I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 52 52 The Legend of the Sky Ark (Please read on)

Chapter 52 52. The Legend of the Sky Ark (Seeking to Read More)

This staircase is paved with blue stones, and there are some magic lamps made of low-level magic crystals hanging on the walls on both sides.

The style is very popular, like a lantern, with a blue transparent magic crystal wrapped around a piece of bright light stone drawn with a magic array in the center.

The principle of luminescence should be to continuously stimulate the bright light stone through magic power, so that it emits white light.

It is a very simple structure. Cloya even took a look at it and felt that if he could disassemble and study it and replicate the magic array, he could do it.

"Is it this simple structure that is stable?"

He looked at the magic lamps hanging on both sides. If this place is really related to the wizard who traded with the mermaids, it has been at least two hundred years.

To be honest, it is very practical that such a simple structure can still work after two hundred years.

"Let's talk about it when it comes out..."

Forcibly resisting the idea of ​​breaking it off for research, Cloya continued to move forward.


Only his footsteps could be heard on the silent steps. It was normal that breathing in such an underground place would not be smooth, but strangely, he did not feel stuffy at all.

After about two minutes, he reached the end of the steps - a wall, which was completely the same as the surrounding stone walls.

Although it looked wrong, there was only a wall, and it was very smooth without any markings.

He felt around with his hands, but did not find any protruding mechanisms, and his magic sense did not find anything wrong.

"Well, it is not that easy to get in...but if it was left by the great wizard."

Kroya thought about it and took out the appointment letter from the Mage Association that he had been carrying with him from the shell.

Generally speaking, such places require a token to prove their identity, and he only had this to prove his identity.

The result was indeed like this.

When he took out the appointment letter, a glimmer of light flashed at the magic seal representing the Mage Association on the appointment letter, and it surged towards the wall.

Then, the wall in front of him quietly turned into a door, and with a "creak", the door opened directly.

Revealing the situation inside.

Inside was a room of about 100 square meters.

I don't know if there is any magic, the ceiling emits light like sunlight, and it feels a little warm when shining on the body.

The blue ceiling and white cloud patterns are slowly floating.

At first glance, it looks like blue sky and white clouds.

"It's quite beautiful, and it doesn't seem to have any traps."

Kloya walked in carefully and looked around - it was very empty here, with only a few tables and chairs.

The air was surprisingly fresh, without any smell of decay.

But to be honest, it was very different from the secret room full of treasures he imagined.

The only thing that stood out in the whole room was some exquisite utensils placed on the table, whether it was a beaker or a crystal bottle, they all looked magnificent.

"What material is it made of?"

He walked over to check and found that in addition to scattered beakers and crystal bottles on the table, there was also a handwritten booklet.

Well, there might be something in this booklet.

"Open it." Cloya took the earthworm out of his pocket and ordered.

"Chirp!" The earthworm certainly didn't dare to resist, and obediently opened the booklet, revealing the handwriting inside.

After confirming that it was not a magic weapon, Cloya leaned over to take a look and carefully identified the handwriting inside.

His face became more and more strange.

This is a research note, which seems to describe a very powerful ancient magic device. The person who wrote this note called it "Sky Yao Ark".

It is powered by the power of Sky Yao, and people living on it can get absolute blessings and can meet all material and spiritual needs.

"How can this description be like the Kingdom of God, with the Ark and the Gospel? It sounds like it is related to the Church."

He couldn't help but be curious and continued to read.

After investigation and research, the person who wrote this note felt that the Sky Yao Ark should have fallen into the sea, and it might have been taken away by mermaids.

So he came here to investigate in person. He traded with the mermaids and even used the Seven Stars Divine Array to help the mermaids filter and refine the essence of the water star.

During this period, he found a vein of empty star crystals from the mermaids. He thought it was a clue, but he was more disappointed after mining and research.

That was an ordinary empty star crystal.

This kind of crystal with sacred power can be used to make some special magic devices and cultivate magic plants. It has many uses.

But it is really useless to him.

He wrote in it angrily: The territory of my floating island can produce empty star crystals, but these stupid mermaids treat it as a treasure!

After three hundred years of nothing, he had to follow his mentor to the Star Council and had to leave.

According to his description, it would be difficult to return to this world, so he could only leave a booklet and let the later generations of the Mage Association continue to cooperate with the mermaids to find the empty star ark.

These utensils made of star crystals and a piece of star crystal ore on the table were regarded as gifts for later generations.

Normally the booklet should end here.

But there is more content behind it, and the handwriting has also changed, becoming a very beautiful but graceful cursive script, and each word is full of the charm of magic.

"Later, the matter of the Ark of the Sky is purely a legend and the fantasy of the bard. The transaction with the mermaids can continue, but do not indulge in it.

I have expelled the mark he left, and the crystal can be used at will."

At the end of these two lines of words, there is a name and a special magic mark. The name is Ilister, and the mark contains orderly divine power.

The two kinds of magic are clearly separated and do not interfere with each other. It is very similar to the form of the "Seven Stars Separation Technique" he learned, which should ensure that it is the legendary wizard himself.


Kroya really took a while to digest it before he could fully sort out the clues and relationships here-

This unknown wizard is Ilister's apprentice. He is looking for a treasure called the Ark of the Sky here, but he didn't find it. It seems that he has left a trap to harm later comers.

But the legendary wizard Ilister rushed over after discovering it, cleared the trap, and warned not to look for the Ark of the Sky.

In order to reassure the later comers, he even left his signature and the magic mark of order - to be honest, it really makes people feel at ease.

But what about the contract with the mermaids? Doesn't Ilister know, or are the two traps different?

Also, the question is, does the "Ark of the Sky" mentioned here really not exist?

He always felt that the Ark of the Sky was related to the strange platinum ring in the mushroom he had seen before, but that thing had nothing to do with the Ark of the Sky.

Thanks to the book friends 160522154750715, Sixu Fenfeifei, Baishi Lingse, Yiwu Qingcheng for their monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets of all the big guys.

I am here to ask for follow-up reading, thank you!

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