I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 235 235 Leave the matter to the subordinates and hold the banquet

Chapter 235 235. Leave the matter to the subordinates, let's have a party


Kroya's first reaction was surprise. This guy could actually land on his shoulder silently.

How is it possible?

When a mage comes to an unknown and potentially dangerous place, he will put up a magic shield, and he will cast the magic shield at all costs.

Of course, he is no exception.

Such a powerful magic shield can still allow this guy to approach and even lick him. Are you kidding?


The black cat on his shoulder saw that he didn't respond and called again.

Thanks to the power of the Communication of All Things, Kroya understood what it meant - the first human who came into its body.

Kroya has always been confused about why these monsters only made a cry, and why the Communication of All Things can give such a complicated explanation.

He has learned other druid communication magics, but this situation has never happened before, and the translated content is vague.

Maybe this is the special feature of legendary spells.

He thought like this, and he didn't feel nervous at all, because this black cat had no hostility towards him at all.

He even had the mood to reach out and touch the soft and smooth fur of the black cat on his shoulder, and said calmly: "You are the plane spirit of this plane, right?"

It was able to ignore his magic shield directly, and even he couldn't see through the magic fluctuations. The most important thing was that he had seen the words "plane spirit" through the Astral Body Imprinting Technique.

Of course, the plane can produce spirituality, but it is generally a small plane. It is basically impossible for a large plane to produce spirituality.

Now he is not surprised to see these abnormal guys, after all, he has seen a lot of them.

He responded with a "meow".

The black cat licked his cheek happily, and then began to "meow meow meow meow meow meow meow".

Kloya still didn't know how the All Things Communication Technique could translate this series of "meows" with different tones at most.

But the general meaning is: it wants Cloya to help light up all the lanterns in this world, so that there will be a concept of day and night here in some time periods.

When light and darkness meet, a very special magic material will be born.

Well, it stops here.

It didn't say what the magic material was, but just "meow meow meow" to indicate that it would definitely satisfy Cloya. Some elves were so happy here before.

Cloya felt speechless and helpless for this guy who didn't say much.

But it is undeniable that he was indeed curious, and there were still a few hours before the evening banquet.

He also began to study the specific situation here tentatively.

After a short trial, he finally found out... this world seemed to have no concept of "sunlight" at all.

Even the four-color magic he released, which was close to the sunlight, could not exist for a long time in this world. You know, there is eternal magic in it!

But those strange tombstone-eating trees would become more active under the sunlight he released, and the speed of devouring tombstones would exceed the speed of tombstone growth.

The strange lanterns farther away are also a kind of magic plant, called "Dark Lantern Flower". When exposed to sunlight, they absorb light and become brighter.

The light it emits can dispel darkness very well, and it is the only light source in the world that can exist for a long time.

After Cloya took great effort to make it light for a while, the tombstone-like magic plants growing around the lanterns were actually swallowed alive by itself.

After the strange magic plant above the tombstone swallowed its body, it fell to the ground and became rotten, and a touch of gorgeous color appeared in the gray-white dust.

It was a gradient color that was particularly dazzling in the dark.

From golden red, orange yellow, violet to the last fiery red, it was like the sunset glow that gradually changed after the sun set, especially vivid and three-dimensional.

It was like really cutting off the light of the sunset glow.

It exuded abundant magic power. According to Cloya's perception, it should be a third-level magic power fluctuation.

According to the "Classification of Magic Materials", the level can be determined to be level three, but how much specific effect it can have, it still needs to be tested.

"Is this one of the two level three magic materials mentioned by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce? Let me see what it is used for."

He was about to pick it up to see, but the black cat squatting on his shoulder suddenly "wowed" and swallowed the gradual sunset into his mouth.

"You guy!" Kloya was speechless.

The black cat completely ignored Kloya's complaints and chewed the light of the sunset slowly like chewing candy.

As it continued to chew, a small flower like a wheat ear suddenly grew beside Kloya.

It is composed of many slender petals arranged closely, and the petals are staggered and full of the beauty of natural rhythm. The small stamens are hidden deep in the petals, emitting golden light.

"Golden spike flower."

I don't know what happened. Seeing such a small flower appear in an environment like the underworld, he felt very inconsistent and abrupt.

What's even more strange is that nothing happened after these little flowers grew out. They just grew there quietly. No matter how Cloya asked the black cat, it didn't answer.

He just urged Croya to continue using the lamp to speed up the devouring of those tombstones.

Croya curled his lips and left here without hesitation.

Just kidding, he still has a lot to do.

Although this place is very special, it is not worthy of him spending ten days and a half here to work as a laborer to renovate the place.

Since only sunlight is needed to light the lamps here, why not just bring the sun grass? It is better to leave the matters here to his subordinates.

Therefore, after he left here, he immediately called an apprentice who usually performed well.

This person was not brought to Hanjiao Island in the wind and snow, but the heir of those nobles. As nobles, there are still some smart people.

The young man who was bowing his head respectfully in front of him now looked to be at most fourteen or fifteen years old, with a very immature appearance.

His father is that Baron Andy.

After the poor baron was tortured to death by the mammon flower vine, he saw it behave like a puppy in front of Croya.

Since then, he has lost the idea of ​​going against Croya.

Baron Andy quickly transferred everything to Croya, and took the initiative to help Croya quickly control his territory, saving a lot of trouble.

Seeing that he was so understanding and played a good leading role, Croya generously gave him a relatively free treatment.

To be honest, liking to have fun is sometimes a good thing. At least the treatment Croya gave these nobles had never experienced.

Whether it is tap water that can be accessed at any time, lights that can be turned on in the evening or at night, clean showers and toilets, and a temperature-regulating magic circle that feels like spring all year round.

It's very attractive to them.

With the temptation of Baron Andy being the first to enjoy the benefits, they were soon willing to help Croa take over their territory.

Croya was quite satisfied, so he waved his hand and promised Baron Andy that his son could enter his training camp as an apprentice.

Unexpectedly, the son of the baron worked much harder, was much more motivated, and was much smarter than his father.

Not only is he not arrogant because of his status as the son of a noble, but he also often mingles with farm boys from various places in the north, and his popularity and training results are both good.

So Croya chose him to do this.


"I'll leave it to you this time."

He patted Ka Xiu on the shoulder and expressed his expectations.

Poor Ka Xiu had never faced Croya before, and when he was suddenly patted on the shoulder by Croya, he almost fainted with excitement.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will do a good job!"

He even started to stutter when he spoke.

Croya looked amused, and became interested in having fun. He simply had food delivered to him, and while eating, he told him about the situation he discovered and his general plan.

Kaxiu was even more excited to receive such solemn treatment, his face was as red as a shrimp, and his hands were shaking even after eating.

In the end, Croya's bad intentions were satisfied, and he handed over access to the Sungrass Nursery to Card Xiu, waving his hand so that he could choose someone to try.

Now he has enough capital to try and make mistakes, so he doesn't mind whether the other party can do it well. At worst, he will find a few more people to continue trying.

In his mind, many people just lack an opportunity to express themselves, and he is happy to give such opportunities to these people in as equal a manner as possible.

Of course, he still observed it for a while.

Card Xiu had no fear after entering the world shrouded in darkness. First, he and his companions planted the sun grass that had been integrated with the energy storage tree.

They have all been educated in magic knowledge and have the materials in hand to be able to draw some basic magic patterns.

With the sun grass as the core, they first built a residence, and then began to lay and draw magic patterns around it. This was completely different from Croya's method of breaking it with force, emphasizing a steady attack.

Soon, magic crystal slabs made of magic crystal were laid around the sun grass, extending all the way to the lamps.

The astral crystal coating on the outside of the magic crystal slab can prevent external forces from affecting the magic operation inside to the greatest extent, and can be smoothly injected into the dim lamplight.

In this way, while laying pipes, they recorded the maximum range that the light emitted by each dim erigeron flower could affect, striving to never waste any magic power.

After all, even the sun grass is suppressed and wilted in such an environment. If you want it to be effective all the time, you definitely need to let it rest.

These apprentices even began to measure the surrounding magic changes with the help of the tower spirit clones, trying to find the most suitable time period to activate the Sun Grass.

And all of this was just a plan they discussed in just one hour, which shows that their ability to act is really strong.

Seeing how awesome the apprentices were, Croya felt relieved. He looked at the sunset gradually setting outside, and the magnificent sunset shone on the horizon.

This is his birthday.

It's his own birthday, not the birthday of the original owner of this world.

He sat by the window and stared blankly at the sky for a while, then moved his gaze downwards and saw the outer island where the birthday party had been decorated.

The colorful lights and magic creations were as dazzling as a rainbow; the walking magic plants ran happily with the magic beasts; all the apprentices who could make it back came back, and they and the islanders were waiting for the fireworks to rise from the Mage Tower in the center of the island.

There were not many people, just over a thousand.

Because there were very few islanders who could get the residence permit of Hanjiao Island, most of them were people who had been working hard during the development period of Hanjiao Island.

"Let's get started."

After taking a deep breath, he ordered the tower spirit.

The moment the voice fell, four-color beams burst out from the sunflowers arranged around the Mage Tower.

They flew into the sky with a "whoosh", exploded with a "boom" in the sky, and released all kinds of colors contained in them.

The sky suddenly became a painting curtain, allowing the colors sprayed out by the sunflowers to paint - the sun, the earth, the ocean, the continuous flower fields and grasslands...

Everyone was stunned and stared at the sky stupidly.

After the fireworks exploded, some tiny lights fell from the sky like meteors, from few to many, and soon formed a spectacular meteor shower.

These clear lights fell from the sky and fell on everyone. As long as they were covered by these lights, they felt energetic.

Mi Feiyin was naturally in it. He reached out to catch a tiny starlight, and the corner of his mouth rose: "This is the Starlight Blessing Scroll of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Cloya is really willing to give it up."

The so-called Starlight Blessing Scroll is a very advanced blessing magic. Ordinary people who accept starlight into their bodies will be free of illness and disaster for a long time, and even have the ability to improve vitality, that is, the ability to prolong life.

The extraordinary people will improve their strength, and for the extraordinary people below level three, it even has a powerful effect of improving their strength by 10% to 20%.

You know... this is a group blessing. Each Starlight Blessing Scroll has a limit on the number of people, and now there is no idea how many of these falling stars are needed.

Cloya is really willing to give it up!

After the fireworks, huge waves suddenly rose in the originally calm sea around Hanjiao Island. Although they were violent, they did not affect Hanjiao Island in the slightest.

They just gradually expanded and extended, and finally covered the entire Hanjiao Island. The light of the moon and the water vapor of the ocean all fell in at this moment.

The mermaid prince Treden held a flower like a dog's tail in his hand, stood on the waves, and waved it vigorously towards Hanjiao Island.

The magic power of the ocean poured down.

His still somewhat childish voice sounded:

"Godfather Croa."

"This is my gift to you."

"As long as they are still willing to be your people, they can breathe and swim freely in the Atlantis Sea and any ocean in the entire Semrio continent, and get unlimited fish!"

Everyone was enveloped by the magic power wielded by the mermaid prince, and was given the "Blue Sea Blessing".

Croa appeared from the top of the Mage Tower and smiled at the mermaid prince: "Thank you~"

Treden smiled, threw the dogtail grass in his hand, no, the grass of wisdom, and ran to Croa.

This is not over yet.

The wave raised by the mermaid prince had just fallen, and the grass and the earth on the Reef Island surged with terrifying magic.

The magic that the Earth Mother Goddess, the Oak of Orpheus, spent a year guiding with the Northland broke out at this moment.

The Oak of Orpheus stood proudly on the surging soil and said loudly: "Friend Croa, in the Northland, your territory and all the people will be free from the threat of wild beasts, and the seeds you plant will get double the harvest!"

The blue and silver of the ocean and moonlight had just dissipated, and the earthy yellow magic belonging to the earth enveloped everyone.

Croa thanked again: "My friend the oak tree, you will always have a place in my world!"

The face of the bark of the Orpheus oak tree did not change, but the mood was extremely happy, and small flowers bloomed on its head.

But this is not the end.

After the khaki light descended, the sky shone with a holy platinum light, and eight shadows with huge winged angels behind them could be vaguely seen.

Since they appeared, the platinum light formed a circle after another, surrounding the entire Hanjiao Island, and vaguely saw the shape of a four-leaf clover.

One of the angels spoke, and his voice was extremely sacred: "May your people not suffer from spring, summer, autumn and winter; may your people not be disturbed by diseases; may your people enjoy joy in dreams; may your people enjoy peace in the light of the sun."

After saying this, He actually flapped his wings and fell from the sky, scattering countless feathers made of light, and came directly to Croa.

Just like many times before, the only difference is that this time He is two heads taller than Cloya, making Cloya look a little petite.

So when he kissed Cloya's forehead, Cloya always felt very strange. He whispered, "Is it really okay?"

"Of course."

The angel blinked: "Don't worry, the filthy light is still sleeping. Even if the Holy See of Light knows about this, they will only be in awe of you."

"Because, these angels were originally copied from the ring, and they died in the distant past."

He blinked and flapped his wings to leave.

From then on, the blessings from the ocean, the earth and the sky were complete.

People couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

This was too exaggerated. It was the first time they had seen so many miraculous powers.

After a long time, they finally came back to their senses and began to present birthday gifts to their most beloved lord.

The gifts were varied, including handmade crafts, captured and collected magical beasts and magical plants, as well as some gems and pearls from the sea...

In short, they were all the treasures they thought were the most solemn and exquisite.

Even the elves he raised and the mermaids in the sea came to offer gifts.

It was very lively.

Kroya accepted all the gifts.

"Let's start!"

And he waved his hand to start the banquet, and all kinds of food were brought up like water.

There were fruits and vegetables that had just been picked, meat from land, fish from the river, magical beasts from the sea, and even mushrooms from the ground.

Even the king could not enjoy these foods so casually, but here they came up like water, and you could take and eat them at will.

People enjoy themselves to their heart's content, without worrying about anything, just revel.

The banquet lasted a whole day and night, during which Kloya was also immersed in the pleasant experience of chatting with friends and enjoying delicious food.

As for the future, of course, we will talk about it later.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ I heard a reader friend suggest to divide it into volumes, so I will divide it into volumes~ The next chapter will start the plot from desert infrastructure to mainland infrastructure.

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