I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 200 200 Nest, the power of the ring

Chapter 200 200. Brood, the power of the ring

The explosion sounded throughout the knights' dormitory building. It was a loud noise composed of countless small explosions, and it was continuous, like a bomb exploding.

If such a sudden offensive were carried out by other small countries, it would probably have a huge impact and damage.

Fortunately, the response speed of the Holy See is still fast, and there happens to be a seventh-level knight commander here now.

As a cultivator and descendant of the guardian aura generation, Beverselis may not be as good as the other knight captains in single-target combat, but the guardianship is still easy.

Beverselis looked at the somewhat chaotic scene around her and took a step forward. The moment the white boots fell, a huge sacred circle opened with it as the center of the landing point.

A subtle white halo appeared on her body. It was not very dazzling, even a little hazy, but it was full of solemn divinity, like a statue of a god.

It was as if an angel spread its wings and directly enveloped the entire military camp, with white feather-like magic flying.

In just three or four seconds, the feathers penetrated everywhere and rushed towards all corners. They passed through the wall and enveloped all living beings in the light.

Then it was like bubbles, slowly floating out and floating in the sky.

Most of them were humans, and there were also monsters raised by the knights, but most of them were mosquito-like creatures that didn't have time to explode.

After she had just solved most of the dangers in this way, the knights who had not yet lost their fighting power rushed into the dormitory with their golden shields like golden shields.

They are going to clean and process it for the second time.

"It is indeed His creation."

The Knight Commander already understood after seeing these mosquito-shaped things. She was not naive enough to think that the guys in the Yavanna Holy Mine could keep their peace.

It's just that this kind of creation has never been seen before. Could it be that He has researched something new?

If that were the case, that would be troublesome.

They can invade the military camp silently, which means that the entire frontline base can be invaded.

After thinking briefly, she looked at Jose and his dog.

The dog wrapped in the bubble of light is receiving the baptism of holy light, dispelling the seemingly pervasive spores and hyphae attached to his body.

The injury is clearly improving.

If what she had just perceived was correct, then this special-looking dog should have noticed the hidden bugs.

This is a very strange and incredible thing.

Even she was not able to notice the appearance of these bugs, but Gouzi actually noticed it. Does it mean that her mental power and perception ability are not as strong as Gouzi's?

Although as far as she knew, there were indeed many kinds of canine monsters with stronger perception than humans, but their levels were also higher, so what about this?

Level 2 monster!

But in other words, only a second-level monster can achieve this level. Doesn't it prove the uniqueness of this monster?

So, the Knight Commander waved his hand.

She took all the dogs and their owners and rushed directly to the war pet shop located outside the military camp.

As for this place, that is the matter of the subordinates. If even this small matter cannot be solved, then the base will be destroyed, or a new one will be built at the worst.

She has already helped like this, what else can she do? Do you want her to kill all those bugs herself?

Soon, she brought more than 20 dogs directly to the door of the war pet shop, and happened to meet Archmage Celesti who was about to leave.

The latter looked at the long series of light bubbles behind the former and asked curiously: "Did you take action?"

Celesti's expression was extremely comfortable at this moment. There was also a khaki, plump earth rat standing on her shoulder, with the same expression as hers, looking at the knight commander with dark eyes.

The two were obviously old acquaintances.

When the knight commander saw Celesti, he didn't hide anything and said directly: "You know the owner of this shop, right? I want to talk to him face to face."

She pointed to the mostly injured dogs behind her: "They can detect the traces of these monsters, and they are also monsters with extremely strong concealment capabilities."

A mosquito was wrapped in a bubble and delivered to Celesti.

The Archmage looked at it curiously, then stretched out his slender fingers to pinch the mosquito.

The aqua blue magic flow wrapped around the mosquito like a chain, making it unable to escape and mobilize the chaotic magic power in its body.

She observed it carefully for a while before giving it a gentle squeeze.


The water flow instantly shrank toward the center, compressing the mosquito directly into a tiny black spot, and then the water flow itself disappeared.

"It's very concealable." The Archmage just said this, then turned and walked into the Warcraft and Demonic Plant Battle Pet Shop that he just came out of.

Obviously willing to help.

After all, this thing is really a public enemy of the civilized world. If Croya is willing to help, it will be good for him.

The reputation of the Holy See is very useful.

But the knight commander did not go in directly. She waited patiently outside for a while, waiting for Celesty to give her a signal before entering the shop.

Of course the bubbles flew in after her.

They fell gently to the ground one by one, placing injured dogs and people on the ground.

The owners of the dogs ignored their own injuries and hugged their dogs, which they had just bought not long ago, with more or less tear marks on their faces.


"Carter! My comrade!"

Especially Jose, he hugged his dog and cried like a child, not noticing that the wound on his dog was healing, but the blood was still there.

Until the staff of the war pet store came out with magic potions to treat their injuries, a girl who was probably in her teens frowned.

"Your wound is obviously healed?"

She looked at the healed flesh in the hair she pulled apart with a puzzled look.

This... the dog only had some blood and mycelium on the fur, and the rest of the place was very clean, even a little pink.

At this time, the dog Carter finally pretended to have just woken up, and directly pounced on his owner and licked him fiercely.

The saliva covered Jose's face.

"You're fine!"

"Great! God of Light bless you!"

Jose was overjoyed, and he never thought that the dog had just pretended to be unconscious to tease him.


On the other side.

Ott invited the Knight Commander and the Great Magician into a room, and activated a magic circle like a planetarium placed in the center of the room.

As the magic light flashed, Kloya's figure appeared inside, his body was still a little illusory, and it was obviously just a projection.

"Please sit down, both of you."

Kloya acted very calm, as usual.

But to be honest, he was still quite angry, because he personally selected those dogs!

Although injuries and deaths on such battlefields are very common, he still felt a little bit unacceptable when he encountered such a thing just after selling it.

But things always have to be solved, and he also knows what this seventh-level Knight Commander wants to do with him.

After Bevcelis and Celeste sat down one after another, the former said directly: "Master Croa, I would like to ask you to help me maintain the city's vigilance."

"Your flametail dogs seem to have a very keen sense of perception, and can even detect these explosive mosquitoes whose breath and magic power are not exposed."

"I am willing to sign a long-term order with you, so that each knight in the barracks can have a flametail dog, and upgrade your original Saint Bethlehem Star Medal to the Saint Song Feimu Medal."

She directly quoted her price.

To be fair, this is a very good reward. The Saint Song Feimu Medal is equivalent to directly changing from a viscount to an honorary earl, which is a count of the Holy See.

Of course, it is also the highest medal she has the right to issue.

But to her surprise, Cloya shook her head slightly and said seriously: "I will help you, Madam Knight Commander."

"But the reason I help you is that they hurt my little ones."

His expression was full of disgust: "I know that war is cruel, and people will be injured and die.

It may be their fate to welcome glorious sacrifice in war. But they should never die in such a dark way. I hate such despicable means.

Those filthy insects must be completely destroyed under the light!"

After Cloya said this, Celeste's expression did not change, but the corner of her mouth twitched.

But Bev Celeste's eyes lit up.

It was as if she had found a like-minded person.

She smiled and praised: "I didn't expect you to have such a concept."

The Knight Commander stood up and bowed slightly to Croa's phantom: "Then I will ensure that no one will do anything shady to your monsters."

"As you said, knights should die on the battlefield!"

"They helped us find the traces of these monsters, and they are already heroes. I will not allow anyone to kill them."

With her promise, at least no one in this front-line base dared to kill or abuse Croa's monsters at will.

"Thank you." Croa also bowed slightly, "Then please send those explosive mosquitoes to me. If there are more specimens, it will be better. I will give you a reply as soon as possible."

"I'll give it to you. The people of the Holy See will not use the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce."

Celestie took the initiative to undertake this task.

So after a short wait, some explosive mosquitoes and the other two monsters were all sent to Croa's laboratory.

Cloa looked at them with shining eyes.

"Finally got it!"

He was a little impatient to study it, but he still held back for the time being and said to the Knight Commander and the Archmage:

"I will send some potions later, just as a little gift from me."

After hearing this, the Knight Commander had a very good impression of Cloya. In her opinion, these mages were all very sophisticated egoists.

I didn't expect that there would be such a generous and generous mage.

"Thank you for your support, Master Cloya."

So she smiled and nodded, sat here and tasted the milk tea, and was immediately attracted by the sweet taste in it.

Then, after Ott's introduction, she simply bought a long-term right to use the lily of the valley, one to enjoy the milk tea, and the other to take care of Cloya's business.


Inside the laboratory of Hanjiao Island.

Kloya cut off the communication and stared at the monsters sent over - there were three types in total, namely explosive mosquitoes, cockroaches, and unknown monsters about one person tall with countless tumors on their bodies.

The angel watched from the side and couldn't help but sighed: "These little guys who were eroded by evil, their souls are full of pain."


In fact, Kloya also felt their soul fluctuations, which were indeed extremely painful fluctuations, just like the pain of being burned in a furnace.

"I guess the flametail dogs should have felt their emotional fluctuations... Alas, did I make them too sensitive." Kloya sighed slightly.

With their own music, these little guys will be extremely sensitive to the emotional fluctuations of creatures, which is why they can understand people's commands so quickly.

"Why don't you ask them, my friend." The angel smiled and said, "I don't feel that they have any resentment. Instead, I am very happy that I have protected the safety of my master."


Kloya glanced at the angel and was slightly touched.

Then, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, since they think it's appropriate, then it's appropriate."

In fact, this is indeed the case. This kind of music magic that can enhance perception has advantages and disadvantages, but the dogs don't seem to be bothered by the disadvantages at all.

Perhaps in the hearts of these dogs, being able to help their masters solve problems is a very happy thing, and they do it voluntarily.

The angel smiled slightly: "Don't think too much, lucky friend, you are still on the right path."

"Let's take a look at these bugs, they... are very interesting."

After listening to the words of the riddle angel, Kloya looked down and activated the astral body imprinting technique. As a result, what came into his eyes was a structure that surprised him-

The structure of their astral bodies is particularly strange. All of them grow from a small bug in the center, as if the bug has undergone various forms of mutations.

And its name is actually called "explosive mosquito", and the other cockroach-like ones are called "springtails", and the ones with tumors are called "abnormalities".

"What a strange structure. Are they all developed from one embryo?"

"It's really strange that one embryo can grow into so many different organisms and structures."

Kroya began to use the All Things Communication Technique and Orange Mantra to try to communicate with its consciousness. But when his consciousness penetrated into the soul of the Exploding Mosquito, he felt an extremely deep abyss network.

It was like an endless spider web, densely extending to various locations, and also connected to the deepest part of the abyss.

As one of the nodes, the soul of the Exploding Mosquito actually has no self-awareness. It all obeys the orders from the deeper existence of the network.

This scene reminded Kroya of the spore network of the mushroom people. Except that the nodes have no self-awareness, this network is almost exactly the same as theirs.

Efficient, fast, and can communicate and connect at any time.

To be honest, just such a network is enough to shock people. Even the mushroom people need mental power to communicate, but this can actually communicate anytime and anywhere!

He was very curious about what the only integrated consciousness here was, but it might be dangerous to go deep into it rashly.

So, after a brief exploration, he opened his eyes and asked the angel: "If there is any danger, help me!"

The angel nodded and whispered: "God said that in the next ten minutes, your soul cannot be shaken by any existence!"

There was no sound and light effect, and Kloya felt that his soul was wearing a white and gold robe, which was draped over the robe of Phobos and emitted an eternal light.

With the help of the angel, Kloya immediately had the confidence to fully explore the boundless network in the consciousness of the explosive mosquito.

His consciousness body emitted a brilliant light, like a flying insect falling into a spider web, falling straight down.

During this period, he "saw" many strange objects, some of which looked like mammoths, some like cobras, and some were even more bizarre and indescribable.

It was like a monster exhibition hall.

They all stared at Kloya who was falling quietly without making any sound.

'Tsk, if you don't have a big heart, you will be scared to death if you come here. It's quite scary. ’

Kloya kept his mind steady and continued to go down. After about five minutes, he found some red light below.

It was a very pure red light, like the light coming from coagulated blood.

‘We are almost there. ’

Two minutes later, he saw the source of the light——

It was a huge nest with countless sharp tentacles and covered with gray-brown mucus. It was like a dark forest.

Although there was no intuitive concept of size and distance in this network, Kloya felt that this guy must be dozens of miles in size.

With it as the center, countless silk networks extended out, extending to the end that could not be reached by sight and consciousness.

The Astral Body Imprinting Technique was still working, showing its name to Kloya——

“Mother Nest.”

Kloya chewed on the name and tried to observe the huge nest below.

But the Astral Body Imprinting Technique could only see the densely packed structures inside and the chambers eroded by spores and fungi...

The consciousness of this nest was trapped in the deepest part, wrapped by countless spores and fungi, and could not be revealed at all.

Even he could hardly feel what was inside with the Star Body Imprinting Technique.

It seemed that his observation awakened the sleeping mother nest, which suddenly opened its compound eyes like a fly, and countless eyeballs stared at Kloya's spiritual body.

"So disgusting."

Kloya suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The compound eyes of a fly, after being enlarged, looking directly at it like this, was simply mental pollution.

Spores and hyphae immediately entangled his body around him, but before they got close, they were blocked by the robe blessed by the angel for Kloya.

Under the white and gold light, it turned into ashes and scattered.


The compound eye was shocked for a moment.

It threw a small thing that looked like a caterpillar towards Kloya.

Kloya originally thought that this guy wanted to attack him.

As a result, the caterpillar-like thing fell on him without being blocked by the white and gold robe, and went directly into his Phobos robe.

"This is..." He was just about to check it out.

But it was too late.

Countless spores and hyphae appeared around him, and there was a faint sense of terror coming, as if the whole world was pressing here.

Even Kloya couldn't bear the pressure.

The voice of the angel came immediately: "It's the power of the abyss demon, go!"

His voice was unprecedentedly urgent, so Kloya didn't dare to delay, and quickly spread his wings and flew up.

The spores and hyphae around him were still pouring out, like the claws of the abyss trying to catch Kloya.

But he flew faster and faster, like a golden sun rising quickly into the sky, leaving all the spores and hyphae behind.

In the process, the white and gold robe on his body gradually broke and fell into the spores, buying him time and allowing him to finally get out.

Finally returned to the real world.

What he didn't know was that when he left the abyss that was completely covered by spores and hyphae, the originally dim platinum fragments suddenly lit up.

They combined with each other and finally formed a platinum ring.

The ring emitted a brilliant light in the abyss, and it was surrounded by extremely complex magic circuits.

Changed the previous decline.

"God said that sin will have nowhere to hide in the light."

Accompanied by the angel's solemn voice, a golden door appeared inside the ring, extremely simple and sacred, as if it was a door connecting reality and the divine world.

It slowly opened, and feather-shaped light and golden arcs flowed out of it, bombarding directly below.

Those seemingly invincible fungi and spores melted like snow in the sun under their bombardment.

The light and feathers even penetrated the barriers between illusion and reality, and directly bombarded His territory in the bottomless abyss.

The world full of mushroom forests and dim mist saw bright light for the first time, but these lights brought purification.

Large areas of mushroom forests and the demons growing in them were melted by the light, and even their souls disappeared completely.

In just a few seconds, the feathers and light purified about one-tenth of the area.

Finally... they also cleaned the mycelium in the abyss in the spiritual world, making it bright.

The mother nest opened its eyes wide and watched all this quietly, but tried its best to suppress the fluctuations of its consciousness.

Light... Such a beautiful light.

It thought so.

Only an angry female voice echoed: "Hui Ring! The Ark has crashed, why do you still exist!"

Her voice was as flustered as a cat whose tail was stepped on, more like venting her anxiety and worries, and she didn't dare to trace it back to the source.

After all... that is the treasure that represents reality.

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