I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 206 206 Just want to make the world more pleasing to the eye

Chapter 206 206. Just want to make the world look better

The former priest's physical fitness is still quite good.

Although Rhea lost so much blood, he woke up in just half an hour. After drinking a mouthful of the broth given by his companion, he planned to start the task arranged by Cloya.

He was indeed full of confidence and enthusiasm, and felt that he had experience, but the whole process was not as smooth as he imagined.

The reason for the unsuccessful process was not even from the environment and the people living here, but from... the apprentices sent by Hanjiao Island.

In a house, he sat opposite the apprentice Jamie, and the two were arguing about something:

"I don't think this should be done."

Jamie had no good feelings for this guy who almost assassinated his respected mentor and benefactor.

Besides, Cloya had asked him to "cooperate", so the methods and ways were of course up to him.

So he questioned Rhea's plan without hesitation.

Of course, the questioning was within a reasonable range.

He said, "If everything is arranged, why do we need to use people? Can't we just use golems?"

What Jamie cares about is Rhea's land reclamation and farming methods.

Rhea's method is: send people to supervise, and just let the farmers work without thinking about anything.

Send one person to arrange the subsequent farming matters. This is the usual practice of the Church of the Mother Earth, which can minimize manpower consumption.

But Jamie feels that this is in serious conflict with Cloya's usual arrangement method, because Cloya has always set a goal and let them learn and work hard on their own.

He believes that in these matters, we should follow Cloya's method, which is the most correct way.

But Rhea was very surprised.

The former priest opened his eyes wide: "Will Master Cloya agree? This will be very troublesome and will consume more manpower and material resources.

And the method of fertilizing the fields is not suitable for ordinary people."

This is a very pertinent advice, because the fact is that even the Earth Mother Church, which has always promoted harvests and farming, has never thought of imparting some knowledge to ordinary people.

Or... they have no way to pass on more knowledge to ordinary people.

"Since Master has given me full responsibility, no matter what it is, as long as we can produce results, Master will not care."

After Jamie finished explaining, he stared at Rhea and suddenly asked curiously: "What is the method of fertilizing the fields you mentioned?"

"Use magic." Rhea simply introduced the method passed on by the Earth Mother Church: "You can use water containing magic to irrigate the earth, and then bury some magical beans with magic, so that you can achieve the effect of fertilizing the fields."

This knowledge actually involves some secrets of the Holy See, such as what combination of magic plants is more beneficial to the fields.

The output of farmland and food is something that all countries care about, so what he said is, in a sense, a betrayal of the church.

If someone reports him now, the Knight of Judgment will come out and kill him immediately.

However, Jamie didn't care much about what he said, but continued to ask:

"Have you ever thought that you can use animal and human feces to make fertilizer, and also achieve the effect of fertilizing the fields?"


Rhea's pupils shook instantly, and his expression twisted.

He blurted out instinctively: "How can those filthy things, this can only defile the body of Mother Earth and defile the pure and sacred fields!"


Jamie almost said something inappropriate, but fortunately he held back.

"But this is what Lord Cloya said." Jamie explained: "Lord Cloya said that if you want to turn vast fields into fertile soil that can grow crops, this method is a less costly method."

This is indeed what Cloya once said.

Because the outside world is different from Hanjiao Island, the latter can rely on the accumulation of various magic powers to achieve a perfect magic field, but the outside world cannot use this method.

The magic power to cover the vast fields of the outside world... is really an astronomical figure, and the crops planted in the outside world are mostly basic crops, which do not rely much on magic power.

Magic power is a nutrient for them, which is needed but not necessary.

So Cloya thought hard and found some methods of fertilizing the fields in his memory-the simplest method is to combine farmyard manure with some crops that can fertilize the fields.

He didn't know whether the bean magic plants in this world could complete the function of fertilizing the fields, so he thought about trying to plant them in combination.

That is, with a magic plant crop that can fertilize the fields as the core, plant more crops nearby.

But how to complete this combination is the task he assigned to Jamie.

At this time, Jamie didn't know that the priest in front of him knew the specific number and combination.

After hearing that this was a task arranged by Cloya, the former priest temporarily abandoned some of his disgust for "farmyard manure".

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that if this was true, it would be very difficult to put it into practice.

For example...

"How to collect it?" Rhea said helplessly: "Animal feces are fine, but how to collect human feces?"

"Do you want us to follow and pick it up?"


Jamie showed a strange expression again.

He asked in confusion: "Don't you know about toilets?"

When he said this, he looked up and down at the former priest, wondering if this guy really didn't go to the toilet?

Does he always relieve himself in the grass by the roadside? That's too dirty, even the five or six-year-old children on Hanjiao Island wouldn't do that.

"Of course I know." The former priest was very angry at such a look and retorted: "But..."

Just when he was about to say something, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he said with surprise: "Will you build a separate toilet for everyone?"

From beginning to end, he had never thought of the concept of public toilets.

I don't know why, Jamie suddenly felt some inexplicable sense of superiority, so he described some of the infrastructure built by Kloya to Rhea.

The latter was first unbelievable, then shocked, and in the end, only admiration was left in his heart.

"Master Kloya is actually... actually willing to build such facilities for ordinary people?"

It was really hard for him to imagine the existence of things like public toilets, bathrooms and cafeterias.

Logically speaking, he was well-informed, but even the Codex of the Holy See did not do such things, and even some of them could be seen everywhere on the streets... Hmm.

He just imagined the scene in his mind - neat and clean streets, people without odor and dirt, and places where food could be purchased at will.

That feeling made him restless and excited.

"Can I go to Hanjiao Island to have a look?"

Rhea rubbed his hands eagerly, wanting to see what Croa's territory looked like with his own eyes.

"No." Jamie refused decisively.

But he added: "If you do things well, Lord Croa should agree."

As soon as these words came out, a glimmer of expectation flashed in Rhea's eyes.

"Then follow Lord Croa's arrangement."

"We can build... a public toilet first."

"After that, I know some magic plants that can help crops grow in the fields. Lord Croa, please find some for me."

As he said this, he put one hand on his chest and saluted: "The work of teaching and imparting knowledge to the residents of Seagull Territory can only be handed over to you. I don't know what the specific situation is."

Once he accepted this task, he was a priest after all. He was best at preaching and arranging work, so of course he could do it well.

Jamie nodded: "I understand."

Although he was still dissatisfied with this guy, he would definitely take the initiative to communicate and cooperate with him when it came to serious matters.

Everything was to complete Croa's order.


After the two of them finished discussing.

The transformation plan for Seagull Territory began.

It is worth mentioning here that the original lord of Seagull Territory, a baron, had been sent to an island in the offshore area by Croa and other lords.

There were houses and land prepared for them on the island, as well as sufficient food supply and even some entertainment programs. The only drawback was that there was no freedom.

Kloya would never allow them to stay on their respective territories. If it affected what they were going to do, it would be very troublesome.

So for now, Jamie and Rhea are the bosses here, and of course no one will stop them from doing what they want to do.

At first, the farmers didn't understand what the white houses standing at the intersection were, nor did they understand the significance of building them.

In their opinion, this house was even more gorgeous than where they lived, and some even doubted whether this house would be where the honorable wizards would live.

After hearing this, the wizard apprentices who were working hard on the construction didn't know what to say. In addition to being funny, they also felt sad and fortunate.

What's funny is that they use the toilet as a residence; what's sad is that if Kloya hadn't taken them in; perhaps they would have such doubts, and fortunately they can help these people now.

The apprentices were all teenagers. After receiving Kloya's education, they inevitably had some unrealistic aspirations and naive fantasies.

For example, they wanted to make the northern territory where they were born look like the Hanjiao Island built by Kloya.

These were not contradictory to their maturity.

Kloya even supported their seemingly unrealistic fantasies. He often felt that the level of civilization in this world was extremely divided.

On one side was the wonderful and great magic civilization, and on the other side was an environment that was even more unbearable than the Middle Ages in his memory - it could even be said to be barbaric.

It was not that he was so saintly that he wanted to change the world, but that he wanted to make the world more pleasing to the eye.

At least he would not see people relieving themselves in the bushes when he went for a walk on the roadside, and he would not see some discordant things when he wanted to take a closer look at the beautiful scenery.

This was also a very difficult thing, so he needed people to help, and these magicians who studied under his education were the best helpers.

The apprentices were also following Kloya's instructions.

So they would not think it would be an insult to build toilets for a group of ordinary people.

With their efforts, the toilet was built quickly.

When they told the farmers what the toilet was for, the farmers were stunned with surprise.


"Master Mage, are you going to build a toilet for us?"

"God, is this true?"

The farmers entered the toilet carefully and saw the spotless floor and walls, and then saw the classic long row of squatting pits.

There was water flowing in it, which was received by the apprentices from a distance. They only needed to set up a small magic propulsion mechanism, and a six-pointed star magic crystal could be used for several months.

The pipes below were built by the earth-stealing rats and wind-eroded sandworms, and would be washed into a pool for easy access.

"So clean."

"How to use this?"

"Can we really use it?"

In the face of the farmers' cautious inquiries, an apprentice simply demonstrated how to use it himself - of course, it was just a pretense, and he didn't really do anything in front of everyone.

"You all see it, just squat here and then..."

"This way and this way..."

The apprentice's face was a little red, but he still described in detail how to use it.

After his demonstration, the farmers suddenly felt that the door to a new world had been opened, and they couldn't wait to try it.

For a while, all the pits were occupied.

The farmers obviously did not say that it was embarrassing to go to the toilet face to face, and they even discussed it with interest.

Hmm... this scene and smell.

After a short observation, the apprentices covered their noses and left the toilet, and walked away quickly, ready to continue construction in other places.

According to the plan, at least fifteen toilets must be built to meet the needs of Seagull Territory.

As for if there is a need later, the farmers will have to build them themselves, and it is reasonable to get paid by their own labor.


At the same time, on the other side.

The water of the Telai River was flowing, bringing magical moist water vapor to the land on both sides.

In the field, Rhea, carrying a hoe, was carefully planting several magic plants called "bump beans" bought by Cloya in the center of the field.

This magic plant was the magic plant he asked Cloya to buy, and it was one of the magic plants used by the Holy See to fertilize the fields.

It cannot be eaten, but the tumors at the roots will grow very large and can exist in the soil for a long time.

Although the Church does not know why they can fertilize the fields, they have been using them.

And Jamie is also busy around with his apprentices.

According to Cloya's request, the initial plan is to conduct experiments on three acres of land to see how effective the magic planting fertilizer is, and then expand the area.

Of course, the rest of the land is also being reclaimed one after another, and there are worker bees and golems there to help.

Now the Terai River will never flood, nor will it wash away the fields on both sides, so it is best to reclaim the land directly by the river.

The fields are planted with corn and potatoes that Cloya bought from Estner. These two are the most common staple foods and are usually included in meals.

Planting these ordinary crops is the first time for the apprentices. They are a little uncomfortable at first, because in their opinion, these crops are a little too "delicate".

These corn seeds need to be soaked in water first, and then they need to wait for them to germinate before being taken to the land for sowing. It also depends on the weather and temperature, and the thickness of the soil layer when planting...

Potatoes are similar, very troublesome.

To be honest, they have planted quite a few magic plants on Hanjiao Island, and they have never been so embarrassed.

Because the magic plants require more magic power from the environment, and the magic power concentration of the environment on Hanjiao Island can be said to be a paradise for magic plants, and there is no need to work hard at all.

You don’t even have to worry about when to sow or the depth of the soil.

In comparison, corn and potatoes are very delicate!

But what they don’t know is that, let alone their shock, even the priest of the Mother Earth, Rhea, is confused-this, is this really the corn and potatoes I have planted?

Rhea didn’t dare to ask, thinking it was a brand new technology. It was already amazing that Kloya was kind enough to let him see it, so how could he dare to have any questions?

Both parties didn’t know that these were actually some memories of Kloya’s previous life. In fact, he didn’t know whether this method would work in this world, so he had to try it.

That is why, under the circumstances that both parties were very entangled and strange, the reclamation and planting of the fields were progressing steadily.

It was surprisingly smooth.

In just over ten days, with the experimental field as the center, a field of one hundred acres was formed on both sides of the Terai River.

The golems and people were busy in the fields, planting all the corn and potatoes.

Although it still looks like a dark piece of land now, it will become lush and full of corn and potatoes in the near future.

Farmers strictly follow Cloya's requirements and use farmyard manure and river water flowing from the beaver dam to irrigate the land moderately.

Every day, apprentices send the soil to the laboratory on Hanjiao Island for testing, so that the emotional plants can sense whether the land is suitable for taking root.

This work will continue until the most suitable data is obtained.

Cloya also arranged some magical beasts such as black-feathered chickens to patrol the fields to prevent insects from threatening these fresh new shoots.

They hold their heads high like generals, without any desire for the fresh new shoots, staring at the little insects with a pair of eyes, and peck them with thunder as soon as they see them.

With their help, naturally no insects can threaten the new sprouts.

Humans, golems and monsters all worked harmoniously in the field, taking care of the small, new sprouts.

They all looked forward to the crops growing smoothly.

Time passed slowly.

One morning, a dusty team arrived at the field.

The leader was a young man with golden hair, and the breeze blew his hair like undulating wheat waves.

Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, ... more next month!

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