I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 208 208 Another Possibility of Miracle Magic

Chapter 208 208. Another possibility of spectacle magic

"When I received your invitation, I actually had the idea of ​​refusing."

Miffin looked at Cloya very sincerely: "The kingdom has almost given up on the North. Even the Heraldry Academy and the Mage Association have no intention of developing it."

"Even the current president of the Mage Association, Estner, doesn't know about this."

"Is that so." Cloya nodded slightly and began to think.

This is really unheard of.

Even if the North is a little bit remote, the kingdom will not give up such a large territory directly.

After a brief thought, Cloya realized that this was an olive branch given to him by the other party.

If he could really understand the reason, it might be of great help to him in controlling the North.

So he asked: "Why."

Miffin did not answer him directly, but stretched out a hand mysteriously-the boy's hand was slender and white, with distinct joints, but if you look closely, you can see many calluses on the fingertips, which gives a strange feeling of being both young and experienced.

And there was a strange mark in the center of his palm.

It was a yellowish earth ball, with rolling mountains and endless plains and hills on the surface. Almost all landforms can be found on it.

"Please look at a dream."

Along with Miphiyin's voice, the mark transmitted a magic power, forming a light curtain in front of Cloya.

But what appeared in the light curtain was a vast field with tall wheat. As the breeze blew, the wheat moved with the wind to form wheat waves.

The wheat ears were hanging, and they were quite full at first glance, looking like flowing gold. The whole world was such endless wheat waves, like a world of wheat.

"It's beautiful." Cloya praised, and then asked curiously: "Show me what these are for?"


Miphiyin stared at the light curtain for a while, then looked at Cloya, and his face flashed with obvious confusion and at a loss.

Finally, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The look he gave Croa was like he was looking at a rare treasure. His eyes were so hot that he thought this guy had some strange ideas about him.

The blond boy retracted his palm and said solemnly: "Since you have invited me, then..."

"My followers and I will help you sow and harvest in the North, so that the gold representing the harvest will cover the earth."

"My promise to you will last into the infinite future. I swear by the land and mountains of the Mother Goddess until the day when the transformation of the North is completely completed."

This is a very solemn promise, and it is also an unlimited promise, because it is not easy to transform the entire North, and it may take an extremely long time.

But he felt that this was the revelation of the Mother Goddess. The dream of the Mother Goddess was clearly a wasteland before, with only the faint sunlight flashing in the North, but after coming here, a harvest scene suddenly appeared.

So... this must be the revelation of the Mother Goddess to him!

This land should not be abandoned! He will help Croa make this land full of vitality.

Faced with Mifiin's sudden solemn promise, Cloya was a little confused.

Didn't he just say that he would show him the reason why the kingdom gave up the North? Why did he suddenly start to promise?

The jump was really fast, even he was stunned for a moment.

However, since the other party made such a solemn promise in the name of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, he certainly would not refuse. With the help of such a son of harvest and bishop, his transformation of the North would definitely go smoothly.

Besides, this guy is a member of the Norlant royal family. Even if there are some things in the future, maybe he can help.

However, he still asked curiously: "You haven't told me why the kingdom gave up the North."

Mifiin shook his head mysteriously: "It has changed, so I won't mention the past.

Please believe me."

Since the words "believe" were mentioned, Cloya shook his head and didn't ask any more.

Anyway, it has been determined to ask the other party for help, so Cloya's methods and plans for seed cultivation must be revealed to the other party.

"Okay, then please come with me. I will tell you my method and plan for seed cultivation."

"Okay." Mifeiyin was looking forward to it.

So, Cloya took him back to the seed cultivation room.

He pointed to the white vines and said, "The predecessor of this thing is a magic plant called Green Liquid Vine.

They will exude some liquid to supply the surrounding magic plants, which contains some nutrients needed for plant growth.

According to my research, this nutrient will speed up the rooting and germination of seeds, and can help them grow better in the early stage.

Compared with seeds that have not been soaked, crops that have been soaked in the vine liquid of the Green Liquid Vine have a huge difference in growth rate and resistance to the outside world."

Of course, there are some things Cloya still didn't say.

This thing is engraved with a magic called "Water Condensation into Soup" in the advanced version of the meal making technique, so there are so many nutritious soups.

"So that's it. This should also be your improvement. I can't imagine how much energy and effort you have put into it."

"You are someone who really loves magic plants and crops..."

Mifein is also an expert in planting, and of course he knows how much effort it takes to cultivate a magic plant.

Especially this kind of tendentious cultivation requires even more energy.

Therefore, he greatly admired Croya's efforts in cultivating crops in this way, and he did not hesitate to praise him.

Croya was a little embarrassed when he heard this - he really didn't spend much energy, that is... one minute?

Anyway, once the engraving is completed, you're done.

He waved his hand modestly: "It didn't take much energy."

"You are so humble."

Miffy stopped praising and reached out to touch the nutritious soup in which the seeds were soaked. After dipping a little, he put it directly into his mouth and tasted it, then smashed it in his mouth.

Then he nodded and said: "There is indeed the material needed for the seeds, but strangely, there is no magic power in it."

After answering this question, he pointed to the seeds and tubers placed on the gauze.

Curious: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​soaking seeds and tubers in this liquid? Have you tried it before?"

You really drink.

Croya withdrew his speechless gaze and explained: "I did not study this. I also stood on the shoulders of those who came before me."

"I once got a handbook that recorded some methods. After I tried it, I found that it really worked, so I kept using it."

"But I don't really understand what the principle is."

He said to Mifein sincerely: "I hope you can help me figure out the principle behind this."

To be honest, he didn't have much knowledge about agriculture before traveling through time, so it was not easy to find some.

It would be too difficult for him to tell him the complete principle. This kind of thing should be left to professionals who are willing to do it.

He only provided an idea, and the subsequent development and relationship with alchemy and magic will need to wait for time to be verified.

After all, this world is a magical world.

There may be some optimization methods specific to magic.

"I am now very sure that you are really a humble person." Mifein smiled: "You are so generous in sharing your knowledge with me, and I will definitely try my best to help you with your research."

"By the way, I have some seeds here that may be suitable for planting in the northern land."

He took out some seeds from his space magic device.

These are some round, white and plump seeds that look very cute. Each one is about the size of Cloya’s thumb.


Croya still recognized this crop and was a little excited.

Peanuts are a good thing.

This thing is not only rich in nutrients, can be used as fertilizer, and can also be used to extract oil. The most important thing is that Croya has never bought peanut seeds so far.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce only sells plants related to magic, and they don't sell common crops at all; Estner has also bought all the crops that can be obtained.

But I have never seen peanuts before, and I don’t know why. It seems that this crop does not exist.

Of course this was abnormal, so he asked Mifein: "I also tried to find peanuts, but strangely I couldn't find them. Why is that?"

"Because they can extract oil." Mifein handed the handful of peanuts to Croya: "The oil extracted from peanuts can only be consumed by nobles, so the outflow of this crop is strictly restricted."


Is it just because it can extract oil?

Croya really didn't know about this, and no one told him.

Thinking about it carefully, the oil he consumed after arriving here was first the soybean oil that Rob bought from the merchant Sesul, then olive oil, and now it has been replaced by sunflower oil.

Peanut oil has never been present.

"There are several crops that can extract oil. Why are peanuts so special?" He became more and more confused and puzzled.

Miffin said in an aria-like voice: "Growing in the soil, lush as fruits on trees, as white and flawless as babies - they are the children of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Only those who are approved by the Mother Goddess can plant them. ”

"In the entire Norant Kingdom, only the two dukes and the Royal Norant family can consume the oil squeezed from peanuts."

Croya blinked and instantly understood why.

It turns out that the Church of the Mother Earth has a monopoly.

He said that although Peanut was a little bit special, it was not really that special. The co-authorship gave it a religious character.

It’s just that when pressing oil, don’t you have to crush peanuts? If this is the descendant of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, wouldn’t it be...

Not sure if his expression was too strange, Miffy looked at Croya doubtfully for a while before continuing to ask Croya about his plan.

The two chatted very seriously and carefully about this matter for a while.

After learning about Croya's plan, the successor of Harvest Reiki expressed his willingness to take the initiative to monitor changes in crops.

And he also took out a treasure from the church.

It was a round golden ball with grains of wheat ears on it.

"What's this?"

In this thing, Croya actually felt a natural aura that was very close to a beaver's dam, and he immediately became interested.

Is this thing also some kind of wonder magic? Or does it involve wonder magic?

Miffin explained:

"This is a holy artifact made of Earth Crystal, which contains the divine patterns engraved by me and the descendant of the previous harvest spirit."

"It allows you to communicate with nature, integrate into nature for a short time, and face the consciousness of the former."

"When I came here, I saw the dam of the gray-toothed beaver in the water being built, which has the blessing and favor of nature."

"So I thought..."

Miffin handed the ball to Cloya: "Please plant wheat, I will help you so that they can also be favored by nature."

Obviously he didn't know about "wonder magic", but he had a vague concept and called it "nature's favor."

But Cloya immediately understood what he meant--

Use wheat to do wonder magic?

Cloya took the ball and thought seriously about the possibility of this kind of thing.

He stared at the ball and thought of some of his research findings on the beaver dam and the magic pattern of the wonder magic.

The reason why the beaver dam became a wonder magic was, first, because of his participation, second, because the beavers' dam was helpful to the Terai River, and third, because the pink dolphins had a favorable impression of the Terai River.

These three conditions combined to eventually lead to the construction of the beaver dam.

Among them, the Terai River was more concerned about the impact and transformation of the beaver dam on the river.

If the existence of the beaver dam was recognized by the Terai River because it gradually transformed the surrounding environment with its own magic power.

Then, how can wheat transform the surrounding environment?

Or what should they do to get the recognition of nature and obtain this blessing and favor.

If they can get blessings and favors, it should become a special wonder magic.

If Cloya guessed correctly, this should be the root of the wonder magic involving nature. If it can be studied thoroughly, it can even build wonder magic according to his ideas.

After thinking about it, Cloya decided to reveal some information to Mifeiyin to see if he could get some inspiration from him.

After all, they are believers of the Earth Mother, maybe they know something?

"I have some discoveries about the beaver dam..."

"It seems that the reason why it is favored by nature is because of its existence. It not only helps the Telai River to purify itself, but also takes care of the surrounding aquatic monsters."

"What should Maizi do?"

All the information he said can be seen. As for the deeper things about the imprint... that's needless to say.

And Miffy was thoughtful after hearing what Cloya said. As the bishop of the Church of the Earth Mother, he quickly thought of a way.

"According to my guess, the beaver dam is already a part of the earth, and it is also a part that is beneficial to the earth.

But it itself belongs to nature. Whether it is the gray-toothed beaver or the dam, it has become special after your transformation.

So I think how to integrate the creation into the scope of nature and become a part of the Mother Goddess should be the most important point."

Hearing this, Cloya's mind turned rapidly and an idea suddenly emerged.

Maybe... the second wonder magic has been settled.

Thank you for the reward from Xianlaijian Xia Da Lao and the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the big guys~

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