I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 31 31Suddenly Ripened Barley

Chapter 31 31.Suddenly ripe barley

The next morning, after waking up, Cloya always felt that his mental power seemed to have increased a little, and he slept very soundly.

Although he would also slowly improve his magic power and mental power on weekdays, this time it was obviously improved a bit more.

One night is at least equivalent to three days of improvement.

He glanced at his room strangely, stayed on the essential oil lamp hanging from the ceiling for a moment, and then looked at the crescent-shaped fruit.

"If you want to say that it's strange, it's you. Are you playing a role?"

Cloya got up and looked at the crescent fruit again and again, but he didn't find anything strange. He was confused and decided to sleep later tonight.

In order to avoid any problems with this thing when he left, he simply put it into the storage magic tool given by the mermaid and carried it with him.

Then he put on his clothes, tidied up, took his staff and left the room, and arrived at the first floor of the castle.

At this time, two girls in white clothes were waiting at the stairs. When they saw him coming down, they immediately bowed respectfully.

"Master Mage!"

"Excuse me, do you need to eat now?"

They had obviously been trained. Their manners and actions were no different from the maids trained by the Mage Association in the capital. At most, they were a little unfamiliar.

But overall, they were okay. They didn't look around and didn't show any inappropriate thoughts and actions. In the capital, there were many maids with unclear relationships with magicians.

To be honest, Cloya admired people who wanted to make progress, but the premise was that you needed to show your value. If you were capable, he certainly didn't mind giving some resources to cultivate you.

But the premise was that you were capable.

"Let's eat now." He said this and walked towards the restaurant.

Soon, today's breakfast was brought up by the maids.

It turned out to be milk, brown bread and a grilled fish fillet.

The bread looked fluffy and smelled sweet with milk, which surprised Cloya a little.

Today's bread seems to be baked well.

The main food in this world is bread. As a lord, he can of course eat white bread. But to be honest, the bread some time ago was quite exaggerated, neither fluffy nor soft.

Compared with the bread before the time travel, it is completely different.

But that was also white, why did it turn black today, no, a little brown?

He picked it up and took a bite in confusion.


As a result, the bread this time was unexpectedly delicious, soft in the mouth, sweet in taste, and paired with the slightly salty and spicy grilled fish fillet, it was just right.

It tasted better than bread made from refined white flour, and it was obviously the difference in raw materials.

He was quite satisfied with this meal.

This kind of staple food does taste a little more satisfying than eating seafood alone.

After finishing the bread and drinking the milk, he took the napkin handed over by the maid and wiped his mouth, and asked with satisfaction: "Did you change the chef today?"

The little maid hurriedly replied respectfully: "Master Mage, today we use the bread made from the Poseidon barley you brought."

Poseidon barley?

I have only been here for more than a month, how come it is ripe? How come I don't know.

"Go and call Robert." He did not continue to ask the little maid, and planned to ask Robert directly.

"Okay." The little maid turned and left immediately.

After a while, Robert came over, saluted and smiled: "Master Cloya, the Poseidon barley you brought is growing well, and for some reason, the first crop has matured.

Yesterday I used some methods to dry it overnight, and I tried it without any problems, so I baked bread for you today."

"Drying overnight... Didn't you use the low-level magic scroll sold by Serul?"

"Yes, you deserve it." Robert bowed slightly.

The scroll of drying spell is a common scroll spell. Since it is easy to make, many of them are available.

It is not rare for Seliu to have one.

Kloya did not pay much attention to it, but asked curiously:

"I don't know why?"

He frowned: "If I had configured the magic potion, it should have matured quickly, but I did not intervene... Forget it, I will go and see."

Looking at Robert's expression, it is clear that he does not understand what is going on.

It is better to go and see it yourself.

Robert also thinks so. The barley was found to be mature yesterday. After checking that there is no poison, it was hurriedly ground and made into bread today.

This kind of barley brought from the capital is indeed different from ordinary barley. The baked bread is fluffy and soft, which is completely different from ordinary bread.

It was given to Kloya as breakfast as soon as possible.

He knew that Kloya was tortured by the unpalatable food on the island during this period.

Before leaving, Kloya also asked the three teenagers from last night to follow him. Robert was a little surprised and felt that the three people were lucky.

If they could catch Cloya's eye, they might become the best in the future on the Reef Island - of course, the premise is that they can satisfy Cloya all the time.


Just like that,

the five of them came to the place where Poseidon barley was planted, which was a silver-white beach on the seashore.

The sun shone, and the silver-white and light blue intertwined, which was very beautiful.

The reefs are densely covered, forming a fence-like barrier. At night, the seawater will flow in due to the high tide, and during the day, it will block the seawater.

Ensure that the seawater in that area always maintains an average line.

In the seawater, there grows lush barley that is half a person tall and has a slightly blue appearance.

The ears of wheat are hanging heavy, almost full to the naked eye, and it doesn't look like they have grown for only a month.

Theoretically, it takes sixty days for the sea god barley cultivated by the wizard to mature - that is, half the time of ordinary barley.

Now it's only a month.

And it's already mature?

Kroya was very puzzled, so he simply walked into the wheat field and used magic and astral body engraving to feel the situation of these barleys.

As a result, he found that the growth of these barleys was very natural, without any signs of being ripened by magic, and the astral body was also very stable.

The only strange thing is that the natural magic inside is somewhat full. It stands to reason that this kind of ordinary crop that is not even a magic plant should not have much natural magic.

There must be a reason for the abnormality.

He has sensed the sea and land here. There is no overflowing natural magic, so the only remaining factor is human factors.

He returned to the shore and said to Robert: "Who usually takes care of these barleys?"

The latter hurriedly said: "I have checked. Usually Russell and the Okros family take care of them. It is said that they once farmed for a viscount before they came to the island."

"Let them come. Remember, all the family members must come." Kroya patted his clothes and sat on a flat stone beside him with a faint expression.

As a lord, his requirements are naturally absolute.

So it didn't take long for eight frightened servants to be brought over. Only four of them were adults, and the others were children aged seven or eight and teenagers.

They knelt down and saluted Kloya in a panic, their bodies trembling as if they were going to the gallows.

They didn't know why Kloya wanted them here, but the magician's mood swings were deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In their eyes, if Kloya, the magician lord, wanted to embarrass them, he could make their whole family disappear into the sea with just a word.

Kloya didn't care about their expressions, but just focused his magic power on his eyes and squinted to check carefully. Finally, his eyes stopped on a little girl with her head down, but her hair was golden.

Her hair... was not ordinary golden.

It was golden, like the waves of rice and wheat in autumn, representing a good harvest, and he had heard of this kind of golden color at the Mage Association.

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