

The only possibility is: this sentence is related to the mermaid ritual, and it is still very related, but for some reason, it cannot be clearly stated, so it is so obscure.

Another very important point is the magic device controlled by the mermaids. At that time, the angel said that the mermaids once had a very glorious civilization.

Could it be that this thing was left by their ancestors?

If there really is such a weather weapon, it can really run rampant, and directly manipulate the weather changes if it is unhappy.

Perhaps some powerful beings can withstand it, but the weak will definitely die.

This method can be called a super map cannon for both Warcraft, Magic Plants and humans.

"I know, my friend."

Kloya returned the poetry collection to Oak.

The latter caringly reminded: "Human friend, you should also have contact with the mermaids.

Be careful. It is a good thing for them, but not necessarily a good thing for humans."

"Thank you for your concern, Oak friend." Kloya expressed his sincere gratitude, and then took out the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass from the clock golem that had been following him.

He put the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass on the table and said:

"I recently got the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree, the Emerald Skeleton Tree and the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass... The other two trees are planted well in my territory and cannot be moved at will, so I didn't bring them here."

In fact, Oak didn't care what he said at all.

Its eyes were fixed on the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass, and without any movement, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The bright light faded, and the soft moonlight rose.

The moonlight was as bright as flowing water, gathering towards the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass, flowing from its crown to the aerial roots, and the moonlight turned into a clear spring.

Finally, it flowed and gathered into the well surrounded by roots.

There was a light blue liquid visible in it, and soon the well was filled up.

Just when Cloya was worried that it would overflow, the excess well water turned into small crescent-shaped drops of water and fell on the crown.

"I really miss it."

The Orpheus Oak looked at the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass and sighed: "My master, the Duke of the Orpheus family, once owned a whole garden of Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass."

"He also used a method to make the Moonlight Spirit Dew produced by the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass into a magic potion... It seems to be related to a magic plant called Sea Ganoderma."

Cloya: "!!!"

Can Sea Ganoderma and Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass be linked?

He immediately asked without shame: "Friend Oak, do you know this method?"

"...It should be this."

Orpheus Oak took out another leaf and handed it to Cloya. It was unknown what kind of magic treatment this leaf had undergone, and the painting on it could actually move.

It seemed to be the process of making a magic circle.

With the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass in the center as the core, the Moonlight Spirit Dew flowed through the magic pattern of the magic circle, and finally passed through the sea ganoderma...

The strands of moonlight and sea ganoderma mixed together, and the mycelium of sea ganoderma was carried by the moonlight and flew into the air, interweaving into pieces of blue clouds in the air.

Dangling in the clouds were gem-shaped objects composed of deep sea blue and soft blue moonlight.

The entire magic circle looked really coordinated and regular, with both magic patterns representing magic civilization and magic plants of natural power.

This was the first time Cloya saw magic plants as the components of a magic circle. He had had such an idea before, but had never experimented with it.

I didn't expect to see the complete map this time.

He was really overjoyed, his eyes lit up.

But the Orpheus Oak sighed softly: "Human friend, all the magic plants in the master's garden have produced elves.

Unless you can make the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass and the Sea Ganoderma also produce elves like me and the sunflower..."

At this point, it was suddenly stunned and said strangely: "Dear friend, you seem to have the magic power of two other elves..."

"Ah?" Kloya came back to his senses and said casually: "It's an olive elf and a lotus elf."


The Orpheus Oak was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Human friend, are you willing to cultivate my seedlings? You can get the true love and respect of so many elves, I believe you can take good care of my children."

As if it was afraid that Kloya would refuse, it said: "My seedlings are like me, and can grow into what you want according to your spiritual power.

Just like this ship, it was once an adult thousand-year-old Orpheus Oak, and I am its child."

This surprise really came a little suddenly.

Oak of Orpheus Alas, of course Croya wanted it.

But he was also worried about whether he could take good care of it, so he asked some questions very seriously, such as the growth environment of the oak seedlings, the required supply of magic power, and so on.

Hearing Croya's careful inquiry, Orpheus Oak's face became more and more happy. It knew that Croya really wanted to raise his child well.

Reproduction has always been the most important thing for most monsters and plants.

It is a very important thing for most magic plants to find a suitable owner for their offspring.

Because after all, they are different from Warcraft. They cannot move at will and do not have enough ability to deal with risks before they grow up.

So it also answered very seriously.

He told Croya almost everything he knew about the Orpheus Oak.

The only hope is that Croya can take good care of the little tree.

Croya wrote down everything Orpheus Oak said, and then solemnly promised: "I will take good care of it."

"Please, human friend." The oak tree took out a small sapling and handed it to Croya carefully.

"I will visit you when I am free."


Seeing Croya take over the sapling, Orpheus Oak took the initiative to mention other things.

"I don't know what the Emerald Skeleton Tree is."

“But I know something about the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree.

I don't know much about it, but since you can grow it, it should have some musical magic too, right? "

It took out another piece of parchment and handed it to Croya.

"This is a kind of musical magic collected by my old master, which happens to be related to the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree."

"Thank you so much, friend..."

Chloe is sincerely grateful.

This guy is really a treasure trove. He keeps bringing out good things one after another. He doesn't know how rich his family's wealth is.

"You're welcome, human friend, you can become stronger and better help me find people from the Ophis family.

And if you can be loved by so many elves, you must be a good person who really loves nature. "

It made no secret of its purpose and handed out a good guy card.

Of course, Croya also knows about this. After all, if you are of no use, why should others give you so many things?

"I will continue to pay attention to the affairs of the Ophis family."

After he said this, he lowered his head and read the contents on the parchment.

This thing is actually not written in Elvish language, but... human language.

The most important thing is that the handwriting on it is very familiar to Croya, it is exactly the same as the handwriting used when he wrote "The Poem of Rainbow Colors".

That was the handwriting of the original owner's grandfather.

This discovery surprised him, but he patiently finished reading this magic.

This piece of magic is called "The Melody of the Softly Flowing Spring".

Although it looks like a kind of magic, it is actually a means of mobilizing magic power, and it has different powers depending on the strength of the magic power.

To put it simply, the effect is a continuous flow, which will keep the magic power in a certain area after casting.

Water dripping through the ground and impacting a certain place will continue forever as long as the magic power is not exhausted.

He didn't know what was going on, but after reading this introduction, he always felt that this magic was somewhat similar to his red refrain.

"Why is this human language? Was it studied by a great human magician?"

He showed just the right amount of curiosity.

It's a pity that Orpheus Oak shook his head: "I just found this magic piece, but I really don't know who wrote it."

"Is that so?"

"Friend Oak, do you still have this kind of music score in your hand? I am willing to pay more to buy it."

"No more, human friends."

"If you want more musical magic, you can only find someone from the Orpheus family."

"It seems I have to search harder."

Croya smiled and did not continue to be curious.

Then he changed the topic and started chatting with Orpheus Oak. After chatting for a long time, he got up and left.

Before leaving, Orpheus Oak gave Cloya a wooden birdcage woven with exquisite craftsmanship.

"This is a magic weapon that allows elves to leave their bodies and walk outside for a short period of time. Human friends, please bring them to see me when the wind and snow pass."

Of course Croya agreed.

After saying goodbye to Orpheus Oak, he returned to his castle, sorted out his harvest and had a good sleep.

Although he learned a lot this time and found the magic that was suspected to be left by the original owner's grandfather, he could not find a way forward.

More magic can only be found by finding the Orpheus family, and there is obviously no way to do it now.

It’s better to not think about it than to think about it so much.

Let’s get down to business first.

The next day he arranged for Rob to take Estner around the island. He himself was holding an oak sapling, planning to place it first and then set up the magic circle.

Orpheus Oak.

This is a very special kind of magic plant. According to Oak Tree himself, this kind of magic plant has the spirituality to grow according to human instructions when it is born.

Whether it grows into a house, a ship, a factory, or anything else, it is the oak's special ability—that is, malleability.

If the other magic plants were to grow like the Orpheus Oak and wrap around it for more than a dozen times, their branches might break, but it wouldn't.

Even the most complex structures and pipelines can be easily completed in the growth of the Orpheus Oak.

So the biggest use of this thing is actually the magic tower of the wizard. In the inheritance of the Orpheus family, every young elf will get a young Orpheus Oak.

They want to plant their own oak trees, and let the oak trees grow into their own homes and wizard towers in a long life and years.

According to the lifespan of the elves... the Orpheus Oak will grow more and more terrifying and bigger.

According to the oak tree, the ancestral land of the Orpheus family is a plane supported by an oak tree. It is the father and mother of all oak trees, and it is larger than the Eternal Tree of the Elves.

A real tree is a world.

And what Cloya plans to do after getting the sapling of this oak tree is a very challenging thing.

He planned to transform the magic patterns in the "mansion" he had just obtained, which was engraved with the mansion magic of the elves, and then engrave it into the seedling of the Orpheus Oak.

As the seedling of the Orpheus Oak grows up, these magic patterns will make it grow into a real magic mansion, allowing Cloya to live in it.

To be honest, this castle is a bit small in Cloya's opinion, and it doesn't fit his status.

He plans to let the oak trees surround the castle.

Thanks to Xianxian Ayu for the reward.

Thanks to the monthly tickets of the former book chaser, Yanhuozhonglichenai, Shuyou 20230909201029410, Shuyou 20220503181408373, and Fupingwudi Da Lao.

I'm a little busy today... I'll make up for the owed updates tomorrow.

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