I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 6 The Wrong Mansion Scroll

Chapter 6 6. The Abnormal Mansion Scroll

Before coming here, Cloya actually had some expectations for the delicacies at the seaside - as long as the ingredients are fresh, it should not be easy to make seafood taste bad.

However, reality still gave him a heavy blow -

In order not to be fired and sent back, the cook used up all her life's skills to add spices that she thought were extremely "luxurious" to the sea cucumber and abalone soup.

The result is that the soup has a brown texture.

The strange taste mixed together is extremely stimulating. Those who don't know it would think it is a magic potion brewed by an alchemist.

Abalone and sea cucumbers are floating in it, looming like they are unwilling to close their eyes.

But the abalone and sea cucumber are very large, and there is a faint fluctuation of magic. Even those who don't know much about seafood can see that the quality of this thing is excellent.

It really feels like a waste of natural resources.

Cloya looked at it again and again, and finally took a sip.

As a result, the complex taste inside almost made him vomit. He could taste salt, black pepper, fennel...

There were more flavors that he couldn't understand.

As for the other dry-looking white bread... I always felt that it had weathered a little.

The only thing on the whole table was a plate of grilled salted fish, but the presentation of the salted fish was simply thrilling - the fish head was facing the sky, and it died with its eyes open.

He sighed deeply, silently covered his fingers with magic power, and began to process the coconut.

His silence, of course, the four knights and Robert followed in silence - the capital had long given up the cooking method of the more spices, the better, but it was unexpected that it was still the same here - you could tell what lethal amount was added.

But it happened that such a remote island village could put so many spices, which was indeed a treatment for entertaining the most distinguished people.

"Sir, do you want me to make some food?" Knight Art said respectfully, "I once learned how to handle seafood from a tavern owner."

The man who spoke had been with Kloya the longest. It can be said that he was the first squire knight after Kloya entered the Mage Tower. He started to be a mercenary at the age of eight and learned a lot from traveling around.

He also knew that the original owner would not swallow anything he didn't like.

Mage, they are always willful, this is their power.

"No need." Kloya shook his head: "Let's do it first. After dinner, have a good rest and find out all the situation on the island.

You can use all means when necessary."

He broke the coconut open. The flesh inside the coconut was crystal clear and tender, and the coconut juice was even more sweet and fragrant, which seemed to be different from the coconuts he had seen before.

He tasted the coconut juice.

The cool and thick sweetness immediately filled his mouth, sweeping away the heat and boredom in his heart, and it was quite memorable.

The most important thing is that there is magic in it!

The magic power is deeply hidden in the juice of the coconut, and even he couldn't feel it at the first time.

"This coconut... looks a bit like a pure white sea coconut."

No wonder it is white, he said it looked familiar, the original owner had seen it in the low-level magic plant illustrations before.

The homework he did before coming here is now effective, he was surprised: "Although this kind of coconut has not reached the level of magic plant, it will also spontaneously attract magic power, and long-term consumption has a very good bonus to the physique."

The most important thing is that after cultivation, this can become a magic plant pure white sea spirit coconut. If it can really become a magic plant, the nutrition of the juice in this coconut is even comparable to the milk of some second-level magic beasts.

Making coconut powder or boiling coconut oil has very good sales.

Robert keenly felt the business opportunities here.

He immediately stood up, not even eating, and said, "Sir, I will go and count how many coconut trees there are!"

The loyal butler has been worried about the resource output of the territory. If the resources are really not enough, it will be difficult to support the resources needed for Cloya's advancement.

It just so happens that Cloya's level represents the upper limit of what they can expect-only the higher Cloya's level, the higher their status will be.

If Cloya really reaches the level of a third-level or even fourth-level mage, returning to the capital will not be a problem.


"There is no need to be so anxious." Cloya ate the coconut meat slowly, "Since no one has discovered them for so long, then no one must know about it. Let Bartos do this.

You count again in private to see if what he reports is consistent with your statistics. If it is consistent... I will keep him to help me."

Cloya did not say the rest.

But if that guy concealed it intentionally or didn't count carefully, then his life would be counted down - the lord who has been here for so long can't even tell how many trees there are, no one would believe it if he told others.

"Okay." Robert agreed.

Then he and the four knights began to eat those dishes whose taste was hard to describe, while Kloya ate two coconuts clean, clapped his hands and got up to check his own residence.


His residence was the original residence of the lord, and it was also the largest room in the entire castle. It was very clean and tidy.

About 20 square meters of space.

Beds, bookcases, desks and other items are all available.

There was even a pot of coral-like flowers on the windowsill, which swayed gently with the sea breeze outside the window, and a crisp sound like a bell sounded.

"Not bad."

In fact, Kroya didn't have much expectation for this place, because the original owner had a "luxury house magic" scroll left by his grandfather.

The function was just to "decorate" the space within 40 square meters, and a first-level warning magic circle was also given.

It was a luxury for lazy mages.

The original owner had always kept it, but he would not worship it, and he had to use it when he needed to.

So he immediately spread out the scroll and put a magic crystal on it, thinking: He felt that the magic civilization here seemed a bit strange.

Even the carriage of a first-level mage could add spells such as space folding, and special spells such as luxury house magic, but the Mage Association in his memory was not so magical.

For a while, he was a little unsure about the real strength of the civilization here.

As he was thinking, the scroll in his hand had absorbed the power of the magic crystal, and gorgeous magic patterns unfolded from the scroll, extending like tentacles.

The surrounding decoration also changed dramatically in this halo -

The gorgeous star pattern replaced the stone ceiling, the floor was covered with soft blankets, and the bed, desk and bookcase became exquisite.

The most important thing is... there is a strange blue lamp hanging in the middle of the ceiling, and the light blue lamp oil is burning in the lamp.

When the lamp oil burns, it emits the fragrance of the third-level magic plant blue lavender essential oil that can make the mage fall into meditation better.

This scene immediately stunned Cloya.


Am I seeing it right? Isn't this a first-level mansion scroll? Why is there such a special service?

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