I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 49 49 Magic Field Grapevine (Please read it later)

Chapter 49 49. Magic Field Grapevines (Seeking to Read Later)

It took Cloya quite a while to count the harvest.

Because these were not just simple magic plants, they also came with a thick description - a brief description of planting.

In order to ensure that I had enough understanding of their characteristics, of course I had to read them carefully and not be careless.

Among them, the descriptions of the Anshen Lily and Thick Soil Potato were relatively less.

The Magic Field Grapevines surprised Cloya.

It is a very rare elemental magic plant, very similar to the sunflower formed by coincidence, and is constructed with elements to form a physical body.

Generally speaking, the growth cycle of elemental magic plants can be extremely long or extremely short, mainly depending on whether enough magic power can be provided for its rapid growth.

In the magic world, elemental magic plants are generally only played by great magicians. Ordinary mages don't have time to practice themselves, so how can they have extra magic power to feed magic plants?

But Cloya is still good. He plans to divide a part of the magic power of the sunflower to irrigate it, so that it can grow at a slightly faster rate.

Anyway, I have said that I can't sell too much, and there is no way to get more pure magic power for the time being, so I might as well use it.

If it doesn't work, I will order the grape vines to grow into the sea. The magic power in the sea water is definitely enough.

Its effect is peculiar - its roots can replace the roots transformed by magic crystals and extend to a very far range; the grown grapes can continue to drip some corresponding elemental magic liquid, and cooperate with the roots to transform the land in a two-pronged way.

According to the description, it will also branch out from a main vine into six branch vines during its growth, and each branch can be injected with different elemental magic power to achieve the effect of transforming different lands.

In other words, water magic fields, fire magic fields, ice magic fields... as long as there is magic power supply, it can be transformed.

After reading it, Kroya couldn't help but sigh: "It's a very magical plant, its characteristics are simply born to transform the land..."

He read the instructions carefully, picked up the box containing the small grape seedlings, and gently used magic power to break the mark of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce that was rotating on it, and the box immediately opened by itself with a "click".

Inside was a small grape seedling that was dark blue and somewhat translucent. It was rooted in a strange emerald green soil and looked energetic.

"This soil... How can there be a wave that is so similar to the power of the Earth Mother Goddess, but not as strange as the power of the Mother Goddess..."

He scratched his hair and felt strange.

According to the description, this is a special kind of magic soil that can ensure the basic rooting and sprouting of the magic field vines.

The range is about one acre.

The rest is unknown.

Unable to see anything, Kloya could only give up thinking deeply and try to use his golden finger.

The result did not work.

"Can't the star spirit body also?"

This made him a little disappointed, but only a little. Kloya put him down and opened another box.

"Let me see what a jellyfish is."

This box is made of a blue-green stone, and it contains a handful of clear water. It is really extremely clear and pure.

"Pure water from the water element plane?" Kloya squinted and looked at it, and did not feel anything in the water at all. I can only follow what the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce said and slowly inject my magic power into it.

A small body immediately appeared in the empty water, which was the very common translucent umbrella-shaped jellyfish.

It floated gently in the pure water and sent a somewhat puzzled consciousness to Kloya - this consciousness was very straightforward and not complicated at all.

Kloya translated it roughly as -


Yes, it was a question mark.

The body of elemental creatures in the material world is very weak, even almost non-existent, but their souls are relatively strong.

Although this is a second-level elemental creature, it has the IQ of a seven or eight-year-old child and can understand some of Kloya's simple instructions.

"Put you in the magic spring... Master Seagull said that he could feel the breath of sea water, which means there are still flaws.

It's better to leave this pure magic spring in the castle."

Kloya decided where it should go, and immediately took the box, stood up, and brought it to the room where the magic spring flowed.

The apprentice who was carrying a bucket of magic spring out of the house was surprised when he saw him, and hurriedly saluted respectfully: "Master, hello!"

"Yeah." Kloya glanced at him casually.

I vaguely remember that his name was Jamie, one of the three apprentices who brought him things at night, and now he has officially caught Kloya's eye.

The housekeeper is making up for their basic knowledge, at least they want them to read, write and do simple calculations - they really cherish this opportunity.

It is said that they have to write and draw on the beach every night by moonlight.

It's already night, and they are still fetching water for irrigation. It seems that they really take his words to heart.

Kloya likes such hard-working people. At least if they are given a chance, they will work hard to climb up.

As long as he can control it firmly, their efforts are equivalent to adding bricks and tiles to his territory, so naturally the more the better.

As he walked into the room, he asked casually: "How are the coconut trees being taken care of? How is the barley?"

Jamie immediately followed him with a bucket and replied: "They are growing quite well. The amount of barley has tripled, and all the bread in the castle is baked with it."

"That's not bad. Tomorrow you can take a basket of bread and give it to Elena's family." He ordered.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Croya nodded, walked to the spring, fiddled with it twice with his fingers, took out the magic spring pearl, and then stuffed the jellyfish in.

The jellyfish immediately burrowed into the spring after entering it. The speed of the originally flowing water slowed down a lot, but it became clearer to the naked eye.

He gently picked up a handful and tasted it, and found that the taste lacked the saltiness from the ocean and had a strange coolness.

"You are indeed right. Only such pure water will not contain magical flaws."

Looking down at the magic pearl in his hand, he hesitated for a moment and waved to Jamie: "Go, find a suitable spring outside the castle and put it in, and then let Rob build a house.

Let’s get all the water from there in the future!

Also, let Art take the people to clean up the place where the air coral was found in the back mountain. I am going to plant magic plants. "

Jamie looked at the pearl that Croya gave him with a look of disbelief on his face, trembling with excitement, and quickly knelt down: "Master Mentor, even if I pay for my life, I will definitely complete your order!"

"go a head."

What Croya wants to see is the results, not the promises and flattery that only say good things.

After placing the jellyfish, Croya returned to the laboratory and sorted out the soothing lily of the valley and the thick soil potato - they were all seedlings that had already sprouted. According to the Chamber of Commerce, they only needed to be planted in the magic field.

As for the choice of the magic field, it is the place where the air coral was discovered before.

The existence of the emerald green magic soil can ensure the basic rooting and sprouting, but the follow-up...

"After it sprouts, it will depend on my magic power."

He closed his eyes, put aside all the messy thoughts for the time being, and returned to his room.

The crescent moon fruit placed on the cabinet has begun to emit a light silver mist and the sound of surging waves.

He lay on the bed and quickly entered a meditative state - although there was no power of sunlight during the day, meditation was still rewarding.

Even though I feel comfortable now, I can’t give up on practicing. Maybe after a while, he can reach the level three mage.

Just like that, it soon came to the morning of the next day.

After he finished his breakfast, he waited for Knight Art to come with his people and ordered them to carry baskets containing lily of the valley and thick earth potatoes.

He himself held the box containing the magic field grape vines.

Ready to farm.

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